“… Everybody has certain things they’re better at than others.”

Remember back in the day when a constant line of criticism about the way Mark Richt ran his program was that he was handling both head coach and offensive coordinator duties?  “Too much on his plate,” the grumbling went.  “Almost no other school does it,” the wise heads allowed.

Welp, would you believe at present there are thirty-two FBS head coaches who also handle coordinator duties?  Morons. Don’t they know any better?


Filed under College Football

14 responses to ““… Everybody has certain things they’re better at than others.”

  1. “Richt is spread too thin….he needs to let someone else call plays”
    “It’s great that Bobo will be calling plays now”
    “Bobo is an idiot”. ( repeat for several years)
    “Bobo is leaving…..what will we do?”
    “Richt is an idiot for letting Bobo leave”
    “Schotty is NFL…..he has no clue”
    To be continued…………

    Signed: The lunatic fringe.


    • JCDAWG83

      Actually, I think the last line should be:
      “Schotty is going to be great, he’s got NFL experience”

      Followed in a few years by:
      “Schotty is NFL…he has no clue”.


  2. JCDAWG83

    There is a term for the period where Richt called his own plays, it’s called; “The SEC Championship years”.


    • And there’s a term for the period when he didn’t: “Record setting offenses at Georgia”.

      Georgia hasn’t missed winning the conference because its offense has sucked.


      • JCDAWG83

        Just making the point that Richt did a pretty damn good job of running the offense and calling plays. Offense has never really been our problem, pre or post Bobo as OC. Defense and a running game wins championships.

        We can meet at BM and I’ll show you the SEC Championship trophies, you’ll have to show me where they keep the “Record seting offenses” trophies. Gaudy offensive stats are nice, but I like the championships better.


        • I’m not making the point that scoring trumps championships. I assume you know that.

          As far as Richt’s playcalling went, I’d call it good enough, rather than pretty damn good. That is, unless your idea of top-level offensive efficiency is attempting lots of field goals.


          • JCDAWG83

            Just giving you grief about the offensive numbers. I think those who made/make a big deal about Richt calling the plays/acting as OC were generally overreacting. If we can get a defense that can be dominant, our offense will be more than adequate, regardless of whether Richt has an OC calling the plays or he calls them.


            • I have no argument with that. I always thought that was Richt’s philosophy from the get-go, which makes the post-2005 defensive slide so surprising.


              • James Stephenson

                You will never change the Bobo detractors mind. I have a guy here at work who continues to say he knew every play coming. And I said, dude you should be a D-coordinator in the SEC then, because Bobo made those guys look silly. He still did not get it.


                • JCDAWG83

                  Bobo grew into the job and he got some better talent to work with after 2009. He was painfully predictable for his first few years, but learned a lot and really turned into a very good play caller. The offensive line play did not help Bobo either until about 2011. Bobo has to take some of the blame for that, he was the offensive “coordinator” and we did not sign near enough offensive linemen for a few years. The lack of numbers combined with some terrible luck with injuries and guys not panning out made our offensive line a weak point for a few years.

                  I know guys like your buddy at work too. They say the same thing and I think they are probably right about the early Bobo years, but he changed a lot as time went on.


              • JCDAWG83

                I think Richt lost some focus on the defense when he got Stafford, Moreno, AJ, etc and all the other fancy new “toys” on the offensive side. He might have thought he could outscore everybody as long as the defense was adequate. He kept Martinez around WAY too long, probably because they were friends and Richt is loyal to a fault. I, like most people, thought Grantham was going to be very good and he really wasn’t that bad for the first two years. The offense and special teams really put the defense behind the eight ball in quite a few games.

                If Pruitt can get the defense back to playing sound, fundamental defense and correct the run defense problem, we should be pretty good this season. I still think we lose 3 games, but we should be competitive in all of them.


                • I don’t know if it’s that, or if it’s that Richt simply wants a DC who he doesn’t have to micromanage. BVG filled the bill in that regard. WM didn’t, and it took a while – okay, too long – for Richt to react to that. Grantham was a mixed bag, dependent on experience for his defense to excel. Jury is still out on Pruitt, but I think you can argue we’ve at least seen a promising start.


                • AthensHomerDawg

                  Always room here at GTP for another football genius.

                  So how’s your fish recipe? I’ll share if you will?


    • PTC DAWG

      I call it “when UGA had a D years”……
