Envy and jealousy, American Pie edition

If you, like me, think the NCAA’s evolving defense of amateurism amounts to strained, absurd bullshit, then you’ll want to read every word of this unsparing tour de force.  I can only tip my cap to the man’s sarcasm.

And, yeah, of course they’re gonna lobby after they get their ass kicked in court.  What choice do they have?


Filed under Envy and Jealousy

11 responses to “Envy and jealousy, American Pie edition

  1. AusDawg85

    Another morning, another tired post from the Senator about the plight of college football players. Why do you hate Kirby? If the players don’t want to repeatedly hit their heads against one another in 5-a-day drills, they should just stay at their jobs at Taco Bell and not aspire to go to college on someone else’s nickle. Please get back to posting voluntary workout QBR ratings and stop this pointless ranting.


    • David K

      Get back to us when you’re part of a highly specialized workforce which generates billions of dollars, and that only you an a small percentage of people are qualified for. And the people running said workforce are jumping through every hoop imaginable to squeeze every cent out of it they can with not a single interest at heart other than making more money for themselves and keeping it from you.


  2. The other Doug

    “They’re not amateurs they are student athletes”.

    Perhaps the NCAA should do away with the letter of intent and have the kids sign apprenticeship agreements.


  3. Macallanlover

    It is such a grind, amazing how it was ever seen as a good way to prepare for life, or their life’s work…for free. Poor babies. Bet those who work in cafeterias, or holding down a PT job in town are thankful they don’t get strapped with a free ride.

    Only good thing is when we tear this modern day form of slavery down, we can let those who might appreciate it take their place and watch those who want to play in development leagues take it to the markets. I will have more football to watch, and those who feel they have been stepped on can be happy. Everybody gets what they want and is happy.


  4. 69Dawg

    I find it amusing that there are fans that really wish that the schools would just let those players that qualify under regular admission standards play. It’s called Division 3 football and there is a reason ESPN only shows the championship playoff game. The Ivy League used to be the best football conference in the land when the world was young and football was just a game played by college students. The Ivy League decided to not succumb to the lure of big time college football and for that they became a mere shadow of their former selves. Universities are in it for the money. They could care less if the “student athlete” learns anything of value for his toil. It takes a ruling body to put lipstick on the pig of the “student athlete fantasy” by requiring that the “student athlete” actually goes to class and takes some subjects, even if the subject is underwater basket weaving. Until the courts or congress end the fantasy we will have our game so relax and enjoy it.


    • Macallanlover

      Glad you think it is amusing. As long as it is competitive, I don’t care if they run a 4.3 forty, or a 4.9, or their vertical is 44 or 36. And when you take out the majority of the 4 and 5 stars, there is plenty of athletes left that love the game….and that ain’t Division 3, not even close. How many guys get drafted? Multiply that by two or three and take them out, still lots of good football. And that isn’t more than a handful per team. Some good athletes will still want the degree as a backup, and the development league won’t be more than 8-10 teams. The campuses will be better off for it, and the drama for fans won’t be missed. You have your preferences, I have mine.


      • Sherlock

        I agree with every work, Mac. Anyone that is concerned about the “quality of play” for a game that only includes legit college students should just go watch the NFL. The only disadvantage of requiring all athletes to meet the normal standards for admission is that the Fulmer Cup would be a lot less interesting, but that, in of itself, is an advantage.


  5. Sherlock

    This is a reminder that the majority of college football players on scholarship have absolutely no business attending those Universities. There are players on our team that scored less than 800 on the SAT. The easiest solution to all of this is to require all scholarship athletes to obtain admission on academic qualifications only. Force the NFL and NBA to set up proper development leagues just like every other major sport.
