Hands on, baby.

It sounds like the Georgia sideline is gonna be a little more crowded this year.

[Mel] Tucker is also expected to be on the field during games. As for offensive coordinator Jim Chaney, Smart said the coaches haven’t discussed that yet, but added that Chaney would also probably be on the field.

Both coordinators, Smart and a host of support staffers – hell, they may need one just to direct traffic on game day – should make for a cozy arrangement.  I wonder if they’ll have room for Pittman.


Filed under Georgia Football

13 responses to “Hands on, baby.

  1. dubyadee

    Fat joke for the win.


  2. Russ

    Who’s the “get back” coach?


  3. 92 grad

    Have they figu out secure wireless communication yet? There’s got to be an equal number of “cable boys” there too, otherwise it’ll turn into a rats nest quick.


  4. Macallanlover

    I know Little Nicky kept Junior close by at Bama but I don’t see how that visual from the press box can’t be an edge for the guy calling plays and looking for opportunities to exploit. Sure, you need a guy that can handle and organize the players on the sideline but that be simple with all the position coaches and Smart. I would always want my OC, if he is the play caller, up top unless he is so intimidating a figure up close that no one dare make a mistake.


    • I Wanna Red Cup

      If our coaches box is going to be like Bama’s there will be about 15 analysts up there, each one assigned to a different position group and overall view of the opposing D. No worries.


  5. Excuse me but all these coaches on the sideline will mean they have to stand sideways.


  6. W Cobb Dawg

    As long as we don’t have guys following coaches with towels over their heads, I’m cool with it.


  7. sniffer

    Tucker AND Rocker on the sidelines? Does Tucker play good cop to Rocker’s bad cop? And, might I add, Smart ain’t no shrinking violet on the sidelines.


  8. AusDawg85

    How many will dance to Soulja Boy?


  9. The support staffers part may have been a joke – but serious question: would they be allowed on the sideline? In other words, is there a restriction as to who can and cannot be on the sideline from a staff perspective?

    I know Bama keeps many of their quality analysts in the booth to have a wider view of the field.
