“We grew a nation from three pillars, two words, and one heart. #BeatBama”

Georgia’s hype video for Saturday is entitled “The Storm”.


Given the approaching weather conditions, I’m not sure it would have been my first choice for a title, but the video kicks.


Filed under Georgia Football

27 responses to ““We grew a nation from three pillars, two words, and one heart. #BeatBama”

  1. Denver94

    Hey you got intellect in my hype…


  2. Best hype video since Awaken the Nation before LSU 2013


  3. DugLite

    That is some good stuff.


  4. Huntindawg

    You know I’m supposed to work today, right?


  5. OhioDawg

    “We’ve got a fire in our bellies, heating up a dream in our hearts.” – Love it!

    I had already watched this about five times before seeing it here, now I’ve watched it about five more times. CAN. NOT. WAIT. FOR. SATURDAY.


  6. WHAT WAS THE LINE ABOUT….”BETWEEN THESE HALLOWED HEDGES..”….just, freaking, wow. well done. well done.


  7. etdawg

    This. Who writes these things?


  8. GoooooooooooooooDawgs. Just win it.


  9. cbaxtercarter

    Here’s another great new one, this was in Atlanta Journal and Constitution yesterday, rocking anthem and amazing video http://music.blog.ajc.com/2015/10/01/dawg-nation-gets-new-anthem-with-the-bulldog-song/


    • PatinDC

      Great song. I went right over to ITunes and bought me a copy.

      Also loved seeing the red pants and white jerseys.(run Herschel) I think Chubb and Sony would rock that look. Would like to see it make a comeback every now and then.


  10. Rusty

    I think it’s perfectl


  11. Three pillars, two words, one heart and zero hours

    How much time does Nick have for an Alabama #BeatGeorgia hype video


  12. Heathbar09

    I think they were aware of the weather conditions when the video was made. Hence why there are multiple shots of rain drops. I liked it, it was a nice touch.


  13. Russ

    Holy shit, put me in! I’m ready to go, Coach!


  14. Mike Cooley

    Literally brought tears to my eyes. That takes some doing. Let’s beat those entitled crimson wearing bastards. There is no law that says we can’t be a great program instead of a good one. They are standing in our way.


  15. Comin' Down The Track

    Well, I am just not worth a fig at work today. #BeatBama


  16. AlphaDawg

    Love the content, but I found the voice annoying.


    • I know you. I remember bumping into you while walking into Chastain Park for a Bob Dylan concert. You were telling me you like his music but found his voice annoying. And then you asked where we were sitting. Yeah, I lied when I told you where. 😉


  17. AusDawg85

    3 Pillars, 2 Words, 1 Heart.

    I want the t-shirt. And the bumper sticker. And the hat…can’t forget the hat.


  18. Saxondawg

    This is just me, but the overwrought Walt Whitmanesque poetry has gotten out of control. Some of it is fine: “3 Pillars…” But “within this secret garden between these ancient hedges.” C’mon. It’s football. I’m a word guy, but they need to trust the pictures to tell the story a little better, assisted by the right musical choices (which they’ve done) and ease back on the verbal kitsch. Now you can lynch me.


  19. Mike Cooley

    No I can see that, Saxon. I enjoyed it but I agree that little bit goes a long way when they try to elevate it to the philosophical.


    • Saxondawg

      Thanks, Mike. Glad it’s not me. I’ve produced a very small amount of video (way back) and I realized at the time that this ain’t radio anymore. It’s a visual medium. Pictures + music are plenty of sensory info. Don’t overload it with a lot of bombastic prose. In writing fiction, we say, “Show me don’t tell me.” This is the same thing–build my excitement with images, without getting in my face and shouting for me to get excited.”
