Loran, whatta ya’ got broken?

Is there a more Loran Smith injury than this?

A key Georgia Bulldog has been sidelined this week — at least.

Loran Smith, a legendary figure who wears a bunch of different hats for the UGA Athletic Association, was injured while watching practice on Monday. Smith suffered a broken hip and a fractured elbow when run over by two players flying out of bounds. He underwent surgery on Tuesday at Piedmont Athens Regional Hospital.

Smith, who turned 80 in May, is said to be resting comfortably.

“Loran told me to tell y’all it was an upper extremity injury,” Georgia coach Kirby Smart quipped.

Honestly, I’m surprised it’s taken this long to happen.  (And, yes, kudos for once to whatever AJ-C editor decided to caption the story “Breaking News”.  Every once in a while, you have your moment.)

Get well soon, Mr. Smith.


Filed under Georgia Football, The Body Is A Temple

27 responses to “Loran, whatta ya’ got broken?

  1. Spike

    Agreed! Get well soon! Us old school Dawgs will miss you!


  2. PharmDawg

    Thank you Lord Shiva, Lord Vishnu, and Lord Ganesh! I’ve been praying for something like this to happen since 1973! Of course, I always hoped it would be Munson dispatching Loran in a “fishing accident” a la Fredo Corleone, but I’ll take what I can get.


    • Macallanlover

      Sorry but your post is crap. I have never been a big fan of the style either but Loran is DGD, and has been for decades; lives and breathes the Red and Black. If you have personal ill will against him, keep it to yourself. Not much difference between your post than that we see on Stingtalk when Munson or an Uga dies. Probably thought you were being cute, but it is offensive. Sign of the times, imo. Not a good thing for an 80 year old to take a hit like this, serious business.


    • PTC DAWG

      Stay classy, and off this board with shit like this. Uncalled for.


    • 1smartdude

      Damn, just Damn. Realizing this is serious for anyone at that age would go a long way having the proper context. Best wishes for a DGD.


    • Whiskeydawg

      What a shame you feel that way, Pharm. Loran has always had such nice things to say about you.


    • The Dawg abides

      Man, last year you trashed Stetson Bennett and his family because of some deep seeded class envy issues from your pharmacy school days. Now this about Loran. Do pharmacists take any kind of oath? You seem to be a bitter, pathetic little person and a fucking grade A douche. Just go away.


  3. Jared S.

    He’s only 80?????

    Liked by 1 person

  4. AutomaticDawg

    Somebody (I’m looking at you Charles Grant) please send Loran some boiled peanuts while he’s in recovery.


  5. TomReagan

    It’s great that he and others have a good attitude about it, but a broken hip at 80 is serious business. Praying for a strong recovery. One of the all time great Dawgs.


  6. Man, I really hate to see this. For people 80+, when they take a major physical trauma like that, it’s often times the beginning of an irreversible downhill slide. Seen too many people fall and break a hip, then are gone within a year after that. Hopefully Loran can beat those odds.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. mwo

    IIRC Loran was the all time leading rusher out of Johnson County until some kid named Herschel came around.


    • Gaskilldawg

      Maybe so, but Freddie Layton is the greatest player ever to come out of Wrightsville. At least that is what Freddie Layton said.


  8. Sanford222view

    Hopefully he is getting plenty of pickle juice and boiled peanuts to speed his recovery!

    Get well soon, Loran! #DGD


    • Tlkdawg

      My 85 year old Aunt in SC swears that pickle juice is the answer to everything that ails you. She just retired from fulltime work this summer, because she didn’t like the new boss! Maybe they’re onto something


  9. I wish I could have interviewed him right after it happened.


  10. Napoleon BonerFart

    With Loran sidelined (heh) who’s going to interview the one-time backup on the 1952 football team, now insurance agent from Toccoa?


    • Otto

      Good question lol. I miss Munson bringing Loran into the conversation with some random story when you’re wanting to know some crucial information. It is kind of amusing now. Sitting in the stands with a Walkman or on the back porch listening to the 2 of them on a Saturday brings back memories. Hope he has a full recovery and gets to be interviewed in SanFran this January.


  11. W Cobb Dawg

    Feel terrible for Loran. He’s an institution. A walking, talking Bulldog history book, and a great goodwill ambassador. The elbow injury might not be a big deal. But the broken hip and losing mobility, that’s really a shame. Let’s hope he fully recovers.


  12. No Axe to Grind

    Damn! Only 80?


  13. Matthew McKinney

    Thank you, Senator, for using the correct form of Munson’s catchphrase. I get really pedantic when people quote, “Whatta ya got, Loran?”
