“Hi, Mahmoud. First time caller, long time listener….”

I gotta say, it’s not every day you see a tweet like this one.

It’s only a matter of time before Harbaugh schedules a camp in Tehran, right?


Filed under Heard About Harbaugh?, Social Media Is The Devil's Playground

28 responses to ““Hi, Mahmoud. First time caller, long time listener….”

  1. 81Dog

    “The infidels from Columbus must be beaten into submission, insha Allah! Death to America! Go Blue”


  2. Bulldog Joe

    Is this our ‘Playpen’, Senator? 😉


  3. ChiliDawg

    He is seriously a very interesting Twitter follow. If he weren’t verified there’s no way I’d believe it’s actually him.


  4. 69Dawg

    Hey Senator way to get on the NSA’s watch list!


  5. John Denver is full of shit...

    “Aloha Snackbar” -UofM


  6. Derek

    Meyer or Mahmoud? You decide!


    • Navin Johnson

      This time of year, about 10 years ago, I took my then very young daughters to Washington Farms to buy pumpkins. One of the attractions (in addition to the corn maze, hay rides, pig races, etc), was an air-powered potato cannon. There were two targets: Osama bin Laden, and a Gator.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Bulldog Joe

    Wow. Even the Iranians have given up on Georgia Tech.


  8. Scuba

    Daily reader longtime lurker very infrequent poster. Still recovering from sunburn during last Saturdays cluster in Death Valley. Not even Baghdad Bob if he was still alive could have made our play selection sound good. I thought there would be nothing funny in college football this week. Just another reason to check this blog ( my favorite UGA football site ) more than just first thing in the morning every day. If that post was legit it could not have been hurled at a better conference. If not is was still extremely funny.


  9. Argondawg

    That is a pretty awesome tweet. I have my doubts about whether Allah wills Harbaugh on to victory.


  10. JFC, this thread is about an hour from going off the rails.


  11. Uglydawg

    I don’t think tossing around the ole pigskin will go over real well in Tehran.


  12. Trbodawg

    I’d like to believe that since the implementation of the “PlayPen,” certain posters know they will have an outlet for their particular flavour of vitriol and can take/leave posts like these as they were intended. YMMV


  13. Harold Miller

    “Hail to the Victors” echoing from the minarets as I write this.
