Once again, mistakes were made.

Art Briles and Baylor formerly part ways (Briles no doubt with a nice check in his pocket) and in so doing issue a statement deploring what happened – passively, of course.

“Both parties acknowledge that there were serious shortcomings in the response to reports of sexual violence by some student-athletes, including deficiencies in University processes and the delegation of disciplinary responsibilities with the football program,” the news release said. “Baylor is addressing these shortcomings and making ongoing improvements.

“There were serious shortcomings” sounds so much more genteel than “the people who are issuing this statement seriously fucked up”, don’t you think?


Filed under Baylor Is Sensitive To Women's Issues, Crime and Punishment

3 responses to “Once again, mistakes were made.

  1. Looks like their doing better though than ADGM and his condoms, LOL.


  2. Hogbody Spradlin

    Ahh, the passive aggressive exonerative tense. Works in so many places.


  3. Russ

    The rehabilitation of Briles begins. Auburn approves of this message.
