“Some people never have enemies…”

Andy Staples makes the historical case for Steve Spurrier being a first-class dick.  Okay, a sensitive first-class dick.

Of course, we already knew that.

And Spurrier deserves every bit of crap he’ll get thrown his way for yesterday’s presser, if only for allowing Mark Bradley to play the “hey, what did I do?” card.


Filed under The Evil Genius

56 responses to ““Some people never have enemies…”

  1. kckd

    I don’t think it was motivated by a strategic mind (not saying Steve isn’t good at strategy, but that that’s not where this came from), but I still think it’s gonna serve him well. It will get the fanbase behind him. It will give him something to use to motivate. Really, second to fifth in the East is there for anyone to take and if we screw things up like we have in the past, the whole enchilada. He may not have a Clowney on his roster, but they still recruited pretty well. I don’t think they are as bad as they looked last year and if a few more had gone their way, he would’ve won ten again. Mizzou, UTK and UK could’ve easily gone his way and he was right there to beat Auburn at the end as well. Get 3 of those and he’s got 10 wins again.


    • You really think the SC fan base had deserted Spurrier?


      • kckd

        No, but many had talked about him losing it over there on their boards. This is an emphatic way of saying, I’m right here to stay. I don’t necessarily think that’s why he did it, but it’s not gonna hurt him either. Really doesn’t matter what the rest of the country thinks as long as that fanbase is solidly behind him.


      • JCDAWG83

        If they had to push Spurrier out onto the field on a hospital bed hooked to a respirator, the chicken fan base would still be behind him. Hell, they hadn’t even gotten to a .500 record in over 100 years until a few seasons after he got there. He could be on the sideline drooling and crapping his pants and they would still love him.


        • Ben

          You know that’s not true; a fanbase will turn on their coach and their in a second. Surely you know that by now.


          • JCDAWG83

            You obviously don’t live near those people, they live in absolute fear of Spurrier leaving. They know he is the only thing that has made their football program relevant in over 100 years. Their fan base is a strange bunch to begin with, they do not behave like normal people. They realize now how delusional they were before he got there, they really thought they were an elite program even though they had never won a thing. When they won the East, you would have thought they won the Super bowl.

            Trust me, they will never turn on Spurrier.


            • PTC DAWG

              No doubt, he has taken them from a sub .500 team to a team that has won over 65% of their games under his watch. That is a huge jump in a state that is not laden with talent.

              That said, my neighbor was a punter at Carolina in the 60’s and he’s a pretty good predictor of the goings on there, he seems to think that SOS is grasping at straws. He still wants the guy around, but realizes that the best is probably behind him.


              • JCDAWG83

                Most of their fans know they probably peaked in the Clowney/Lattimore years. If Lattimore had been able to get in a full season, I think they might have won an SEC championship. But, alas, that ship has sailed. It will be another lifetime before two players of that stature come along at the same time and both go to SC at the same time. The state has a small population and Clemson is probably the bigger football draw in the state.

                I live in Augusta and know tons of chicken fans and alumni. They have backed off on the “this year we win it all” talk, but they still absolutely love having Spurrier.


        • 79Dawg

          They were crowing after the game last year about how it was his 200th win, like they had much to do with it, but shut up pretty fast when I asked why I didn’t see any SEC championship flags in the joint….


    • JCDAWG83

      If, if, if…If we give the ball to Gurley, Show up for Florida and don’t pooch kick, we go 12-0 last season and play in the SECCG. Spurrier’s presser was proof of the old saying “the hurt dog hollers”. He wouldn’t have said a word unless there was some truth in the articles about him getting old.


      • PTC DAWG

        If we had done one of these 3, namely give the ball to Gurley, we would have been the Dome. I think GT was legit last year…even still, with the mistakes we made , we could have won it..GT made their share of boneheaded mistakes too.


    • Bright Idea

      He called The State “our” paper. Another sign of being old. He thinks the local paper should be all Gamecock propaganda.


  2. Uglydawg

    kckd..you make some sobering points.
    A word to the wise…”Underestimate SOS at your own peril.”


  3. The OBS made Mark Bradley look like a sympathetic figure in the eyes of DawgNation? Say it ain’t so.


  4. dawgtired

    That was pretty a good damage control response by SOS. No doubt the Cocks and the SC fan base will be fired up. We better be ready for their best shot.


  5. kckd

    Senator, here’s what I found most interesting about the Staples article. The video at the bottom where they talk about S. Carolina’s chances in the East. Both of the guys in the video said the East is wide open. Can you ever recall a team being favored as heavily as UGA is this year and still get the media saying the division is wide open for the taking? Seems odd.


    • I think it’s just the culmination of what’s gone on the last two seasons. Georgia was the clear favorite in both ’13 and ’14 and couldn’t close the deal either year.


      • kckd

        I thought at the beginning at least SCU was a co favorite if not the overall fave last year. Maybe I’m remembering wrong.


        • You may be right about that, now that I think about it. But even that supports the perception that the favorite doesn’t win the East of late.


          • kckd

            But that’s sorta my point, if a bunch of guys voting perceive it to be wide open, why 4 out of 5 pick the same team to win it. And generally speaking, even if you don’t think the favourite will win, when they are that overwhelmingly picked, you generally don’t say it’s wide open. I honestly don’t think we’ve ever been picked to win the East at media days by such a wide margin. Not even in 2004.


      • JCDAWG83

        I would say Georgia’s failures over the past 5 years have done more to make SC relevant than their own successes. Had we won the games against them we have been favored in, they would be viewed a great deal less favorably. By letting them go 4-1 against us the past 5 years, I’m sure we have given Spurrier reason to believe he can win big at Chicken U.

        We need to stomp their throats this year, so does UT and Florida although I doubt Florida will have the tools to do it. A few embarrassing losses to East rivals will cause Spurrier to slink out of coaching. If we let him come to Athens and win another game we are favored in, he’ll be rejuvenated.


        • Sides

          Georgia’s failures….letting them go 4-1…If we let him come to Athens and win.

          I will say it again like I said it last year. Georgia is not more talented than SC. We recruit the same caliber of players from the same states. 5-10 years ago a lot of schools were more talented than SC but that is no longer the case.

          Honest question. Why is everyone so confident they will win the east and compete for an SEC and National Championship? Your defense will continue to improve (it needed to) but the offense will take a step back. Who is going to be Georgia’s QB? That is becoming a very important position in football. Is Chubb going to run the ball 40 times a game for 12-13 games?

          SC will be starting a highly recruited QB who broke all kinds of NC passing records 3 years ago. He has now been in the system for 2 years (redshirt and freshman year). There is also a highly recruited running QB to back him up. SC’s offense will be better than UGA’s. Will our D improve is the only question…


          • JCDAWG83

            QB is the least concerning position to me. We have three very capable qbs and Chubb is only one of four highly talented running backs, so don’t lose any sleep over Chubb being over worked. We are loaded at tight end, have a very experienced offensive line and capable wide receivers. I’m not concerned about our offense at all.

            Defense, on the other hand, has my concern. I have worries about our ability to stop a power running game. Unfortunately for you, that is not really going to be an offensive strength for the chickens this season.

            Our kicking and punting games are questions marks as well. I’m hoping we don’t have to rely on them to heavily.

            To address your “highly recruited qb who broke all kinds of NC passing records 3 years ago” all I’ll say is; he couldn’t beat out Dylan Thompson last season. Neither could your “highly recruited running QB”. You are correct, QB is an important position, but the qb has to have some other players around him. Other than Pharoh Cooper, I don’t see any real weapons on offense. The loss of Mike Davis is really going to hurt.

            I will say your coach is better than ours and is in our coach’s head. Georgia has better talent, whether you like to accept it or not, but SC has a better head coach.


            • Sides

              I don’t get the Dylan Thompson hate. I wasn’t his biggest fan but he deserved the starting job. The offense put up a lot of points last year (38 vs UGA) even though there were some questionable moments.

              If UGA has better talent than SC then defense shouldn’t be a problem. Pruitt is a very good coach.

              I am surprised by your QB confidence. Have any of these QB’s done anything noteworthy? It seems like an open QB competition with no standouts. OL and running game will be your offense next year. I guess your WR’s are capable but I haven’t seen anyone that impressive since AJ Green.


              • PTC DAWG

                I think Carolina could surprise some teams myself. Just because of SOS.


              • Your top returning passer is a wide receiver. At least the guy who is listed as #1 for us has actually played meaningful minutes at the position he was recruited to play.

                Your AJ Green comment is like saying Mississippi Valley State hasn’t had an impressive receiver since Jerry Rice. AJ Green is going to end up in the Hall of Fame someday with Rice and is the best receiver to wear the Red & Black. Where did he come from? Oh, yeah … Summerville, SC. Spurrier couldn’t keep him in state.


              • JCDAWG83

                I don’t hate Dylan Thompson, but he wasn’t in any danger of needing to clear his calendar for the Heisman ceremony or clear a space for his all conference award. I don’t think any team you faced last season was especially fearful of him.

                That SC put 38 on Georgia last year is part of the reason defense is my concern for this year. I think (hope) Pruitt is a good coach, time will tell how good. We have talent on defense, but not much in the way of size on the line compared to the offensive lines in the SEC. If Pruitt has solved the run defense issues, our defense will be pretty darn good this season.

                As to our QBs, I guess Ramsey beat a Louisville team with a top 10 rated defense in our bowl game, but he’s not my pick for the job. Two of them have been in the system, so it’s not like a true freshman coming in. Because neither one is standing out at this point doesn’t automatically mean neither of them is any good, it simply means no one has separated themselves from the rest, that could be a good thing. I went to a Spring practice and I can tell you both of them are more than capable. Personally, I like the dual threat that Bauta brings more than I like Ramsey’s arm strength. I haven’t seen the Virginia transfer, but he started for Virginia, was a four star out of high school and was recruited by Richt. He may not be the next Peyton Manning, but he seems to have the qualifications to be a legit college QB. All of them are more than capable of being good, not great, college QBs. With our running game and offensive line, if our QB can just throw enough to keep opponents defenses honest against the run, our offense should be fine.

                If Scott-Wesley is healthy, you’ll be impressed, same with Malcolm Mitchell at WR. We have one of the top signees in the country coming in at WR too along with some others who have been around a couple of years who have pretty good talent, so we won’t be totally bare in that department.

                I think the game will be a tough one and, again, I think you have the better coach. I simply disagree with your assessment that we are only going to be a hand it off to Chubb offense.


                • Sides

                  I didn’t realize Ramsey played against Louisville so I looked up the stats. 4/9 for 51 yards and an INT for a QBR of 39.3. I understand it was his first meaningful action but everyone here is talking SEC championship or bust. It may be tougher than everyone thinks to out-talent the SEC east.


                • JCDAWG83

                  My point was not that he has loads of game experience, it’s that he has actually played in live action, more than just the bowl game. As someone noted above, your best returning passer is a wide receiver, so you might want to be a bit more introspective (that means look at your own situation) when talking about a team having QB problems.

                  I think, and have told you, we have some issues, I don’t think our QB is going to be one of them.


          • Macallanlover

            Funny post right there, Sides. You represent the most delusional fan base well. Why don’t you ask our lead Negatron to come on over to the dark side and join you boys, he lives close to Columbia than Athens anyway. And he still thinks your HC is good, like he was was. He is more like an anchor now.


            • Sides

              Who is your lead Negatron? Why does our anchor of a coach keep beating you?


              • Macallanlover

                He didn’t play bonehead. And if you think one game decides who is better you are definitely at the right school, football is not SC’s forte. Your assessment of SC’s team for 2015 was enough of an indicator but you have solidified yourself as a lightweight. Ride that pony into the sunset Sides, just a broken down nag now. Maybe you can get Clowney or Garcia back to coach, they pretty much pushed old Stevie around and ran things their way. Funny program, but at least you and Vandy never give up.


  6. Gravidy

    I don’t like assholes, and hypocritical assholes with no sense of self awareness are a cut above the average garden variety asshole. The fact that Visor is whining like a three year old because someone said something to hurt his fee-fees is… ummm… let’s just call it “interesting”. I’ll never understand the fascination that some people have with him.


    • Gravidy

      When I wrote the comment above, I had only read the stories about the presser. I had not yet watched all eight minutes of the video. After doing so, I almost (ALMOST, I say) feel sorry for Visor. That was sad. Watching a 70 year old man call together a bunch of sycophants and read a list of his accomplishments off of a sheet of paper should have been beneath the dignity of someone as accomplished as he is.

      Also… I’m intrigued that Visor would call The State “our newspaper”. What must that be like?!? And what newspaper can Richt look at and call “our newspaper”? It certainly isn’t the AJC.


    • Bulldog Joe


      “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.”

      “If your opponent is temperamental, seek to irritate him.”

      Given his boasts about being a big fan of Sun Tzu’s “The Art Of War”, he is surprisingly temperamental and self-unaware.


      • AthensHomerDawg

        He was quoting Attila the Hun not Sun Tzu.
        Sometimes I wish a few GTPers would read Attila’s quotes. 😉


  7. Otto

    SOS Bradley’s comment were just another way to needle us UGA fans, well done sir well done


  8. AusDawg85

    Bradley is clearly panicked by being identified in the national media as a Georgia homer. Anyone care to guess which way his next article about UGA will twist?


  9. Lindsey Graham

    Breaking: Steve Spurrier leaves South Carolina… Assumes role as Donald Trump’s campaign manager


  10. Tim

    Everything to do with recruiting kids to come play at his school. I wouldn’t be surprised if Spurrier was telling recruits that Richt was on his way to the mission field next year either. Leaving out the part about that being a spring break trip…


  11. Scorpio Jones, III

    I’m giving Spurrier a break, here. Wake up, look in the mirror, see that 70-year-old face, think…”hmmm, the next oldest coach in the SEC is …ah…Oh yeah, Nick Saban…what’s he done?” Must be a little unnerving even to an ego the size of Steve’s.


  12. Beekerdawg

    This is just payback for what the gator staff said about the aging Bobby B. de ‘free shoes u’….


  13. CannonDawg

    Bill Stanfill still calls Spurrier “Stevie” and I think SOS’s childish tantrum gives all the more meaning to Stanfill’s moniker. Spurrier is a great coach, without question. And he will call a presser to emphasize that point if his feelings get a little squeezed. He’s a thin-skinned, arrogant jackass, and he can’t help himself. Can you imagine Bear Bryant ever doing something as silly as that presser? Or Vince Dooley (who Spurrier managed to slide in a dig at)? My first impression of his hissy-fit was to think his age is starting to make him a bit daft. But I think he’s correct about his age not being a factor. Stevie’s always been an asshole, young or old.


    • Goat Balls

      You’re right of course, but that presser shows me that he’s fired up and ready to fight everybody again this year. We should be so lucky for him to burn out and fade away considering his record against us.

      I am surprised at his level of GATA at his age. Hopefully Richt, Pruitt and Schottenhiemer can somehow outfox him this year. He might be a dick, but he’s a football genius dick.


      • AthensHomerDawg

        Richt is 5 and 5 with the OBS so this will be a tie breaker year. One of many.
        We are tied Ws and Ls with both The Barners and The Hillibillys this year.
        This is our year sports fans. 😉 CMR will be fired up too!
