Moar hate

Hey, it’s not just me using the word.

“As a defensive player you can’t really get up and get excited to play a team like Georgia Tech,” Jenkins said. “That offense sucks for you. There’s a chance you might get hurt. There’s a chance you’re going to be bruised up, banged up afterward. It’s not a type of offense you get excited to play. That’s why it attributes to the hate a lot of Georgia players have for Tech.”

I attribute it too, Jordan.  GATA.


Filed under Georgia Football, Georgia Tech Football

21 responses to “Moar hate

  1. Cojones

    Is it a penalty if you jump straight up as the block is being laid and come down on the would-be tackler? If so, I say take three or four penalties at the game’s beginning such that the tacklers know there is a price to pay if you try it.


  2. Jordan tells the truth. #nerds.


  3. hassan

    They better get up and get excited for this game!! That has been our problem in a lot of games where we under perform.


  4. JT (the other one)

    Hate simply isn’t a strong enough word for how I feel about those people this week…


  5. Rival

    Thinking about trekking on down Saturday to that high school stadium near the Varsity and grabbing some tickets before kickoff. I imagine there will be lots of tickets outside the gates. Any pointers for a guy who hasn’t done that down at Mark Richt Field for a while?


    • AthensHomerDawg

      If you’re at the Varsity your certainly at the right place. I think they moved all the scalpers off campus. The closer to game time the easier it is to get tickets for nothing. I’d say anywhere between 5 and 20 bucks… just hold your hand up. And have your cash in your pocket not in your wallet. Don’t get your wallet out.


  6. More disappointing news: Schottenheimer, inexplicably, didn’t make the list of finalists for the Broyles Award.


  7. Tronan

    When I was in high school, there were a couple of obnoxious nerds in my class who were vocal Tech fans (and, in fact, wound up attending Tech). After the ’84 game, which Tech won, they boasted about slashing the tires on cars with UGA stickers. That really stuck with me over the years. Even before I chose UGA, people like that (and the lack of feminine pulchritude in the North Avenue area) made it a forgone conclusion I wouldn’t choose Tech. I have friends who went to Tech and aren’t weasels, but I’ve met many others who sure seem to be.


    • My best buddy in high school’s dad was a admin at Yech. My buddy was a fan of the teams but had no desire to go to school there. He took a campus visit to please Pops and I went along. The entire visit consisted of some nerd taking us back to his dorm room where we sat and watched he and his buddies play video games for an hour. That was fun. I went to the game at the joke by Coke with him the year I think it was Verron Haynes started at RB due to injuries and ran all over them. I drove so I made him listen to the Georgia post game show the whole way home. Ahh. To be young again.


    • Uglydawg

      (and the lack of feminine pulchritude…) ? They”ve changed what it’s called again?


  8. Hogbody Spradlin

    Make ’em pay.


  9. Dawg Vegas

    I hate Tech.


  10. Payton Willis

    Reflection of his coaching under Richt. Lack of motivation. Typical…


  11. Spike

    Per Athens Dog.. It’s tech. Not Tech.
