“I think it’s his job until he doesn’t want it anymore.”

To the commenter from the other day who thought Seth Emerson was hinting Greg McGarity might be close to being on his last legs as athletic director… nah.

There are varying opinions about the job Georgia’s Greg McGarity is doing and has done as he wraps up his 10th year as the school’s athletic director. But there only two opinions that matter where his performance is concerned: That of UGA President Jere Morehead and that of the Georgia Athletic Association’s board of directors.

McGarity would seem to have the firm backing of both. McGarity was lauded by various student-athletes and members of the board during Wednesday’s winter meeting at the Georgia Center of Continuing Education, after which the president was asked about McGarity directly.

“Well, from my perspective I think Greg and his team are doing an outstanding job,” said Morehead, who also serves as chairman of the athletic board. “We’ll certainly sit down and talk in the next several weeks. But I continue to have great confidence in our athletic director. As does our SEC commissioner, who reminds me that Mitch Barnhart and Greg are the senior statesmen among the SEC athletic directors. So I appreciate all the great work he does for us.”

This isn’t that hard as long as you focus on the only metric by which McGarity is judged by his superiors.  As Emerson ($$) puts it,

There isn’t much urgency right now because things in the athletic department are chugging along, and McGarity has delegated a lot of responsibilities over the last few years. Football is going well and basically runs itself. Kirby Smart and his operations director, Josh Lee, handle nonconference scheduling. Senior deputy AD Josh Brooks is overseeing the $80-million expansion of the Butts-Mehre building, and has overseen the improvements of the gameday experience at Sanford Stadium. Fundraising is also going well. McGarity gave credit to his team, including associate AD Matt Borman. But one of the best fundraisers remains Smart, who since he arrived has been adept at convincing donors why he needs their help. And he’s gotten it — McGarity said $47.5 million has been raised for the $80 million expansion project.

As long as the athletic department is comfortably profitable and there are no embarrassing personal gaffes along the lines of misplaced red panties, there is zero interest in making a change in management.  So if any of you honestly believe that fan disgruntlement with anything from how programs other than football are doing or the quality of the gameday experience is going to make a difference to anyone breathing in Butts-Mehre, all I can tell you is that you’re wasting your time.

Football is a well-oiled machine that continues to separate the fan base from the contents of its wallet and that means Greg McGarity has a job until he wants to walk away.


Filed under Georgia Football

25 responses to ““I think it’s his job until he doesn’t want it anymore.”

  1. Gaskilldawg

    Depressing read to start the day.


  2. WNCDawg

    So McGoofy’s only real job is to sit around and make his McGoofy statements and let other do the work. Perfect definition of a head coach surround your self with great assistance and sit back and count McGill donations.


    • Anonymous

      Much of the art of Management / Leadership is delegation. You need to identify what needs to be done, find people that are capable of doing the work, making sure they have the resources they need, and holding them accountable. Jeff Bezos doesn’t make any product or do any deliveries. He is doing an excellent job running Amazon though.


      • Down Island Way

        Sorry Anon…Bezos no more runs amazon than his ex-spousal unit does, in fact when you or i place an order…we are running amazon, still believe (as others do) as long as all issues stay at sea level, mcgarity retains the ad position at UGA (good,bad or indifferent, i don’t know)…on publicly/privately having/not having a 2, 4, 6, 10 year plan for UGA athletics is bull shit at it’s purest form, issue arises, make a public statement, throw $$$$ at it, all is good …reacting in a knee jerk fashion is not good management at any level….but bm does business that way….plus as the prezz stated, mcgarity is good at sucking up to the sec wants/needs


  3. J-Dawg

    Lord help the poor non-giving individual fan. Stuck with Jeremy Foley 2.0 forever.


    • Bulldog Joe

      Eventually, they kicked Foley into the Emeritus role.

      Josh is capable. Let’s see what he can do to make us competitive.


  4. W Cobb Dawg

    It’s his job until he doesn’t want it anymore.

    Isn’t that the last thing people say before you get canned?


    • Macallanlover

      No, in this case, it means everyone is ignoring popular opinion and he will not leave until he gets tired of collecting money. I suspect he would lose a popularity vote of fans/supporters by something like 60/40, or worse, but nobody cares because enough money comes in from the sheep. The satisfaction index is never consulted; he isn’t going anywhere until he chooses to, imo.


  5. Texas Dawg

    Making money for the athletic department like they have a printing press in the back. No major scandals that would embarrass anyone. The cash cow football program is in high gear. He is doing the job exactly as his bosses want. The fact that the flock is being fleeced is irrelevant to them as long as the $$$$$ keep coming.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Paul

    “Improvements to the game day experience?” Other than some LED lighting I’m struggling to name any improvements to the game day experience. At least not for the average fan. Am I missing something? Anybody?


  7. Russ

    So the Sears Cup or Director’s Cup or whatever it is we suck at doesn’t matter as long as football hums along. Great.

    Especially given that McGoofity is a former UGA tennis player, his stewardship of the other sports at UGA is embarrassing. I wish Magill was around to kick him in the balls.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. jtp03

    Other than football, where has this athletic department made great strides nationally? Both basketball teams are mediocre-to-bad, depending on the night, baseball has fizzled in the postseason, gymnastics is a shell of its former self, softball is ranked but middle of the pack in the SEC.

    Tennis, golf, and track have always been upper middle class ++.

    Morehead should just come out and say we are happy with the fundraising that has happened under/depsite McGarity’s tenure and Kirby’s hire and that’s why we think he’s done a good job.


    • Anon

      Golf? Talk about a coach that does less with more? Don’t confuse former UGA golfers on the pro tour with success of our university teams.


  9. I feel like I’m taking crazy pills here. We used to compete for the Sears Cup back when the football team was coached by Goff and Donnan and we were getting embarrassed by Florida, lost nine in a row to Tennessee, and didn’t get within Uga’s sniff of even a CONFERENCE championship. I resorted to bragging about women’s gymnastics. Anyone want to go back to that? Yeah, maybe it’s possible to have it all, but mostly it’s not. Give me a Natty in football and then I’ll worry about the peripherals, thank you. FOCUS, people.


    • I didn’t realize it was an either/or choice.


      • Not technically, but do you see Alabama, Clemson, Ohio State, etc. anywhere in the top ten? You see Florida a lot. I’d love to be competitive in both, but the programs that win it all in football have all their eggs in that one basket. The exception is basketball, but Tom Crean was a great hire and he brought in a great class that had underachieved.



        • jtp03

          Also he’s the Athletics Director, not the football coach, so it’s literally his fucking job to oversee a department that creates opportunity for championships in all sports. He consistently has not put us in that position.

          Also, Ohio State finished runner up twice just a couple of years ago. Did you even read your link?


          • Yeah I missed that one. But the point remains. I believe Ohio State has a lot more teams that compete than Georgia does. I know that is one thing that has hurt Georgia in the past.

            My point is I don’t really care about anything else other than breaking the 40-year drought. Once we do that, then I am fine with diversifying. I’m kind of being tongue-in-cheek here. It’s not like I want Georgia to embarrass itself in any sport. But the football problem is primary.


  10. Tony Barnfart

    What would yall say should be realistic benchmarks for basketball in the short to medium term ? (realizing it’s probably not happening this year)

    Good Year: an at-large bid to NCAA tournament
    Great Year: a win in the NCAA tournament
    Amazing Year: Sweet 16+


    • I think your expectations are realistic.


    • ATL Dawg

      I think those are fair benchmarks.

      Most rational fans expected them to at least be in the middle of the pack in the SEC this year. Right now, they’re ahead of only Vandy in the standings. That is very disappointing.

      And Edwards is almost certainly going to the NBA, so the future isn’t as bright as it was before the season.


    • FlyingPeakDawg

      I’d lower the bar to “looking competent”. I’d given up on BB…just not the game we used to play and frankly, kind of boring. But with the supposed Top NBA prospect playing, I’ve got sucked back in to watch a team blow 20 point leads and lose by 20 consistently. I’m done and I fully blame McGarrity and his handlers. Why we can’t put more resources into basketball is beyond me. Isn’t there more money for a school that gets into the NCAA Tourney consistently?

      Back to golf and horses….


  11. Classic City Canine

    When the donations dry up and the fans quit coming, these morons will wonder what happened while they were asleep at the wheel. The AD is a very poorly run business that thinks no further than the next fiscal report.
