Okay, this is getting serious.

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That’s a fundraising event, typically, so that should give you some idea how worried schools are getting.



Filed under SEC Football

22 responses to “Okay, this is getting serious.

  1. Bigshot

    Face it, there will be no CFB season this year.


    • I’m beginning to think this is the most likely of all possible outcomes.


      • Dawg1

        IF MLB and NBA can somehow get through, it may still happen, but I’d bet NCAA will postpone until October to see how they fare. Heck, we are still in a recruiting dead period which could much more easily be managed than 100,000 in the stands.


    • Austin

      I coach in Georgia, granted it is just middle school, but we have heard recently that high school association is meeting this week to switch high school football to the spring. This is also a vote happening in Tennessee and most of the south east. Though I can only confirm the Georgia and Tennessee. Tennessee is supposed to vote today. Georgia high school votes later this week.


      • It’s an entirely different subject in new post but I’m really not for Spring football.


        • practicaldawg

          Agreed. If the worst case happens (in the CFB universe that is) and CFB can’t be played in the fall, I say rip off the bandaid and just deal with it. Get it back on track for the next year. Really hope that scenario doesn’t happen though. Ugh.

          Liked by 1 person

      • I guess those blue chips with plans to be early entrants are going to be skipping their senior seasons. No way would I risk my kid getting hurt in meaningless spring football if he had already done what was necessary to graduate from high school and had signed his LOI.

        If this happens, what’s the impact on other high school sports?

        I guess it’s better than no high school football.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. ApalachDawg

    maybe we can protest before during and after the game. . then we can be assured to be able to go to games.
    everbody wins!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Dylan Dreyer's Booty

    I have several friends that are graduates of MSU, and they are all scientists of some ilk. You think they are taking their science seriously?


  4. Wait. So is this actual football tailgating at MSU or an event called “Football Talegates”?

    If that is an event that is a horribly confusing name.


  5. Surprised they needed to be almost 2 months ahead of this. I’m expecting August to be the month of decisions.

    No tail gating means no fans essentially. You cannot bring tens upon tens of thousands of people into a small area and have them park and make their way to a stadium without some form of tail gating.

    So to me this means either no football or no attendants for a football game.


  6. Bulldawg Bill

    Dammit, guys! There WILL be football!!! The ADs can’t afford not to have it! Just a matter of who will be in the stands…Full, partial and distanced, or empty. And don’t worry about the players, either. They’re among the least vulnerable in the population. Even if they do test positive, the vast majority will be asymptomatic or only mildly symptomatic and be over it in a few days.

    Get a hold on yourselves!!!!!


  7. practicaldawg

    The first game is about 60 days away. I don’t see how in 60 days time things will be OK enough to green light 100K fans in stadiums. So we can rule out that scenario. Now it’s between “no fans” or “no ball at all.” 😦
