Farewell to a white elephant

The Pac-12 closes the door on one of Larry Scott’s more expensive follies.

The Pac-12 on Tuesday announced it’s leaving downtown San Francisco next year when its lease expires.

Where’s the new headquarters? Nowhere. There will be no conference office in the traditional sense, only a facility for content production.

Most employees will be allowed to work in fully remote fashion, a move that will save millions in rent annually and generate additional revenue for the campuses…

The conference paid approximately $8 million in occupancy for the San Francisco office space in the 2020 fiscal year, according to the most-recent financial documents available.

An undetermined fraction of that amount will support the production facility, with the remainder distributed to the schools — perhaps $500,000 to $750,000 per campus per year.

Just pissing money away.  How Scott managed to keep his job — at a place that was steadily falling behind in the revenue race during his tenure — as long as he did is one of those little mysteries I’ll never understand.


Filed under It's Just Bidness, Pac-12 Football

18 responses to “Farewell to a white elephant

  1. Gaskilldawg

    Larry Scott convinced the PAC 12 schools that his plan would produce untold riches and the expensive office spaces was a part of his plan. It is similar to why lonely people with money give it away to someone who promises love forever.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. 79dawg

    Opportunity is truly NowHere….


  3. Maybe it’s not the downtown San Francisco digs as much as it is the fact that most people in the west coast’s population centers don’t give a damn about college sports. Larry Scott was an idiot, but the USC football program in particular did him no favors.

    Liked by 1 person

    • miltondawg

      Yeah. USC getting the hammer dropped on them a year after he took over the conference, schools like Oregon, UCLA and Stanford becoming more and more (or remaining) irrelevant in football over his tenure and especially in the last half, and the addition of two schools in Utah and Colorado that did zero to improve national spotlight on the conference in football were all contributors to what can only be looked at as a failure of the head of a conference in a time where money was increasingly flowing all over the place in college athletics.


    • Russ

      That’s true about the West Coast in general, but San Francisco has to be the last place on the west coast that cares about college football. LA at least has two “major” teams right there.

      But I don’t really care. It’s the PAC12.


  4. Ran A

    He should run for office. He would fit right in.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. stoopnagle

    How do people like Larry Scott live with themselves?


    • Texas Dawg

      Most people like him are convinced that they did everything right. I’m sure he thinks that it was the idiots that were in charge of implementing his grand scheme that failed. The sad thing is that he will find someone else that will believe this as well. He will be in charge somewhere else, and he will wash, rinse, repeat. Once again for a huge chunk of someone else’s change.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. You folks judge rampant inadequacy so harshly…personally, I think ole Larry just got tired of having flowers in his hair


  7. otto1980

    Now if we can just get the SEC front office out of Birmingham,

    Liked by 2 people

  8. SoCalDawg

    He was a modern day Charles Hatfield without the rains.


  9. It worked for Larry cause he was hanging with all the hipster tech dudes laughing about burn rates on investor money while having no real product to offer. I’m sure he’s on the board of several startups by now.

    P.S. Pac12…post Covid you can get class A office space for almost nothing on a long term lease now.


    • Russ

      “P.S. Pac12…post Covid you can get class A office space for almost nothing on a long term lease now.”

      Buy high, sell low. Sounds like someone is copying my investment strategy.

      Liked by 2 people

  10. Dawg19

    I hear Larry Scott is also a helluva monorail salesman.
