Here are Mike Farrell’s five top candidates for SEC MVP (they’re not in alphabetical order, so I presume he’s ranking them in order):

  1. Tank Bigsby
  2. Bryce Young
  3. JT Daniels
  4. Emory Jones
  5. Derek Stingley Jr.

It’s a curious list, to say the least, starting with the top spot.  In a quarterback-driven era, the idea that a running back, even one as good as Bigsby is, would carry a team is quite the conceit.  The reality is that Auburn isn’t going past seven or eight wins without Nix taking a major step up this season.

Emory Jones over Matt Corral?  C’mon, man.

Stingley is the best player in the conference.  But he’s a DB and DBs generally don’t win MVP awards.

Whom would you pick for that list?


Filed under SEC Football

52 responses to “SEC MVP

  1. Corch Irvin Meyers, Former Jags Corch (2024)

    Emory Jones? Da fuq?!

    Liked by 6 people

    • miltondawg

      Yeah, I don’t get that either. Or Bryce Young. While both have been on the field, neither has started or played many or any snaps in meaningful situations where there was any pressure to perform. Last year Emory Jones was 18-32 (56%) for 221 yards (6.9 avg.) with 2 TDs and 1 INT. Bryce Young was 13-22 (59%) for 156 yards (7.1 avg.) with 1 TD. Either or both may turn out to be all world, but how do you put that on a preseason MVP list?


  2. Derek

    Arik Gilbert.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. originaluglydawg

    Unless Tank is going to have a season for Auburn like H.W. had for Georgia in 1980, I can’t see him being MVP.
    It could happen. I don’t think it will but it could.
    CMB isn’t dumb. He probably has something pretty slick up his sleeve.
    And Emory Jones even being on this list pretty much relegates it to a good laugh.

    Liked by 2 people

    • godawgs1701

      I’m not sure that we’re going to see a quantum leap forward from Bo Nix if we haven’t seen one already (though I do respect Mike Bobo). That’s why, if Auburn has any success this year, I expect that it can only be with Bigsby as their team MVP. Now, whether it’s possible that Auburn will have so much success that he could be the league’s MVP, I kinda doubt that.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Ran A

    Tank is one that Kirby would like to have back, instead of chasing the #1 running back in the country out of Texas.

    Liked by 4 people

  5. whybotherdude

    In a QB driven league, au will only go as far a Tank can carry them. Now he is a hoss and can carry a load but this is still a QB driven league.


  6. MGW

    Maybe they just place a lot of weight on the time he’s spent in the system or on garbage time reps, but these writers really seem to think they know something special about Emory Jones that I just do not see.

    Liked by 3 people

  7. cowetadawg

    Jordan Davis.
    A man can dream, right?

    Liked by 5 people

  8. akascuba

    Considering the source of the list I assume it’s sole purpose is to generate clicks not inform readers.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Holiday Inn Bagman

    Front Runners:
    JT Daniels
    Matt Corrall
    Bryce Young

    Dark horses:
    John Metchie
    Isaiah Spiller

    Bigsby is a good player but can’t win the SEC POY unless your team is in Atlanta.

    Liked by 2 people

  10. Spell Dawg

    Tank is going to take a severe beating; their #2 RB is Carlton Thomas’ size. Shaun Shivers is listed @ 5’7″ 189lbs.

    It’s Bobo, so there IS a chance we’ll get to see the Wild Elf formation at some point, which would finally be enjoyable to watch. Not enjoyable because it’d be successful; no, it’ll just be fun knowing Auburn fans everywhere are saying, “Awww shit, not this shit again.”

    Liked by 1 person

  11. setzer613


    Liked by 1 person

    • RangerRuss

      Hey man, he has one, maybe two years of eligibility left. With all these Covid mulligans and reset years? Anything to limit his misadventures in politics.

      Liked by 5 people

      • He’s still built like a brick shithouse…I bet a lot of current d-linemen wouldn’t want to try and stop Mr. Walker


      • mg4life0331

        Aint that right brother. Why in the hell would he want to get into politics and have shitbags drop their shit on his good name? You can not be a hero and loved by all in politics.

        Liked by 1 person

  12. timberridgedawg

    Curious and Mike Farrell…

    Does the SEC do an overall MVP? I thought they’ve awarded both an Offensive and Defensive Player of the Year since 2002.

    QB of a team in the SEC Championship game.

    Stingley seems like as good a choice as any.


  13. doubledawg09

    Though several players have won the POTY award twice, there has only ever been one three-time winner. You get one guess who that is…

    Liked by 3 people

  14. uga97

    Yea this was part troll, part lazy, part pick top 5 sec programs… certainly Corrall, & Texas AM’s RB Spiller over Bigsby


  15. NotMyCrossToBear

    Bigsby could do it, but only if Auburn runs him into the ground because they’ve got nothing else. And they will do it if they have to, ie: Kerryon Johnson.
