“He’s our starter right now…”

The Jeremy Johnson for Heisman campaign is juuuuust a little outside… right now.


Filed under Auburn's Cast of Thousands

29 responses to ““He’s our starter right now…”

  1. Biggus Rickus

    As I was watching the debacle unfold in the first half against LSU, my main question was, “Do they not have anyone else to play QB at all?”


  2. Scorpio Jones, III

    Cain’t stand it, am reminded of the Woerfull’s great story about Spurrier, when he yanked Danny…saying “Its not your fault Danny, its my fault for putting you out there.”

    Malzahn’s whole offense is predicated on the quarterback being able to execute the power spread and run the ball himself with some success.

    Johnson may be having some adjustment issues but he’s not alone. Gotta wonder if Gus’s ego got in the way of his eyes.


    • WarD Eagle

      “Malzahn’s whole offense is predicated on the quarterback being able to execute the power spread and run the ball himself with some success.”

      Chris Todd thinks you don’t know what you’re talking about.


      • SRQDawgs15

        I keep hearing that but those Auburn teams led by Chris Todd were 5-7 (’08) and 8-5 (’09). If you’re trying to prove this team can repeat one of those performances (specifically the ’08 season as that was Todd’s first year as your starter) then I’ll agree. Enjoy the season!


        • Biggus Rickus

          Wasn’t ’08 the last year of Tuberville?


          • SRQDawgs15

            Don’t know and don’t care to look it up. I do know that Chris Todd has been used as “proof” that Auburn/Gus doesn’t need a running QB to win but Chris’s record at Auburn was not exactly indicative of a NC run or a Heisman campaign. If it was just ’09 then fine, the ceiling can be 8-5 with a loss to the Dawgs. With that said, two things come to mine: 1) I know a few UGA fans who would think such a lofty goal means the fans don’t care and the coach should be fired and 2) you would think somebody might actually look into how Auburn performed with Todd at the helm before picking him to “prove” how good Johnson will be.


            • Biggus Rickus

              Auburn was 104th in total offense in 2008, 99th in passing, and that was Tuberville’s last year. In 2009, they were 16th in total offense, 13th in passing. They were also 17th in scoring. Their defense was 68th in total defense and 76th in scoring, so they went 8-5. I looked it up and found stats and stuff. You could have done that before dismissing the argument with won-loss record. The offense can work with a primarily passing QB, but the QB can’t play like crap, and it needs more talent at receiver than I’ve seen at Auburn so far this year. Malzahn SHOULD be criticized for either poor player evaluation or not developing players, but that’s a separate argument.


      • SRQDawgs15

        Lost to UGA both years as well


  3. Mike Cooley

    I feel kind of sorry for him. It’s not his fault his coaches said stupid things about him being a lot better than he really is or that Gus is such a d bag and is such a lightning rod. Then again, he hitched his wagon to the dirtiest program in college football


  4. The only reason this isn’t funnier is because it was so predictable.


  5. ASEF

    Fournette runs for 200 by HALFTIME and the story is JJ. Not Gus. Not Boom. JJ.

    Remember that recruits. It’s all about The Family until it’s all about you.


  6. ASEF

    Side note: Matthews going high on Fournette was one of the funniest things I have seen on a football field in a long timr. Looked like my 10 year old daughter trying to tackle my 14 year old son.


  7. W Cobb Dawg

    I, for one, have no complaints with JJ’s play.


  8. James Stephenson

    As much as people bitched about Lambert the first two weeks. He looked head and shoulders above what people perceived was the 2nd or 3rd best QB in the league coming into the season the first 2 weeks of the season. And more like the 2nd or 3rd best QB in the league Saturday night.


  9. Cojones

    “…change to better suit Johnson’s skill set.”

    Yeah. Like the one between the ears?


  10. JCDAWG83

    After Auburn’s preseason media love fest and the Heisman watch for JJ, an 8-4/7-5 season might make for a scorching hot seat for Gussy Boy.

    The Auburn bag man had better get busy and find another SEC East felon to come in and save the day.


  11. Cojones

    Hope they don’t let him play with that “magic” glove on when we play them.

    So much for the Muschamp improvement. I don’t think they talk to their players enough on the sidelines. They should be fully animated each time they talk to them also.

    At least they don’t have to keep repeating the instructions given during the games at FU : “Tackle the guys who DON’T have the same colored uniform.”. Yes, it has happened again this year, I was informed.


  12. Cojones

    Think Boom should talk to the players as a group on the sideline more to get them interested in the game. And Muschamp should be more animated when he does so.

    At least he probably doesn’t have to keep repeating the same thing each year like on the FU sideline: “Tackle the guys NOT wearing the same uniform.” Yep, I’m told they did it again this year. And he was holding on his own teammate.


    • Cojones

      How in hell does my previous post get wiped out after I exit by mistake and reappears after I return to gtp and retype?

      The Senator suspects I’m practicing my tautology.


  13. Uglydawg

    The showdown will be when Boom says, “screw it” and uses a couple of timeouts to help his defense. I suspect most coaches feel like timeouts belong to the offense.
    I hope it will be televised..although Gus seems to keep his negative emotions in pretty good check. Boom’s actually been doing a pretty good job of that too, for a change.
    Maybe it’ll all come out at one time and the whole sideline will come unglued.


  14. Hogbody Spradlin

    Blutarsky, +1 on the Bob Uecker.


    • Cojones

      Thanks for catching it. Now can appreciate the word I had a helluva time with trying to separate letters.

      Memories of early Atlanta TV broadcasts from Cracker Field and that catcher’s mitt for the Niekro (?) brothers’ and their knuckle balls (over 55 yrs ago).


  15. Bulldog Joe

    With Mississippi State, San Jose State, Kentucky, and Arkansas coming up, they have plenty of time to get their QB on track.

    But that defense, tho…


  16. Spike

    The Bagman is holding on line 2..


  17. AceDawg

    Rumor has it that in the Spring Muschamp and Malzahn called over some ladies and gentlemen of the night, and someone got a video of them they said would be posted online for all to see, unless… Malzahn took over defensive duties and Muschamp took over the offense. Thus rumor is the only possibility.
