Not so fast, my friends.

The NCAA still isn’t ready to change the transfer waiver rules.

The Council discussed recommendations from the Transfer Waiver Working Group, which has recommended that waiver guidelines be changed to allow first-time four-year transfers in all sports the ability to compete immediately. While the group didn’t take a vote on the recommendations, it provided valuable feedback with regard to timing and uncertainty related to the COVID-19 pandemic and could vote on the guidelines changes next month. It also recommended the Division I Board of Directors lift the moratorium it placed on transfer legislation last fall in order for the Council to vote on the legislative concept in January 2021.

COVID-19, for the win.  The pandemic providing an excuse for a delay in voting is the silver lining in every football coach’s dark cloud right now.

Oh, and they’re having “robust discussions” about proposed changes to name, image and likeness rules.  Robust is the NCAA’s favorite adjective these days.  Emmert must think it’s a good word to impress the politicians with.

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Filed under The NCAA, Transfers Are For Coaches.

One response to “Not so fast, my friends.

  1. Robust is pretty much Emmerts favorite word. . It’s like two important sounding words mixed together… bred for its skills in magic.
