Together, at last!

Days like today I sincerely regret never polishing my mad Photoshop skillz, ’cause this story is just begging for a buddy movie poster.

Hours after the NCAA rescinded a ban on satellite camps Thursday, both UGA coach Kirby Smart and Michigan’s Jim Harbaughagreed to deal to work together at a camp in the Atlanta area on June 2. They’ll be coaching and evaluating high school kids on the same field.

It’s an interesting arrangement after Harbaugh fired a shot “at the Georgia coach” about satellite camps a few months ago on Twitter.

Cedar Grove High School coach Jimmy Smith, the host of the June camp, explained to DawgNation on Thursday night about how it all went down.

“Once I found out the NCAA changed the rule, I called (Smart) and he said, ‘I’m down with coming,’” Smith said.

“Coach Harbaugh had told me from the beginning that it was my camp … so he didn’t care who else came. I didn’t know how to handle that, because it is my camp. But it is Coach Harbaugh.

“So I contacted him. I felt like it was out of respect that I let him know that I wanted Georgia to come to camp also. Coach Harbaugh said, ‘Yes, that’s fine. Let’s all work the camp, and let’s coach these kids up.’”

Will Harbaugh and Smart be able to get along on the same field for one day? Smith, who was aware of the backstory between the two coaches, just laughed when asked.

“I don’t know,” Smith said. “I guess they get along. We’ll see when they get here. I hope they are friends. If they’re not, I’ll get them each some football pads and let them go from there.”

It’s a smart move on both coaches’ part.  Kirby’s presence nullifies to some extent Harbaugh’s novelty, while Harbaugh gets to use the camp as another occasion to paint the SEC and every other conference that originally voted for the satellite camp ban as a bunch of ninnies who overreacted (not that he’s wrong about that).  My bet is that both of them are shrewd enough to manage to paint themselves as coaches above the fray, or at least whatever the media will try to paint as a fray.

“That whole thing got so overblown,” Smart said. “Because he and I, he and staff members from his staff had communicated. That’s a big deal to the media, big deal to you guys. But in the coaching profession we’re a bit more lighthearted about it.”

But the attention for the camp itself is great.  My bet is Jimmy Smith is pinching himself this morning over his good fortune.  And I hope that good fortune spreads to a few kids who get more exposure than they were expecting.

Anyhoo, this is the only poster I got.


Filed under Georgia Football, Heard About Harbaugh?, Recruiting

25 responses to “Together, at last!

  1. The pot Harbaugh decided to stir was about Michigan’s spring break at IMG not about satellite camps. All Kirby said was he thought the IMG thing was something the NCAA should deal with, and the Michigan idiot blew it up into a big deal to get publicity. Kirby said he had a plan to deal with camps and seems to be executing on it with the NCAA’s reversal. Good for him and good for the kids!


  2. Puffdawg

    No way Evil Kirby is behind this, right? Right?


  3. MGW

    Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!


  4. MLB2

    Bluto, you should promote DiF to head of photo shopping at GTP.


    • Cojones

      I’ll second that and bring the cookies. Maybe an off-subject photo of thresher shark activity off Diego Garcia as an intro?


      • Dog in Fla

        Worst liberty ever

        “In October and November of 1971, Detachment CHAGOS of NMCB 71 and the whole of NMCB 1 arrived, marking the beginning of large-scale construction. NMCB 1 built the transmitter and receiver buildings and placed the base course for the permanent runway and parking apron. In July 1972, NMCB 62 relieved NMCB-1 and took over the departing battalion’s projects. On 25 December the first C-141J transport landed on the newly completed 6,000 foot runway with the Bob Hope Christmas” Dog and Pony Show


  5. Cojones

    There hasn’t been a “togetherness” of a Southerner and a Yankee on the same field near Atlanta since Sherman came to town.

    Coach Smith deserves accolades for fixin’ this up. Today: Cedar Grove, tomorrow: College Football Commissioner.

    Are any Michigan recruits worth stealing?


  6. I don’t even know what is going on anymore. Yesterday was maybe the weirdest day in college football ever. Is it only coincidence that this stuff on Bama and Ole Miss comes to light on draft day AND the same day the camp deal is overturned?? Someone is out to get the SEC.

    Now Kirby is teaming up with Harbaugh?!?


  7. dawgtired

    “There hasn’t been a “togetherness” of a Southerner and a Yankee on the same field near Atlanta since Sherman came to town.”

    …and Atlanta burned!

    Seriously, I see this a good thing for us. We come off looking like class after all this attention this issue received. I don’t know if we will actually ‘steal’ recruits and I’m sure Harbaugh will get his few but it will be negligible…and we get heightened attention 70 miles from campus.


  8. Daniel Simpson Day

    I don’t know about y’all, but I’d pay good money to see Kirby and Harbaugh put on the pads and do a few Oklahoma’s.


  9. Cousin Eddie

    Nobody invited Fish Fry? and he is “local”


  10. Russ

    Finally! Somebody thought of the children!


  11. old dog

    at least Harbaugh is coming to Georgia…our turf…you don’t see any teams looking to head to Michigan, do you? Kirby should go ahead and get a camp or two in Southern California and step on USC/UCLA ‘s turf… 😉


  12. Normaltown Mike

    I like that it’s Cedar Grove. As I recall, Auburn used to get some kids from there that we never had a chance with.


  13. Are they even friends? I have a feeling this will be as much about Kirby keeping tabs as anything.


  14. W Cobb Dawg

    Is Kirby taking the helicopter?


  15. RugbyDawg79

    I think this paints us in a good light – and we do have something in common – a dislike for Urban Crier


  16. 202dawg

    Somebody, ANYBODY, please make a Step Brothers poster with these guys on it…
