“I call bulls— when I see it.”

This is brutal.

You should read the entire thread he posted.  It’s something else.

Instead of calling it the D’Eriq King rule, we ought to call it the Dana Holgorsen rule.


Filed under College Football

16 responses to ““I call bulls— when I see it.”

  1. Cynical Dawg

    Coaches can be cruel when it comes to rank-and-file players, especially when they are injured. An NFL player once said he felt invisible to his teammates and coaches while he was injured. For all the pomp and pageantry on the outside of the game, football is a cruel, nasty business behind the scenes and we shouldn’t be surprised by this young man’s experience.


    • WarD Eagle

      “…we shouldn’t be surprised by this young man’s experience.”

      Yes. We should. We should hold every coach, teacher, administrator, and board member at our public universities accountable for their actions. Especially coaches that are being paid obscene amounts to represent the school.

      This behavior should be so surprising as to be unforgivable and fireable. Why we continue to excuse the rehiring of these perennial losers is beyond me. There is a world full of honorable men who could better lead a team than Holgerson. We need to see more of those men in positions of authority and fewer Dana Holgersons.

      I’ll get off my soapbox now.


    • UnderDog68

      Agree. I have a good friend who is from WV and a big Mountaineer fan. He still keeps up with the program ‘insiders’ even though he lives in South Ga. now. What he told me is that CDH basically stayed around until the loaded team he had in 2018 graduated, left the cupboard bare, knew it was going to be a mediocre season in 2019, and bolted for greener pastures, a la Jimbo Fisher. He wasn’t very popular up there, and it was possible that he would have been fired had he stayed around for 2019. They had grown tired of his shenanigans.


  2. KornDawg

    And yet there are multiple responses calling him a :quitter. People truly suck.


  3. ATL Dawg

    Another window to see the sausage getting made.


  4. ASEF

    So hoping Holgo’s seniors go somewhere else

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Johnny Utah

    Sadly, a similar thing takes place at high schools across the country when the school brings in a new coach. Seniors are usually bumped for freshman and sophomores. Throwaway season?


  6. 69Dawg

    All the more reason that the ass wipes at the NCAA need to let them transfer without sitting out a year. Every player should be allowed one free transfer, if you take it early you are stuck but if you want to play somewhere your senior year and you have not transferred then go play. This would also help the lesser schools get some good talent that just can’t break into the first 44 of the their current school. This will not happen but it should.


  7. Macallanlover

    Holgerson, and players gaming the system (along with the NCAA granting unwarranted waivers on transfers), are all examples of why CFB’s future is very murky. Lack of leadership at both the NCAA offices and collegiate members are incompetent in their stewardship of the sport. What seems to be “the best of times” for the sport is really the beginning of the downfall. The whole saga of what is happening in Houston is very discouraging.

    I have felt for many years that the Power 5 members (maybe a group of 64 schools) should divorce their football programs from the NCAA and form a new organization to lead/manage/represent their common interests. If they don’t address the inept NCAA soon, the Golden Goose will become very sick and unable to support their seemingly unlimited thirsts.


  8. It would be a shame if we compromised the integrity of the game by allowing players to capitalize on their Name, Image and Likeness.


  9. WarD Eagle

    I agree with you, but the Power 5 are a big part of the problem.


  10. ApalachDawg



  11. Charles

    A Houston coach, in apparent response to this player: https://twitter.com/Coach_Scott31/status/1182677143983140864


    • Doug

      And he’s a recruiting coordinator! Here’s hoping Houston’s rivals store that little nugget away for some of the ol’ negative recruitin’. Would love to be a fly on the wall when one of UH’s top recruiting targets throws it right back in the guy’s face.
