Musical palate cleanser, rock ‘n’ roll stutter edition

Let’s do a little shaking this morning, with the Who’s Live at Leeds version of “My Generation”.

As a bonus, here’s Entwistle’s bass from that, isolated in all its glory.


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24 responses to “Musical palate cleanser, rock ‘n’ roll stutter edition

  1. scottrollins

    I saw The Who twice in concert in Atlanta. I always loved watching John just chill out on his bass while Pete and Roger went wild on the stage. Not to mention how wild Keith Moon was….


    • Dawg Vegas

      Indeed, it was something to behold.

      That said, I’m still looking forward to the Atlanta date coming up. Pino and Zach may not be John and Keith, but who could be? They’re certainly phenomenal in their own right. And there’s just something about being in same room as Pete and Roger that still blows my mind.

      Live at Leeds was one of the first albums I ever bought. Good memories. I had not heard the isolated track – thanks Senator!


  2. Mikey

    Awesome. Big thumbs up 👍


  3. Mikey

    And btw our Baseball team is really good this year. Very proud of how our team as done so far. And the girls softball team seems to be better.


  4. truck

    The Who might just be my all-time favorite band, and The Ox was an incredible bassist, but when I was learning to play bass I couldn’t listen to him or anybody else that played “lead bass.” Unless you are an extremely talented musician, bass lines are best left to meshing with the kick drum, establishing the groove and providing a connection between harmony and rhythm. That said, an elite bassist can add an extra dimension to a song.


    • Mikey

      And don’t forget Kenney Jones on the Drums


    • Mikey

      I think Kenney Jones was better than Phill Collins and Keith Moon. I know thats prolly blasphemy and might be terrible to say but they were all great drummers


      • I loved Jones’ work with The Faces, but he was definitely a step down from Moon when he joined The Who.


        • Mikey

          Yeah probably so it’s controversial but Moon was unique but had a destructive behavior hell we all do sometimes I guess but yeah The Faces Jones was fucking good and was good with The Who


        • Russ

          Yeah, I agree Senator. Jones’ work with The Faces was awesome, but he didn’t mesh with the Who like Moonie did. It’s a different band without Moon back there. Glad I got to see him.

          But this really illustrates how it’s the people in the band and how they relate that makes a band good or bad. It’s rare for the “superstar” lineups to be really great.


          • Mikey

            You actually got to see Keith Moon. WOW That’s fucking awesome. Wish I would have saw him on the drums live. Thanks for sharing that.


      • Mikey

        I meant Phil not Phill sorry


  5. Mick Jagger

    The Who are/were a great live band! The Ox rules.
    I also love another stuttering song – “You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet”.


  6. “My Gen” was one of the first Who songs I heard, along with “Happy Jack” and “I Can See For Miles”. I’ve seen them twice – once at Woodstock, and then, much more recently, performing Quadrophenia at the Infinite Energy Center a few years ago.


    • Mikey

      Wow Woodstock that is great. Did you get naked? I had to ask. But that’s great you got to experience all that.


  7. Comin' Down The Track

    The Ox. Man. Respect.


  8. Mikey

    In my truck and The Marshall Tucker Band is playing
