Your 11.21.18 Playpen

I suppose I should be worked up over Trump excusing the Saudis with regard to the Khashoggi murder, but I discovered I’m too embarrassed by the composition of his official announcement to be angry.  Winning!

And with that, the Playpen is open for business.


Filed under GTP Stuff

197 responses to “Your 11.21.18 Playpen


    I hope all have a nice Thanksgiving..


  2. Debby Balcer

    I feel like we are living out the book the Emperor has no clothes.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jared S.

      Agree with regard to Trump. But also thought the same thing about Obama. I couldn’t help but chuckle every time someone, somewhere referred to him as “eloquent” or “inspiring”. I think he was as boring as Trump is ridiculous. And that’s saying something.


      • Mike Cooley

        Agree. Obama was like a comedy sketch of the seterotypical politician. He talked all the time but didn’t say shit. Eloquent and inspiring? People are easily impressed.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. RangerRuss

    I thank Cthulu every day that HC is not POTUS.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Derek

      This excuse is losing merit daily. I would have voted for Nixon over Carrot Top. That’s an apt comparison at this point. Unless you’re a traitor, and there’s always that chance, you want a president with a fucking clue even if you disagree with them on everything and think they are a bad person. Every president save this one has at least had a clue about what the office and this country stands for even if you disagree with them on everything.

      The lack of caring that we have a president hostile, not just to his political enemies, that’s not terribly new except maybe in time and degree, but who is actually hostile to the nation’s values is shocking.

      Those who don’t notice, don’t care or are too stupid to discern this reality give aid and comfort to everything and everyone we’ve been opposed to for over 200 years.

      Liked by 4 people

      • RangerRuss

        That’s a bunch of nonsense,boy.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Tony Barnfart

        Whose values ? Yours or mine ? Some say kneeling for the national anthem is antithetical to “our values.”

        It’s almost like liberals are just operating in a sphere that only their values are the right ones.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Tony Barnfart

          … and don’t even start in the Constitution. It’s the democrat party burning that mother to the ground (WAHHH THE SENATE IS UNDEMOCRATIC… wahhhhh the electoral college”)


          • Since you used the term, maybe you can answer a question for me. What’s with “democrat party”? Is that just some half-assed own the libs move, or is there something more substantive behind the shorthand?

            Liked by 1 person

            • You got it right …. it’s simply subtle trolling, begun I believe by Limbaugh.


            • stoopnagle

              It’s meant to imply that the Democratic Party isn’t democratic, you see? So they call it the “democrat party” so folks will begin to think that the party most voters vote for but keeps losing elections isn’t democratic.

              Liked by 2 people

            • Tony Barnfart

              sorry, Democratic. Typing on a phone.


              • RandallPinkFloyd

                White people go get beer, play on their phone, hit the head, talk to their buddy, crack jokes, etc during the national anthem and you don’t hear a peep. Black millionaires start doing it and all of the sudden it’s an issue. I’d argue that the former is way more irreverent than the latter, but I’m probably just some snowflake millennial who loves to get triggered.

                Liked by 1 person

                • Tony Barnfart

                  I just want to know if “that arm is ready to throw for about 2,000 yards next fall. We’re depending on you boys”


                • That dog'd bite you

                  My favorite was when a piss-drunk redneck hanging around the entrance to the field in the shadow of our scoreboard live streaming with his phone and screaming “YEAH NFL THIS IS HOW YOOOODOOO EEEEET!” while another one yelled “SHUT FUUUCK UP MAHN BEFOR I KEEK THE SHEEET OUT OF YOU” during half of the anthem. It was truly inspiring how much respect they had for our troops. #Murica


            • Doyle Hargraves

              How do you read this without losing all hope?


        • Derek

          The only just government is a government of, for and by the people. That’s our founding principle. Mein Fürhgrabber doesn’t get that.

          Liked by 1 person

          • Tony Barnfart

            ….and Democrats should brush up on “of the people”, as every time they open their mouths they want nothing but more and more “by the people.”


            • Derek

              One of the tensions since the founding. You fucks never agree that “people” means human beings.

              White male property owners was your starting point. Despite the slow gradual losses in the fight you’re still raging against the tide.

              You will lose. Always have.


              • Tony Barnfart

                Foul language is the sure sign of a losing argument. But by all means, revert to your
                (r)Ace card when the going gets tough. Actually debating the fact that pure democracies have always failed and have always been 1 step CLOSER to the despotic autocracy you convince yourself you are fighting.


                • illinidawg

                  Oh bullshit.


                • Derek

                  He’s fucktarded.


                • Derek

                  Who said “pure” democracy dipshit?

                  Lincoln described our republic as a nation of, for and by the people. I agree. Mein Fürhgrabber thinks Lincoln’s doing wonderful things, he heard that, and everyone say so. Meanwhile he licks the ass of every tyrant he meets.

                  What say you idiot?


                • Tony Barnfart

                  And nor did I ever say anything about people NOT being human beings. I am talking about little ‘r’ republican government, federalism, bicameralism, etc—which plenty of democrat politicians (and political hopeful superstars) increasingly loathe.

                  Tell me, why would Lincoln bother to use both words “of” and “by” if they meant the exact same thing ?


            • gastr1

              James M. Buchanan, Charles Koch, and ALEC definitely agree with you, Tony.

              Liked by 1 person

      • Walt

        Nixon would probably be a Democrat today or at least be considered a moderate Republican. He signed off on creation of the EPA and the 8(a) program to help minority small businesses.


        • Mike Cooley

          True. But the Democratic party of today has gone so far off into crazy land that they aren’t even the same party they were even twenty years ago. “It’s not socialism. It’s Democratic socialism you facist white motherfuckers!”

          Liked by 3 people

      • Napoleon BonerFart

        In other words, Derek has no knowledge of history beyond the last ten minutes. Everything that is happening now is the worst it has ever been. If you understand history, you’re an awful person who is too stupid to know that history only goes back ten minutes. REEEEEEE!!!!!!


      • Trump has a clue – he just doesn’t care what you think. He has done everything he said would do and has not changed a bit. Kudos to him for that. Poor schmucks who thought he would be different when he got elected – have to deal with that. I did not think he would change so I did not vote for him. Hillary is a disaster – bitch would be killing people left and right. So I was not ever going to vote for her. I voted for the Gary Johnson – figured he was going to be too stoned to screw up to bad.

        Poor America for the shitty choices we had to run our great nation, which is being dumped every day further down not just by Trump but by every politician in DC.

        Not long before we have another civil war – hope you are not a tree hugging, blue state living, can’t own a gun individual when that happens.


  4. This kowtowing behavior to Russia/Putin and the Saudis is so odd considering we literally are at all-out war with China – at least ecomically and especially in regard to cyber warfare. I’m in the cyber field and you would not believe what is currently taking place in regard to cyber attacks between the two nations.


    • Scorpio Jones, III

      Third…understanding what you are seeing would require actually effort to read something….fuggitaboutit.


  5. One dead reporter (?) and people are losing their minds. Meanwhile just a bit south in ol’ Mexico a dozen have been murdered this year. Yawn, nothing to see here. Move along. Pick and choose indignation. How quaint.

    Liked by 1 person

    • oldpunk23

      A dozen US resident reporters tortured and killed in the Mexican embassy on orders of the Mexican president?


    • That dog'd bite you

      Is our president defending the cartels? Is anyone? Yeah the drug war is ravaging Mexico and has been for years, but does that mean that we shouldn’t care about a leader of the nation that brought us 9/11 and ISIS being given cover by the President of the United States? Does that not make you think that there is something fishy going on? I guess as long as the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia is keeping Trump’s pockets lined and his hotels at capacity, the (R)ed Hats are totally cool with state sponsors of terror.


      • Napoleon BonerFart

        So it’s now that they’ve crossed the line? Bush and Obama ignoring the 9/11 connections with the Saudis was just diplomacy? Curious.


        • That dog'd bite you

          The line has been crossed repeatedly under multiple leaders, especially under Bush and now Trump. You remember Bandar “Bush”, right? Do you think they have crossed a line are you just looking to deflect blame and lump Obama in with Bush and Trump?


          • Derek

            Don’t talk to morons. It only encourages them.


          • Napoleon BonerFart

            You see a difference in Obama’s foreign policy and Bush’s?


            • That dog'd bite you

              Yes. Bush sent hundreds of thousands of troops to Iraq based on a lie. Obama brought them home. Lybia was Obama’s (and Hillary’s) big fuck up in the region, but it is dwarfed by the catastrophic failure in Iraq.


              • Napoleon BonerFart

                Pass some of what you’re smoking. Bush authorized the troop withdrawal in 2007. It was initiated then and completed in 2011. After Obama and Hillary helped create ISIS, they sent troops back into Iraq.

                Of course that’s leaving aside Obama’s ill advised surge in Afghanistan. So the fact is, there’s not much difference between the Republican and Democratic foreign policy.


      • You are misinformed. Our issues with the middle east were centered with the CIA creating Bin Laden to start with then acting strange when they dumped him and he came back to kick their ass with the shit the CIA paid for and trained him with. Again, America needs to step to the plate – fight our own wars. Eliminate the BS from the CIA playing shadow games, getting others to our dirty work, then wondering why that bites us in the ass when we push those people to the side because we don’t need them or worse try to take them out. It is like a sequel to a dumb action movie – it keeps happening.


  6. dawgfan

    I hope we score Saturday like the folks in Broward County vote, early and often!

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Uglydawg

    And Obama’s licking of the Castro’s asses?

    Liked by 2 people

    • If you’re saying we should treat the Saudis the way you’d like us to treat Cuba, I’m okay with that.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Derek

        He’s not saying that. He’s saying “whataboutism” and that’s important to them for reasons only they can explain.

        I can do it too. Trump is bad?? What about bubonic plague!?!

        See? Don’t you feel better now?

        Liked by 1 person

        • Mike Cooley

          Ah the mention of “whataboutism”. I knew we would get there soon. Translation-“I can say whatever I want about you but if you bring up any shitty act by the Democrats or the left it is off limits because I dont like it and don’t want to have to think of a way to defend it.”. Why dont you just say ” I’m rubber and you’re glue…” And be done with it?

          Liked by 1 person

        • Calling people ‘fucks’, retarded and other descriptives. Yeah that is a real indicator of depth of understanding and argument, plus a willingness to find common ground. Well done, Derek.


      • Uglydawg

        OK..I’ll phrase my point as a question (or two).
        Why do you strain at a gnat and swallow a camel?
        Derek is correct, there is a certain amount of “whatabout” to the question.


        • Using Obama as a devise to excuse Trump is lazy rationalization of the first order. But whatever works for you, bud.

          Liked by 4 people

          • Uglydawg

            Obama’s overlooking Cuba’s (and Iran’s) human rights record sets (actually re-enforces) the precedent of American administrations wearing blinders when they deem it for a better purpose (which is often filling their pockets but sometimes is actually prudent foreign policy). Now, with a Republican administration, all of a sudden we’re supposed to sell out over what is common practice in much of the world that we do business with every day…murder and skull-duggery. How wonderfully idealistic! And hypocritical. Liberals have become the most hypocritical and intolerant folks around.
            It is pertinent to this argument. Practically every administration in history has done it. It is the selective moral outrage that is a friggin’ joke, and while you may deny it’s a factor in this discussion, I know that you all know better. The elephant not being acknowledged in this discussion room is hatred of a man. No matter what he does it will be wrong to some.

            Liked by 1 person

            • Ah, here we go again with the “H” word. It’s only possible to be dissatisfied with the current occupant of the White House’s policies if you’re emotional about it.

              I found that argument offensive when it was lobbed by Bush and Obama supporters against critics and it’s no different here. More lazy rationalizing on your part.

              FWIW, Trump’s “prudent” foreign policy involves gaslighting his own intelligence services, which concluded MBS was involved in ordering the murder. Glad you’re okay with all of that.

              Liked by 1 person

    • Anonymous

      Obama’s half-assed attempt to begin the normalization of relations with Cuba is one of the best things he did. We tried isolating them for 60+ years with the same result. This was very much akin to Trump starting actual dialog with North Korea with whom we had taken the same strategy for a similar amount of time. That hard-line “we wont’ talk to you until you give us everything we want” nonsense fails every time. You call it “Obama licking Casto’s ass”. Lefties call it “Trump praising dictators”. I call it reasonable attempts at reaching peace and bringing prosperity and some freedom to marginalized people.

      Liked by 1 person

      • HiAltDawg

        Like to old saying: jaw, jaw > war, war.


      • That dog'd bite you

        Why do people have to play this “Obama did this, Trump did that” game, and not judge different actions on their merits? It’s all throughout this comment section.

        I can appreciate both Obama’s attempt to normalize relations with Cuba, as well as Trump’s attempts to bring about a denuclearized NK, but I also disagree very much with what looks like our President attempting to influence his followers in favor of Russia and Saudi Arabia, seemingly for his own benefit, and against the opinions of our entire intelligence community.

        So sure, if praising a dictator publicly helps to advance America’s (and our allies) interests, I think thats a good thing. If it appears our President wants to cover up gruesome murders and criminal acts against US residents and citizens to further his agenda, I reserve the right to call out that behavior as reprehensible and anti-american. It’s like people have forgotten that Russia’s geopolitical strategies run near opposite of ours, and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia funds terror groups throughout the world, including ISIS and those that attacked us on 9/11.


        • Napoleon BonerFart

          Personally, I think excusing a foreign leader for murdering an American resident isn’t quite as bad as the president ordering the murder of an American citizen without due process. But I don’t want to be guilty of whataboutism. So I’ll just join the chorus of “orange man bad.”


          • That dog'd bite you

            So killing an enemy combatant in Yemen is worse than covering up the murder and dismemberment of an seemingly innocent Washington Post journalist going to get his marriage license. Gotcha.

            Oh and have you spoken up about the 8 year old girl who was killed during the raid approved by Trump? You know, the Daughter/Sister of the American citizen you are feigning crocodile tears for. I doubt it.

            Liked by 1 person

            • Derek

              Dont talk to stupid. It won’t help. He’ll just keep blathering nonsense.


              • Napoleon BonerFart

                Your homework is to look up”irony.” It applies when your only thought is “orange man bad,” yet you accuse intelligent people of being stupid.


            • Napoleon BonerFart

              Yes. American citizens deserve due process. The fact that the government really did intend to kill him gives me no comfort. If you trust the government that much, God bless you. And I’m against the wars, regardless of whether a Republican or a Democrat is conducting them.


              • That dog'd bite you

                So you are telling me you were against the invasion of Iraq? I am old school anti-war, not just when the war blows up your face and looks bad a decade later and you want to pretend that you weren’t for the war when you really were.

                Liked by 1 person

                • Napoleon BonerFart

                  Yes. I was against the original war. And I was against Clinton’s continued sanctions, no fly zones, and bombing Serbs. I was also against W’s Iraq war 2 and invasion of Afghanistan and Obama’s surge and regime changes throughout the region. Now, I’m against Trump’s continuation of the bipartisan foreign policy disaster.

                  Unlike the most vocal here, I’ll not a hypocritical cheerleader for one team when it’s doing exactly the same thing I criticize the other team for doing.


        • Anonymous

          The idea that Trump is conciliatory to Putin and Russia is a media meme based around profiting from leftist hysteria. Trump has instituted sanctions against Russia that are far stronger than what was done under the Obama administration. Part of that is also efforts with global partnets to keep the price of oil low so as to put extra pressure on Russia and Iran.

          Here is Trump’s official response yesterday about the Khashoggi murder:

          Understanding our actions in the Middle East is to understand the joint US / Saudi / Israeli proxy-war against Iran and Russia. Doing Saudi Arabia’s and Israel’s dirty work is not my idea of an ideal foreign policy, but that is the reality we face. When you look at out policies within the Middle East, put on your proxy-war glasses and things will make sense.


          • Derek

            Remember that time(s) Trump took Putin’s word over that oh our intelligence agencies regarding election interference?

            Media generated? Sure.


            Liked by 1 person

            • Anonymous

              You can pretend that the increasingly brutal sanctions against Russia are fake and that the media circus around a single quote taken somewhat out of context is real. That is your prerogative and why you write so many profoundly ignorant things here. Trump was not allowing the media circus to dictate his reaction to an ongoing situation. There is probably nothing dumber than allowing the corporate media to dictate what you do as President.

              Here is a timeline of sanctions against Russia going back to 2014. I know you are much more concerned about exaggerations about what Trump said, but I am much more interested in what he did.



              • Derek

                Single quote? Seriously?

                You’re full of shit.

                I understand that people made him sign the sanctions but he’s made sure to cover Russia’s ass over and over and over.

                Not once has he publicly said:

                Russia interfered with our elections in 2016 and we’re going to make sure they don’t do it again.

                Every time he minimizes, suggests other suspects and says being friends is the most important thing.

                Putin wanted trump to win. Is he stupid?


              • That dog'd bite you

                OK, so based on your source, the “increasingly brutal” sanctions include.

                June 20 2017: “The United States imposes sanctions on 38 individuals and entities, including the military company PMC Wagner.” OK, sanction one company and a few dozen Russian Mobsters. Cool.

                January 26 2017: “The United States imposes sanctions on 21 individuals and nine companies.” 21 individuals and 9 Companies. Wow, so brutal.

                March 15 2018: “The United States makes first use of CATSAA law to impose sanctions on 19 Russians, including 13 indicted in Robert Mueller’s investigation into Moscow’s alleged meddling in the 2016 presidential election and Internet Research LLC, commonly known as the Russian “troll factory.”” <<<< This one was actually done through bipartisan congressional legislation, not Trump.

                March 26 2018 : “More than 20 Western states order dozens of Russian diplomats expelled, including 60 from the United States, which also ordered Russia to close its consulate in Seattle.” No more Starbucks for Dmitri! Sad.

                April 6 2018: “The United States designates 38 Russian businessmen for visa bans and asset freezes to punish Russian “malign activity” worldwide.” A few dozen more gangsters sacntioned. Big whoop.

                August 27 2018 “The United States imposes a ban on arms sales, arms-sales financing, U.S. government credit or other financial assistance, exports of national-security-sensitive goods, and most foreign assistance to Russia under the terms of the Chemical and Biological Weapons Control and Elimination Act.” Yeah this actually sounds prudent.

                It took 2 whole years to do this. If you want for me to feel sorry for Russia and think that Trump himself is really cracking down on them, this list is really weak.


                • Anonymous

                  Firstly, I’m not asking you to feel sorry for Russia. Secondly, most of Russia’s economy is controlled by about 200 oligarchs. Putting sanctions directly on those oligarchs / mobsters is the best way to put pressure on the political machinations of Russia. It is taking “two whole years” as it is continually increasing pressure.


          • That dog'd bite you

            Hysteria. Ok. A few questions…

            When talking about “Trump” sanctions. Are you talking about the ones that the senate overwhelmingly approved, and then he called it “Flawed Legislation” and has dragged his feet implementing? Or are you talking about the arms sales to Ukraine? Because I don’t think he has seen an arms deal he didn’t like.

            I’d like to also get someone who is obviously a real supporter give your opinion on a few things:

            Do you think it’s possible Donald Trump laundered Russian money through the sales of his real estate holdings?

            In 2012, while in Moscow for the Miss America Pageant, do think its possible that Russians collected compromising recordings of the future President of the United States of America engaging in fetishistic behaviors with (possibly underage) prostitutes?

            During the 2016 Presidential Campaign, do you think its possible that members of Trumps Campaign/Transition Team offered favorable foreign policy and/or relief from sanctions in exchange for a private ownership stake in a Russian oil company?

            I keep hearing that Liberals are “Hysterical” or “Deranged” because we think that it is possible that Donald Trump and his cohorts are potentially part of a criminal conspiracy to enrich themselves by leveraging the office of the President of the United States — but based off of his past behavior, this sounds exactly like things he might do. Honestly I’d think that you’d have to be hysterical to NOT think it was at least possible.


            • Anonymous

              I’d like to also get someone who is obviously a real supporter give your opinion on a few things:

              I am not a Donald Trump supporter, so you will have to ask someone else. I just find the whole “Trump is a Russian Puppet” narrative to be really dumb. The whole thing started with the DNC email leaks. When they found out that wikileaks got a hold of their emails that proved there was collusion within the DNC to guarantee Hillary got the nomination instead of Bernie Sanders, they tried to discredit it has a Russian hack. This quickly turned into “Maybe Trump was colluding with Russia to hack our emails”. This led to the past 2 years of moral-panic bullshit. Granted, the Russians, Chinese, Israelis, etc. probably had already hacked their email, but Wikileaks has maintained that it was a disgruntled DNC worker that gave them the emails. The Muller probe will end with no evidence of Trump collusion with Russia because the whole idea is silly.

              As for your conspiratorial claims, they are kind of silly. If you really want to find crimes committed by Trump, why don’t you go looking for local government officials that took bribes to fast-track construction permits, zoning changes, etc. for Trump? I have no doubts that there are hundreds of them.


              • That dog'd bite you

                But they got ahold of RNC emails too, but didn’t release them. Why do think not? Repubs played ball? Are you OK with the idea that some Republican groups (including the NRA) laundered Russian money into Republican campaigns?


                • Anonymous

                  But they got ahold of RNC emails too, but didn’t release them. Why do think not? Repubs played ball?

                  I am unaware of Wikileaks getting a hold of RNC emails. I can not find any info related to it either other than partisan Democrats complaining that there wasn’t also an RNC leak. So, it looks like they never had RNC emails.

                  Are you OK with the idea that some Republican groups (including the NRA) laundered Russian money into Republican campaigns?

                  Again, I have seen no evidence of this. I see news reports of allegations, but not evidence is presented.


              • That dog'd bite you

                “The Muller probe will end with no evidence of Trump collusion with Russia because the whole idea is silly.”

                “As for your conspiratorial claims, they are kind of silly.”

                You seem to use the word “silly” a lot when youare deflecting. Do you believe that he was sleeping with porn star(s) while his wife was nursing their child. Do you believe that he illegally used campaign funds to pay hush money to said Porn Star(s). That has actually been proven true. But lemme guess… Silly?


                • Anonymous

                  I also use the word silly to refer to nonsense like Pizzagate.

                  He didn’t use campaign funds to pay hush money to the hooker. The payment was before he announced his campaign. This is another time where fact checking would be appropriate.

                  You seem to harbor some delusion that I am a Trump partisan. I am well known for admitting here that I am a lifetime member of the Libertarian Party and that I associate with Classical Liberalism. I also spend ZERO time watching CNN, MSNBC, or Fox News. I don’t read the opinion articles the corporate media spins as news. I get my news directly from Reuters’ RSS feed. The world looks very different when you look at verified facts and not the bullshit media circlejerk. In my mind, those of you that ramble about the Trump / Russia collusion nonsense are the exact same as the Infowars readers that think John Podesta runs a child sex-slave traffic outfit out of a pizza joint in DC.


                • That dog'd bite you

                  The payment to McDougal was made “in coordination with and at the direction of a candidate for federal office,” he said, adding that it was made “for the principal purpose of influencing the election.” The Daniels payment was similarly made “in coordination with and at the direction of the same candidate” and for the same reason.

                  This was said in a court of law. Trump’s own personal lawyer has been indicted and successfully prosecuted for this. Why in the world would Trump care if word got out that he had been boning playmates and porn stars. He loves humiliating his mail-order illegal alien wife it seems. And I am less worried about the morality of the affairs, and more worried about who had (and still has) dirt on the president, who could use said dirt as blackmail against the most powerful person in our country.

                  And Russia vs Pizzagate: You equate a bizarre fringe conspiracy theory propagated by online trolls and know-nothing republican bloggers and personalities with an actual federal investigation based off of friendly intelligence assets that is stretching into its third year, with guilty pleas from the Presidents Campaign chairman, National Security Advisor, multiple campaign aides and Trump’s personal lawyer. Yeah not even in the same ballpark.


  8. Otto

    What the Saudis did is deplorable but the majority of the region is, and many are doing far worse. Sadly the US can’t alienate to the entire Middle East. The Saudi are an ally and have been in more in favor of keeping the peace with us and Israel.than their neighbors.

    Liked by 1 person

    • The Saudis are an ally? Did we sign some kind of treaty agreement with them, or something?

      They’re a client state taking advantage of the White House. Which makes them a pretty typical Middle Eastern country these days.


      • Derek

        and a son-in-law with problems paying his debts.


      • Otto

        So we should abandon them, let their neighbors turn the area into a war zone, and back away from the oil needed to run this country?

        Liked by 1 person

        • … let their neighbors turn the area into a war zone…

          “Let”? Like there haven’t been any ME wars lately?

          SA provides slightly over 10% of oil used in the US. Oil is as fungible an item as there is. It would be especially easy to replace that if the US wasn’t busy strangling Iran’s economy.

          Tell me something — how is MBS really any different from Saddam Hussein?


          • Derek

            The machine hasn’t turned on him yet.

            Send the Marines! He killed his own people!!! Yellow cake!!!

            The sad thing isn’t that it’s obvious. The sad thing is that these morons don’t even see it.

            Practically every time we’ve propped up some asshole for the sake of some strategic goal we’ve paid double later.

            But don’t worry trumpists, it’ll be someone else’s kid leaving limbs in the desert when it all goes to shit. Probably.


            • What strategic goal?

              I’m still waiting for POTUS to provide a coherent explanation of US policy in the Middle East since we installed the Shah on the throne in 1953. Other than big oil, that is.


              • Derek

                He can’t articulate anything, but I think that because of W we’ve lost our Iran buffer. Iraq is tied to Iran now. Thanks dumb fucks!

                So you’re left with identifying someone to stop Iranian hegemony in the region. The Saudis are the best candidate and there’s a proxy war in Yemen over it right now.

                I agree that we’ve occasionally have to accept friends we don’t really like. Stalin? Thank God for Stalin!

                Truth is without him, who knows how that goes?

                But you’ve got to have enough sense to be both calculating AND promoting our values. You know, walk and chew gum.

                That statement suggests what we’ve suspected. He does not think we have any values that matter. Like him.


                • I don’t know what “Iranian hegemony” looks like, but it seems like the most effective way to have kept Iran in check would have been to leave Saddam Hussein in power.


                • Derek

                  Agreed. That is among the reasons it was such a dumb idea. All you did was enhance Iran’s regional influence.

                  If you want to see what regional hegemony looks like: see the USA in relation to the America’s. Do we run everything? We kinda do. And have for a long time.

                  We’ve released the boot a bit since the Cold War ended but they all still know from where their bread gets buttered.

                  Mexico has lost a half a million people trying to save us from our voracious and never ending desire for drugs. 10xs what we lost in Vietnam.

                  Why? We make them. That’s power.


                • Angry American

                  I completely agree with you Senator on this point. Removal of Sadam was a horrible strategic decision…

                  ME strategy hasn’t existed since the 50s.


          • Otto

            MBS hasn’t invaded another country.


      • SouthernYank

        Come on. As to the Middle East, they are essentially an ally. There is no dispute what they did was deplorable, but lets stay in big boy land. What many, many, many countries do on a daily basis is deplorable. Allies, friendly nations, enemies, all. We don’t freak out and change our relationship with a country over a reporter. Period. It would be the height of idiocy to do so. Those claiming we should do so are children who (1) don’t understand the reality of the world in which we live; (2) are simply anti-Trump; or (3) both. For example, Cuba does worse on a daily basis, and has done so for decades, and many are AOK with it.

        Now, that doesn’t mean how Trump is handling it is the correct way to handle it. We, as a nation, need to state clearly that it’s deplorable, and not the way a nation should act in this day and age. But that’s pretty much it.

        Liked by 1 person

        • The word ally has a specific meaning. The Saudis aren’t an ally of the United States.

          Neither are the Israelis, for that matter.


        • Derek

          If we won’t stand up for our values what do we need allies for?

          Punishing crime is expensive.

          A little slavery would save a lot in terms of manual labor costs.

          Do we really care if people take out their parents a few months early to get at the inheritance? Think of the Medicare savings?

          The point being your status as a human fucking being depends upon fighting and dying on a hill for things that matter to you, or you’re just a cost benefit machine. One of those things i think we stand for is that we don’t think people should be chopped up just for the sin of dissent.

          Not asking for war.

          Sanctions. A statement that we expect and will demand more from Saudi Arabia. Something other than “who cares?” That’s too much for the likes of people devoid of values or understanding or humanity.

          Liked by 1 person

          • Otto

            Sanctions have really worked with Iran and North Korea.


            • Derek

              They actually have dumbass. They aren’t a magic trick.

              They do get their attention and they’d both like to be rid of or get around them. Sanctions are a highly effective stick.

              Better than either hostilities or appeasement wouldn’t ya say?


              • Uglydawg

                Hard to sanction the Saudis..they’ve got the cash to get what they want whether we like it or not. Sanction send an ideological message but coming from a nation they see as satanic, it would do little. It would drive them deeper into their repressive culture.
                We sanctioned Cuba, E.Germany, and N.Korea and it did little for a very long time. The people suffer horribly while the leaders like fat little rocket man live high on the hog with palaces, feasts, etc. You think the Castro’s ever went hungry?
                The international community should issue a warrant for the Prince’s arrest. He would never be turned over by the Saudis, but he would always have to wonder when and where he was safe or in danger. They could try him in absentia and if convicted issue a ” Wanted, Dead or Alive” warrant on his sorry ass,but that would be politically incorrect. So let’s demand the Pres. find some way to punish him. Sheesh.
                Look, we’re offering to business with N. Korea even though they have recently murdered an american student in horrible fashion. We do business with China. Putin poisoned British citizens in their own country and pretty much skated. We tolerate shit head tyrants all the time.
                We made millionaires out of Nazi rocket scientists we brought here and help us build our weapons and space programs after WW2.
                The world sucks. We can’t deal with it strictly on ideological terms. Never have, never will. To do so would be nice, but disastrous.
                Go ahead and hate him. But a lot of things the president does foreign policy wise have more and deeper aspects to them than we imagine.


                • Derek

                  I doubt that. Dude doesn’t do “deep.” He’s an idiot.

                  Where were you when JFK said “we’re going to to the moon!” You coulda been there to say…hard.

                  I think we need to be harder on assholes unless there’s a really good reason not to. And even when we can’t, we can still project values instead of wiping your ass with them. Money is never a good reason to overlook human rights violations. I would have never normalized relations with China without more concessions on human rights AND the DPRK.

                  Also it’s not as if FDR was publically blowing Stalin on his twitter feed during ww2. Everyone knew it was a brief association based on necessity and that we’d deal with each other next.

                  I’m good with realpolitik at times. I just think we always have to be promoting American values first. Survival is necessary to continue that so unfortunate calls have to be made, but our foundational values shouldn’t be lost along the way.

                  Mein Fürhgrabber doesn’t even know those values exist.


              • Napoleon BonerFart

                You don’t think sanctions are hostile? Bless your heart.


            • gastr1

              If they didn’t work, why would Putin be trying so hard to get rid of the Magnitsky Act?

              Liked by 1 person

  9. doofusdawg

    Embarrassment is not my first reaction when I hear an ascending majority and it’s leader talk about “remaking the world”. Happy Thanksgiving.


  10. Derek

    As to the issue of grammar, I’d note that the British for centuries hid their being complete bastards with proper English. It can go a long way.

    As far as not caring that the Saudi’s disposed of a political enemy with such brazen and craven cruelty, I think Trump’s biggest issue is that he couldn’t get away with it himself. He no doubt sees that limitation to his power as anti-MAGA.

    When will the GOP decide to throw him over to save themselves? Soon I’d suggest. Just like Nixon and Caesar before him, he will die (politically and metaphorically) at the hands of his so-called friends.


    • Uglydawg

      Derek..are you seriously suggesting (or down right saying) that Trump would have his political enemies murdered if he could just get away with it?


      • Derek

        Yep. I have no doubt.

        He’d love to be a tyrant.

        Hell he ran for dictator with nearly everything he said during the campaign. I said from his announcement speech on that he looking for popular consent for him to be emperor.

        What was the phrase: only I can do it? WTF is that? You have to be an idiot version of Hitler who never saw school house rock to think, much less utter, those words.

        Who fires the FBI Director and his AG because they won’t protect him? Who demands that congressional Republicans “do something!” to protect him? He’s a crook and a scumbag and frankly he leads with that. He isn’t hiding it. At all.

        He’s a malignant narcissist. Nothing matters to him, but him.


  11. Austin Cope

    BLACK JERSEYS on Saturday! Happy Thanksgiving!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. illini84

    Tic toc motherfuckers, a real Marine is coming for his ass. Let’s see how fast you turn on him while you support this draft-dodging punk.

    Liked by 3 people

  13. JCDawg83

    If the US decides to cut off trade and take action against every country that eliminates a troublesome journalist we will be in a very lonely position in the world. I hope no one thought the Saudis, or any Middle Eastern country for that matter, were good, moral people before the death of a reporter hostile to their regime.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. SouthernYank

    Are we allowed to talk football in the playpen? If so, on the subject of hating teams and wanting them to lose, but living in a world where strength of schedule is a huge factor in getting into the playoff, don’t you want the teams you play to win all of their games except the one against you? Don’t you want the other SEC East teams to win as many games as possible, except the one against you? Wishing otherwise is idiotic, imo.


    • I’ll agree with that angle.


    • Jared S.

      In general I agree with you. But as long as we have a couple marquee wins (this year’s are currently wins against #11 Florida and #15 Kentucky), I don’t mind if all others, especially rivals — looking at you Auburn and Tech — have average years. I’d like to see ALL our opponents finish at least .500, but sometimes — like this year — that’s wall I wish for them.


    • MDDawg

      I want Auburn to win every game except two every year. One loss to us in the regular season then a second loss to us in the SECCG.


  15. illini84

    Good article in the Flagpole

    Rural Georgia Ain’t Going Down Easy


    • HiAltDawg

      I really liked that article.
      Regardless of how folks feel about issues, tactically (which is the only way I view elections) Abrams’s fundraising in California, terribly mangling a quote about not having to be a farmer and getting tricked into phrasing her opinion on firearm ownership into statements used as code words for confiscation (that will always be a loser in GA) doomed her in rural counties. Had she not done those three things, I don’t think Kemp gets the turnout to surpass her second highest vote count in history (despite the voter suppression everyone points to). Ironically, had neither Abrams nor Kemp went all in on “making history” and TrumpHumping, Evans probably beats Cagle. I know people that voted for both candidates and what stood out: many young women I know voted for Abrams to “make history” or because they ethnically identified with her. Where most Kemp voters I knew went with the “Abrams hates farmers! (which was a surprisingly odd and motivating thing).” Sadly much like 2016 (Presidential Election), most voters in Georgia were given pretty poor choices in the Gubernatorial.

      Anyways, drop the Kirbs eating popcorn gif — and watch the usual suspects roast me, lol


      • Anonymous

        Sadly much like 2016 (Presidential Election), most voters in Georgia were given pretty poor choices in the Gubernatorial.

        I have mentioned this many times here. This is the result of our primary process. The worst candidate tends to win the primaries as they are held among the party loyalists. The results keep pushing the general election candidates further from the political mainstream as more and more people identify as independents. The only real solution is to change our voting method to something like Ranked Choice voting, Approval voting, or Instant Runoff voting. We need to have several viable candidates and an actual discussion of issues instead of retarded “guns vs farmers” nonsense.


    • Ellis

      That’s a cool analysis, thanks for sharing it. As Atlanta grows and transplants from other states continue to come in Georgia is facing a reckoning as the values of carpet baggers differ sharply than those who have made Georgia home for generations. It’s a bit sad when places lose their cultural identity. In the west states like Montana and Idaho are facing the same crisis as Californians flee their state, but then try to institute their same culture in a place it is not welcome. Interesting times ahead.


    • DawgFlan

      The writer has a blog that I’ve linked to from here before. Another good one is:


  16. W Cobb Dawg

    And now back to football… Friends were discussing potential playoff opponents, and we agreed that we’d like a shot at corch in the first playoff game. Anyone have a preferred opponent lineup for the championship run?


    • Derek

      One I won’t feel compelled to pay for a ticket or fly to: not ND or UM.

      I’d like to save my pennies for Cali, if we beat the Tuscaloosa bully.


      • illinidawg

        I got my turndown letter for the SEC championship, no surprise since I didn’t get any last year. What will be interesting will be to see if I get Sugar Bowl, playoff or NC tix. I got Rose Bowl and Natty last year but I suspect more people will have caught on this year.


      • HiAltDawg

        Last year’s Rose Bowl was such a high (and cheaper than I had first budgeted for), I’m thinking that an Orange Bowl or Cotton Bowl trip would be pretty cool — I’m on the fence, though


    • AusDawg85

      That scenario would likely have: Clemson, ND, UGA, and UM in the playoffs. I doubt the committee will want a Clemson vs. UGA regional game for the semi-finals when a ND vs UGA Part III is more appealing. I’ll take that and Clempsun in the Final.


  17. Derek

    Question: I’m assuming we’ll be 13.5 or so underdogs next week. I know we’ve won some games we’ve been that big an underdog during the season where maybe the opposition was over confident, but have we ever beaten those odds when the other team had something meaningful to play for?


  18. Ellis

    A dead terrorist is a dead terrorist. The guy was open about being a member of the radical islamic terror organization the muslim brotherhood. Does it really matter who killed him?

    I really don’t think anyone in America cares.


    • illini84

      What fucking bullshit.


      • Ellis

        The whole story is bullshit that few people care about if they have even followed it. You are entitled to your opinion, I am just sharing my opinion that I don’t care who killed the guy. The president is correct that he certainly isn’t worth creating a geopolitical crisis over.


        • oldpunk23

          You’re lying, jackass. He was no more a terrorist than you are.


          • Ellis

            That’s all you have? You can’t argue against a fact so you go to the depth of your intellect and call me a name the way a child would? I feel sorry for uneducated people like you. Just google his name, he didn’t hide the fact he was a member of the muslim brotherhood. Do a little research before you accuse someone of lying and you won’t be judged a fool.


            • Derek

              Because the Saudi public relations apparatus pumped that out. There’s no proof of it. It’s propaganda.

              Like it’s ok we burnt up kids in Waco because they were weird and scary. As long as they’re are suckers there will be liars.

              You’re doing your part.


        • illinidawg

          No, you are sharing THIS opinion “I really don’t think anyone in America cares.” and that is bullshit.


  19. JoshG

    I’m thankful for all God has blessed me with. My family, my career, my home, my health. I’m grateful He has allowed my mind to to move beyond meaningless politics. I’m amazed by the world He created. I am awed by the goodness of the people he has surrounded me with, and wish every one a joyous day of Thanksgiving.


    • Uglydawg

      Thanks JoshG. I’ll try to keep that perspective for the rest of the day and the holidays! God has certainly blessed me beyond anything I deserve.


  20. ASEF

    A man stands against a repressive regime that supports exactly the sort of Muslim terrorism we’re fighting abroad and at home. That regime executes him in a NATO country. And so-called conservatives shrug and say, “No big deal.”

    People have sold their souls for Trump. He embodies the very cult following they accused Obama of being. You know how, 40 years after an incredible football game, 600,000 people will claimed to have been there in a stadium that seated 60,000? 40 years from now, no one’s going to admit they supported this man.

    If Trump came out tomorrow and said, “What good is a Constitution? it just means gay people can get married and black people have rights. Putin has promised to keep the Second Amendment and ditch everything else if we just turn the country over to him,” I think half of Trump’s supporters would stand and cheer.

    Good grief


  21. NoAxeToGrind

    If anybody thinks that any blue collar or white collar worker, for that matter, gives a shit about the Saudis killing a damn reporter, much less a Saudi one, they need to have their head examined. 99 out of a hundred don’t even know where Saudi Arabia is and whether Kashshoggi is a living organism or a bar in San Francisco.

    Liked by 1 person

    • W Cobb Dawg

      And the stupidity and indifference comes back to bite em in the ass when saudi’s fly planes into buildings. Let this prince get away with murder and he’ll be even worse going forward.


    • Derek

      I think Putin should rape some anonymous whore, and then run her through a wood chipper feet first, on pay per view and you can buy it to demonstrate your complete disregard for human life. That’s MAGA!!!


  22. Derek

    If you’ve ever wondered how a population could accept the organized elimination of a race of people, just read the trump supporters posts.

    Human life is simply not a relevant consideration. Why? Because who cares?

    In that inhuman indifference lies the space for a tyrant to do whatever to whoever as he sees fit. They don’t care.

    Good luck. Sleep well.


  23. Anonymous

    Considering the topic laid out by the Senator, I can’t believe no one posted this one:

    She is absolutely correct. Jake Trapper was also correct here:


  24. ugl

    Happy Thanksgiving to all of you guys!


  25. Did you guys know that rakong prevents forst fires?


  26. Squatch

    The hypocracy here is mind numbing.

    Benghazi? Droning foreign nationals? Libya? Arming Syrian rebels with ties to Al Queda? Nothing to see here folks…

    But a foreign reporter gets killed in a foreign country by a ME country and we’re supposed to start WW3.

    You people are so partisan and brainwashed to bubble over about everything Trump it’s pathetic.
