Steele’s Georgia preview

If you don’t want to lay out the money for the mag…

The good news is the PDF is easier to read than the mag print.

(And, yes, before anyone gets bent out of shape, I know Jacob Park is gone.  So does Steele – he usually prints an update on comings and goings at his blog before summer’s end.)


Filed under Georgia Football, Phil Steele Makes My Eyes Water

16 responses to “Steele’s Georgia preview

  1. John Denver is full of shit...

    Words are still being printed on paper?


    • 3rdandGrantham

      Funny—I had to fill out some insurance form the other day, and I felt like a Kindergartner trying to complete the damn thing. My handwriting looked like some sort of hieroglyphics dating back to 500 BC, and I was embarrassed to turn it in.

      I then realized that it was the first time I had to actually grip a pen in several weeks or longer, so I shrugged my shoulders and went about my business texting my grocery list into my smartphone, not caring about the notion that I basically can no longer write.


      • Dog in Fla

        Have you thought of using magnets?


      • PTC DAWG

        I send cards and thank you notes for this very reason, to keep my hand writing where it doesn’t embarass me.


        • 3rdandGrantham

          I should do that. When my own doctor grimaces at my handwriting, you know you’re in trouble.


      • Saxondawg

        That first happened to me a few years ago when we were buying a house. I had to sign my name about ninety times, and I had to focus each time because my wrist was saying, “What are we doing here? What is this slim plastic rod you’re making me hold, and why the frantic movements with it? It was very strange.


  2. DawgPhan

    one of my sons favorite bed time books.


  3. steve

    I had forgotten just how much data that resource gives. I even thought about feeling guilty for not buying it…..for a microsecond. Now…I’m all better. Does that old saying about a cow and milk apply here as well?


  4. CannonDawg

    “Talent-wise Georgia is one of the big boys in the SEC and are
    a legitimate SEC and National Title contender.”

    Yes, I’ll have another round. A cigar would be nice, also.


  5. None

    TY, SB. I r’lly enj’d r’ding th’t. S’ much info!

    G D!


  6. Macallanlover

    Our unit rankings are impressive, offense, defense and STs. If we can live up to those to about the 80th percentile, we will be in Atlanta. And if you compare our rankings to the West, we should be able to compete well with whomever emerges from that scrum. Good days ahead, the program has the talent and staff we need to make (most all of) us happy. Long way to go, roadblocks can arise in front of us, but you have to like the direction of this program…especially when you add what has happened since late December.


  7. The level of anticipation is at an all time HIGH! Dawgs going down in CF Hall of Fame History this Season. 🏈
