“I’m not even sure what they were trying to accomplish right here.”

World to Kirby Smart:  Nice fake punt, dude.

Arkansas special teams:  Hold our beer.

Only slightly less astounding than the total ineptitude on display there is that the pick was only Auburn’s second of the year.


Filed under Arkansas Is Kind Of A Big Deal, Auburn's Cast of Thousands

14 responses to ““I’m not even sure what they were trying to accomplish right here.”

  1. Bulldog Joe

    No boos from the home crowd.


  2. gastr1

    The degree of difficulty on that toss would be high for anybody. Crazy play.


  3. more spinners

    Reminders are painful.


  4. FlyingPeakDawg

    The punter is so busy in practice that no one could spend 30 minutes a day on how to throw a football?


  5. jt10mc (the other one)

    Darren McFadden’s reaction is the best…surrender cobra…


  6. Mayor

    Someone needs to send this video to Kirby.


  7. W

    pretty cool idea actually. obviously face planted the execution…


  8. McTyre

    Somewhere, Garo Yepremian or his heirs rest more easy after having been relieved of the Worst Attempt Ever By a PK To Be a FB Player mantle.


  9. more spinners

    Not a play, but worst thing to happen on the gridiron this weekend was at OU.
    Could it be an omen?
    The Sooner Schooner crashed while turning on the field.
    All surivied, driver, passenger, and ponies.
