The fightin’ Pruitts

Really, this sounds fine.

Jeremy Pruitt didn’t see the skirmish on Tennessee’s sideline during the second half of Saturday night’s loss to Georgia, but the second-year head coach of the Vols was glad to hear about it when he was told about it after the fact.

Various accounts of the brouhaha on the sideline included offensive line coach Will Friend, another member of the support staff and a handful of players, but Pruitt didn’t get into any of the specifics when asked about the situation on Monday during his weekly press conference.

Pruitt also admitted he wasn’t all that bothered by what he heard about it.

He was excited instead.

“No, I don’t think it was with Will Friend,” Pruitt said. “I think it was some of our players. I didn’t see it either, so I got told about it, and when I got told about it, I was fired up. I’m glad we got some passion around here that people want to do things the right way. We need a few more of them, if you ask me.”

Hey, you can’t accuse Jeremy of not practicing what he preaches, at least judging from some of the rumors that surfaced during his time in Athens.


Filed under Because Nothing Sucks Like A Big Orange

11 responses to “The fightin’ Pruitts

  1. Cynical Dawg

    Why should we be surprised? Pruitt learned the coaching trade from the Esteemed Doctor of Sociopathy and Master of Douchebaggery, Rush Propst.


  2. Got Cowdog

    Judging by how much the camera loves Pruitt during his press conferences, I bet a cell phone video of a besotted Jeremy voicing his opinions on the “state of the program” in CMR’s front yard would be quite a sight to behold.


  3. Admiral Sackbar

    A tiny sample of what also is wrong with Tennessee football; the folks are more concerned with the presentation than the process they don’t get to see. This is the same program that turned away Gary Patterson because “he was too much of a football coach” and Mike Leach for….being Mike Leach. They want to see the coaches and players get just as mad as they are and the fans somehow think that’s the first step to solving the problem.


    • Cynical Dawg

      Mike Leach is a weirdo. He runs a gimmicky offense that is self-defeating because it keeps his defense on the field far too long. The UCLA game was a case of coaching malpractice and his post game responses to reporters was Exhibit A why he will never coach outside the Siberia of FBS.


      • Admiral Sackbar

        He is a weirdo, and maybe his style of football is very high risk/high reward but you can’t deny his creativity in drawing up plays.


  4. Normaltown Mike

    He sounds like a 6 year old. I’d be surprised if he doesn’t say “got-ted” on occasion.


  5. Johnny Utah

    Normaltown Mike probably had the best description of Pruitt about a month ago:

    “Pruitt, by his own admission, was a plumber after he left Bama. I know a great number of plumbers that do very well. But the ones that do well have a great personality and understand how to run a business. Does Pruitt strike you as the guy that’s beloved by realtors and trusted by builders? Or the plumber that starts a fistfight with the drywall crew because they blocked in his truck?”

    Liked by 1 person

    • W Cobb Dawg

      We should post that on the jumbotron next year during the utk game, when their players start fighting each other again.
