Everything’s changed.

Don’t say you haven’t been warned.

It’s kind of cute that they keep trying to claim “We Run This State” for themselves.  Too bad Washaun Ealey and Caleb King didn’t trademark that phrase.


UPDATE:  Stingtalk’s reaction to the current QOTD is just what you’d expect.


Filed under Georgia Tech Football

26 responses to “Everything’s changed.

  1. Spike

    A little off topic already, but I wonder whatever happened to Ealy and King?


  2. Bulldog Joe

    “Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor??”


  3. J-Dawg

    This might really be fun to watch: how they train hard, practice, pump themselves up until they meet us and get bitch slapped.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Doug

    Adorable. Like when your little brother insists he’s Batman.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Just Chuck (The Other One)

    Everybody knows they really don’t run anything. Well, maybe their mouths.


  6. Russ

    My favorite part was the shot of the players in their Quick Lane bowl sweatshirts.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. stoopnagle

    “This is our city. This is our state.”
    Then why is your stadium full of red and black?
    I didn’t think beating tech could feel better, but I’m thinking it might.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. stoopnagle

    Also, has it really been 20 years since they’ve been on the right side of the scoreboard in COFH in their own stadium?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Matt B.

      As far as legit wins go, you’d have to go back to 1989.


    • And that was tainted by the referees’ own admission that they applied a “pre-set” decision to the so-called fumble and didn’t really see one. I count that as a UGA victory and that means they are approaching three decades since their last win.


  9. CPark58

    Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard.

    Unless of course the astronomically better talent also works hard, in better facilities, by better coaches, with more support. Then, in that case, you’re pretty much fucked.

    If you’re keeping score at home, Kirby Smart’s UGA has lost more 5 star players at the quarterback position due to playing time than GT has had at any position since they started ranking recruits. Talent metrics aside, they do have the momentum from a narrow Quick Lane Bowl loss (34-10) to a perennial powerhouse Minnesota team, a hostile(yet unchallenged) takeover of the Waffle House, and a “new world order” at their program so watch out…..


  10. 3rdandGrantham

    “Everybody has a plan until they get hit in the mouth” – Mike Tyson. For some reason that was the first thing that popped into my head.

    You can do all the rah-rah and screaming that you want, but that won’t magically overcome the vast disadvantages when it comes to talent and the overall program as a whole compared to your much more formidable rival. I’m sure the new leadership at Yahoo is screaming about how they are going to take on (and eventually down) Google, but cold reality will continue to hit them in the face when quarterly financials of both orgs come out.


  11. Milledge Hall

    New World Order????
    trade school STILL SUX!!


  12. DawgPhan

    And some of you guys want to stop having the opportunity to beat those guys every single year.

    Why is that again?


    • FlyingPeakDawg

      We could trade the tech game for some of CFB’s most historic programs…USC, Michigan, OSU (either one), Nebraska, FSU, Miami, etc.

      …but I’d rather keep pounding the gnats into oblivion just to keep getting reactions like this.


      • Gaskilldawg

        Could we really trade Tech for Michigan? Or Ohio State? Neither could take Tech’s place in the schedule because each plays the other the sam3 day we play Tech and Michigan and Ohio State aren’t interested in dropping each other in order for one to play us. Move the Tech game slot to earlier in the season, you reply. Fine. The SEC schedule consumes 8 Saturday’s, and the sacred off week before Florida consumes the 9th. That leaves 4, some seasons 5, available Saturdays, and we do not want to play at Ohio State the week before we play Auburn, Tennessee, South Carolina or a tough rotating West Division team, so the available spot to play Michigan or Ohio State becomes fewer days for us.

        The dream opponent has the same concerns. Michigan and Ohio State, and Nebraska, play 9 conference opponents so each has just 4, sometimes 5 available Saturdays. Those teams don’t want to play us the week before tough games, either.

        Finding the right available Saturday is not easy. Damon Evans tried to get those dream match-ups. He got us and agreement with Ohio State, as a matter of fact. Scheduling did not work out so it never happened, and when McDoofus took over he did not want to keep looking.


  13. Coach Bobby Finstock

    Seems like only yesterday they were yanking each other to this bad boy…


    • Sanford222view

      My favorite thing about that lame video was the fact that those two tools were bigger than most of the players they featured. Maybe they should have tried suiting them up.


  14. UnderDog68

    It’s going to be very interesting, to say the least…when we see how well or poorly that dirt-diving, cut-blocking offensive line adapts to having to legitimately block a defender for 3-5 seconds on a passing play.


  15. HamDawg11

    Just looking at the players in that vid, I don’t think they’re buying it yet…


  16. Sanford222view

    Bless their hearts. That’s cute.


  17. Jt (the other one)

    Who are they trying to convince…the players or themselve?
