There goes the Eason for Heisman talk.

Tom Luginbill states the obvious like it’s not obvious.

“If you go back and actually watch Georgia’s spring game and you watch all the plays in which Jacob Eason was blitzed, where he was confused and you watch the result of the play, there’s a lot of cause for concern,” Luginbill told The Out of Bounds Show on ESPN 105.9. “What we saw with the highlights, whether it was the SEC Network or on SportsCenter, was a handful of plays where everything was base (defense), it was tailor-made cover-2, cover-3, no pressure, know where to go with the ball, nothing changes post-snap and you look like a superhero.”

Kinda like you’d expect from any talented early-enrollee freshman quarterback playing in his fifteenth college scrimmage, no?

I can see why they pay Luginbill the big bucks.


Filed under Georgia Football, Media Punditry/Foibles

22 responses to “There goes the Eason for Heisman talk.

  1. LOL. I guess there should be a top ten of too early list candidates for Heisman.


  2. I think he was just trying to bring the discussion back to reality. Any of us who watched the scrimmage saw that he would have been sacked a few times if everything was live. The O Line better be solid, regardless of who’s behind the wheel (so to speak).


    • Reinmart

      I agree. They Eason starting hype is already at fever pitch. I think UGA fans need a heavy dose of reality RE; starting a true FR QB.


  3. The Quincy Carter of Accountants



  4. Go Dawgs!

    Judging from conversations with our fellow Bulldogs, it’s not as obvious as you may think. And, obvious or not it’s still a good reminder that we need to take the occasional deep breath amid all the summertime Dawgporn.


    • Eh, maybe, although I’d say that the fans I’ve discussed Eason with are pretty clear-headed about what he brings to the table prior to playing in a single college game.


      • Cosmic Dawg

        I hope so. It’s not so much a case of “rooting for the backup” as knowing we have the #1 quarterback prospect in the country as an early enrollee competing with the weakest returning quarterback corps in memory.

        Whatever we think of G-Day, he had poise and did what was expected.

        I will be just as happy to learn Lambert or Ramsey started clicking and won the job.


      • Russ

        All that clear-headed reason goes out the window the first time Lambert throws at a receiver’s feet or Ramsey throws a pick.


  5. Macallanlover

    Lugenbill should know about blown up Heisman dreams as well as anyone I suppose. I also feel the vast majority of UGA fans fully understand the learning curve of true freshmen QBs. That doesn’t mean there shouldn’t be excitement about the future from Eason’s potential, and you cannot get the full experience on the sideline. Wading in versus throwing him off the boat dock is preferred but this year doesn’t look like a championship one anyway so I will trust the coaches to decide when to begin, and at what pace to proceed.


  6. Cojones

    No responsible sports writer would make such observations of any player based on Spring games where he is not tackled to the ground. If you watched the film, you can see him curl up anticipating the touch, not the tackle, after three D players broke through. He wasn’t supposed to run to the rear in that game and lose yards during the tackle.

    There is no reason to believe that Jacob will shy away from a hit anymore than Aaron Murray. That Dawg could take a hit and keep on tickin’ and so will Jacob. Just like they have and will belie their Old Testament names.


  7. W Cobb Dawg

    All Eason needs is enough arm to make the D pay when they load the box on Chubb & Michel. That and minimize mistakes. He doesn’t need to take the team on his shoulders. We’re already in better shape at QB than all but 1 sec east team.


  8. Sh3rl0ck

    Not to be pedantic, but it was only his 3rd scrimmage in a series of 15 total collegiate practice session. You are giving him way to much experience.


  9. Reinmart

    I would add that there are no YouTube videos of Lambert’s or Ramsey’s completions ONLY. That video could certainly skew the reality of where Eason is at this stage of development.


  10. TMC DAWG

    Smart has said all along, the guy that gives us the best chance to win will play. If that’s not Eason then I don’t know who is.


  11. shane#1

    Matt was a higher ranked QB than Jacob and it took Matt more than half a season to get his footing in SEC competition. Eason does have some advantages that Matt didn’t have. Thomas Brown had his knee injury, Sean Bailey missed the whole season and Lumpkin was banged up. IMO Eason is a weapon that must be used, but used wisely. I would have some plays drawn up for Jacob, but would prolly start Lambert.


  12. Will Chubb be on that Heisman train?


  13. stoopnagle

    Stoopid techie.
