Throw Damon under the bus, a continuing series

Now it’s Evans’ predecessor throwing shade.

“It is also abundantly clear that the instability and void in leadership that was created by my abrupt departure led to a serious lack of institutional control,” Anderson said. “It is my sincere belief that the instability within the athletic department that began in September 2017 led to the devastating tragedy in May 2018. How the University leadership has handled the events of this past year will have a lasting effect on this University for years to come.”

… Anderson said he made note in the performance review of then-executive athletic director Evans — who eventually took over as acting athletic director before being promoted to a permanent job in late June — that Evans was negligent in his overseeing the football program.

Sure, Anderson’s got an axe to grind with the school because of his dismissal, but if you’re Maryland and you need a scapegoat… well, any port in a storm will do.


Filed under Big Ten Football

11 responses to “Throw Damon under the bus, a continuing series

  1. stoopnagle

    Meanwhile, Jordan McNair is still dead.


  2. ASEF


    It’s not the University President who refused to move supervision of athletic medical personnel to an actual medical group, despite strong evidence it represented best practices.

    It’s not the football coaches who created an environment where pushing guys too far meant you could sleep at night knowing you pushed them past their limits.

    A kid’s dead because of some palace intrigue several months prior? If that were a thing, Tenneseee would be littered with corpses.


    • Uglydawg

      That is common sense “food for thought”, ASEF..
      I think Anderson looks small here.


      • Macallanlover

        Small in a building full of midgets. There were probably 100 adult humans that day with more than a dozen communication devices in that immediate environment and not one moved to call 911. That wouldn’t happen on a kindergarten playground.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. MDDawg

    Anderson said he made note of it in Evans’ performance review, yet the committee couldn’t find anything to that effect in either Evans’ 2016 or 2017 performance reviews.


  4. Russ

    Well, now we see why they hired Damon. I’m waiting for the report that shows Damon delayed calling the medics.


  5. Mayor

    Was Damon a shitty AD? Yes. Was Kevin Anderson a shitty AD? Double yes!!


  6. old dawg

    Lest we forget…Michael Adams was sold on Damon…how did that hire work out?
