2019 SEC spring game schedule

We get football in less than two months.

The best is saved for last, of course.  All by itself.


Filed under SEC Football

7 responses to “2019 SEC spring game schedule

  1. Rival

    G-Day misses The Masters again but it is on Passover. I await the Kirby as Moses memes.


  2. Mick Jagger

    Let my people go …….. to OSU or the pros…………


  3. Bat City Dawg

    I love how creative the names are for spring games. Why not the Tiger Tango, the Bulldog Brawl, the Gathering of the Gators, or Hog Hoedown

    Must use the same marketing guys who just add “strong” to the end of a city’s name when tragedy strikes


  4. Bat City Dawg

    I also cannot believe the J. Reid Parker Director of Athletics hasn’t farmed this out to one of our corporate partners: Delta Airlines, in partnership with Coca Cola, presents the University of Georgia Spring Game, hosted by Chick-fil-A

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