The ultimate way to reduce football injuries

Normally I take a pass on April Fools Day humor, but this is too inspired to ignore.

Could be a real game changer in recruiting, too.



Filed under It's All Just Made Up And Flagellant, Science Marches Onward

7 responses to “The ultimate way to reduce football injuries

  1. Timphd

    Who knew the Ivy League had a sense of humor? Not bad except I thought the NCAA in their wisdom had ruled the MVP to be against the rules.


  2. I nominate her for the next SEC network sideline girl. She and Tiny Tears, the GPOOE ™, would make quite the pair.


  3. Big Shock

    Being Dartmouth, there’s only about a 50% chance that it’s an April Fools joke.


  4. rocksalt

    “That’s not funny”


  5. Debby Balcer

    Loved this. I hope the NCAA reconsiders the ban on the MVP it is a great concept.


  6. Otto

    “That’s what I’m talking about!!!” ~ Roger Goodell
