A problem in search of a solution

Allen Kenney’s projections for the ’22 season make for a fun read, but that’s not really what I want to focus on in this post.  Rather, I’d like to hone in on a couple of specific observations he offers in his post.

First, he writes this about the SEC:

We can officially say Bama and Georgia have reached an entirely different level in college football, along with Ohio State. The Bulldogs can’t match the Tide behind center, which gives Alabama the nod for the conference crown. If UGA gets a second shot at the Tide, the outcome could be different. (Essentially, a replay of the 2021 season.)

And here’s his take on the CFP.

Peach Bowl: No. 1 Alabama over No. 4 Utah

Fiesta Bowl: No. 2 Ohio State over No. 3 Georgia

Championship: No. 1 Alabama over No. 2 Ohio State

Yes, Utah is something a little different. This is still so, so boring.

Now, the grand poobahs who run the sport would no doubt assure Allen that they have the cure for his boredom in the form of an expanded CFP.  (Or at least they would if they could get their collective heads out of their collective asses.  But I digress.)  The reality is, though, that expansion won’t fix the underlying problem he cites, namely, that there are three programs head and shoulders above the rest of their P5 peers.

Now, I know that this disparity makes for a very convenient fig leaf to cover the real reason the suits want playoff expansion, but if it’s a real concern, shouldn’t the sport’s leaders be looking for ways to level that particular playing field?


Filed under College Football

56 responses to “A problem in search of a solution

  1. biggusrickus

    Ohio State and Georgia have only made the playoff 3 and 2 times, respectively. I’m sorry for them if they’re tired of Bama being a mainstay, but the other of the two actual mainstays, Clemson, seems to have fallen off and opened the door for other participants. Michigan and Cincinnati got in last year. Who’s to say Ohio State will shore up their defense enough to make the playoff or that Georgia won’t fall off enough to drop a regular season game, lose to Alabama and miss the playoff like they did in ’18 and ’19? For that matter, who’s to say Alabama won’t have similar shortcomings to last year and actually drop a couple of their close calls?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m sorry to say the anticipated demise of the Greater Anderson Cow College football program is not assured. They play in the Almost Competitive Conference, and I don’t see them losing a conference game (at home to Miami is the only one that may be a challenge). The only dangerous game for them is the November trip to South Bend at night. If they are 12-1 or 13-0 as the ACC champions, they’ll get the benefit of the doubt over a 12-1 SEC championship game loser.

    Liked by 3 people

    • biggusrickus

      Their offense was a pretty big mess last year. If they don’t find a running game or a much better QB I don’t see them making the playoff.


      • Biggen

        I’m kinda with you here. I don’t believe DJ Ugugugulala will have made massive gains. A tiger doesn’t change his stripes and he is what he is at this point in his career. I wouldn’t be surprised if he is pulled a few games into the season if he repeats his early performance from last year.


      • I’m just saying they are going to have a record and likely an ACC championship that will warrant playoff consideration.

        Liked by 1 person

    • Faltering Memory

      Great credit to your Almost Competitive Conference highly accurate terminology, but if the Cow College drags several of their opponents through the urine-soaked, patty mixed cow pen, the reference might then be to the Allegedly Competitive Conference.

      Liked by 1 person

    • jcdawg83

      Like every season, Clemson’s schedule is 10 cupcakes, 1 mid level opponent (Miami) and 1 legitimate opponent (ND). If Clemson loses a single game during the season, they should be out of playoff consideration but they won’t be. ESPN loves that clown Dabo and his stupid hick shtick.

      Unfortunately, you are correct in that ESPN will take Clemson as a 12-1 ACC champ over a 12-1 Georgia who loses the SECCG. I think if ESPN was honest, they would tell you that, right now, if they could pick the four playoff teams they want the most they would want Bama, Ohio State, Clemson and Texas.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Down Island Way

      If that 12-1 sec team is the bammers, they are in, if that 12-1 team is UGA football, klempzen gets in at 13-0…

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Russ

    Well, a lot of schools have crazy/rich alumni, so the NIL money will start to balance out things a little (see A$M’s latest haul). But Saban is still the GOAT and I think Kirby is next up, so there’s only so much people can do to account for that coaching/admin talent.

    They’ll put extra teams in the playoffs because of $$$ but that won’t fix the underlying discrepancy. They’ll have to make up rules that handicap great coaches and their programs. Once we have NFL-Lite in place, I’m sure we’ll start getting roster restrictions (more so) and rolling schedules based on SOS so they can level the playing field. The only thing stopping it from happening now is “they” are the NCAA, who has been shown toothless. Some new organization will soon take it’s place to make sure the money keeps flowing like ESPN wants.

    Liked by 4 people

    • jcdawg83

      The NCAA doesn’t control the ESPN Invitational Post Season Football Tournament, also known as the College Football Playoff. When ESPN decides they can get more revenue by expanding their tournament, they will expand it. It won’t matter what the conferences or the NCAA says.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Russ

        Totally agree with that. The playoff will expand when ESPN says it will. My point is that won’t fix the balance of power. There will still be just a few teams at the top.

        Liked by 1 person

        • jcdawg83

          That has been the case forever. Even back in the days of polls determining the “national champion” and the BCS era, there were never really more than four teams that were legitimate contenders each season. A lot of the same names still hold the top ten spots or so.

          Liked by 1 person

  4. moe pritchett

    He be lost credibility with me right about here,

    “The Bulldogs can’t match the Tide behind center, which gives Alabama the nod for the conference crown.”

    Just stop this shit already.

    Liked by 9 people

  5. cpark58

    I know its not the main thesis of the post but, ” The Bulldogs can’t match the Tide behind center, which gives Alabama the nod for the conference crown.”

    Excuse me sir, but there is no proof that Bryce Young can win any football game without Metchie and/or Williams, let alone a championship. He is currently 0-1 without being propped up by those two transcendent gods of the game. His best current option is Jermaine Burton who I have on good authority (Bama bloggers) entire body of work was as part of a second rate receiving corps none of which could start for the mighty Tide.

    Liked by 11 people

    • Biggen

      I will say his Auburn performance probably won him the Heisman, but of course he had one of those receivers you mentioned as well.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Biggen

        Edit: Actually he had both of those WRs didn’t he for that game?

        Liked by 1 person

        • cpark58

          He did indeed. Young is 1-1 without the dynamic duo and 0-1 if he doesn’t have either of them.

          Below is a summary of UGA wideouts that lost playing time to injury last year. I’m pretty sure all but 2 were more highly regarded coming out of high school than both Metchie and Williams.

          WR, Jermaine Burton
          WR, Marcus Rosemy-Jacksaint
          WR, Justin Robinson
          WR, Dominick Blaylock
          WR, Arian Smith
          WR, Ladd McConkey
          WR, George Pickens

          Maybe Saban should just recruit better so his team isn’t rendered completely impotent after two common injuries.

          Liked by 5 people

        • Not for long. Williams was ejected early in the second quarter for targeting. So Young only had Metchie for the majority of the game. It’s odd to me if that was the game that won him the Heisman because for 58 minutes he was awful.


      • biggusrickus

        Which is funny, because it was his worst game of the season and was only saved by an Auburn running back doing something stupid.

        Liked by 6 people

    • moe pritchett

      “Transcendent Gods of the Game”
      Can we can an acronym for this and add it to the lexicon? “TGOTG”
      That’s some good shit man.


  6. It’s talkin’ season and I’m not swayed…the pundits take jabs or make backhanded compliments at UGA…but in about a month or so all these hosers will play one of my favorite games…fuck around and find out. Once GA beats the Ducks and sets a tone for the season, all this white noise of UGA disrespect and flackies grandstanding will die away…with every systematic win, Kirby and Co will start to suck the air out of the room…like last season, I’m going to savor each win and trust this coaching staff. As always, it’s great to be a Georgia Bulldog.

    Liked by 8 people

  7. DawgFlan

    Read the article, and a fair assessment overall (although I don’t know if Geoff would be worth a hire at DC, more likely a stint as Bama analyst a la Butch Jones). I was glad we dodged Ohio State last year, and really want to see how UGA’s pass rush and young secondary develops through the upcoming season before I feel comfortable about the idea of potentially facing them in the playoffs.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. godawgs1701

    If this guy is bored by Alabama being in the playoff field and being a favorite, I guess he’s just going to have a to find a new hobby. Same hopefully will go for Georgia. Look, a playoff field with UGA, Alabama, Utah, and Ohio State is very exciting and the games might even be watchable this time around. The playoff field last year was supposed to be exciting, too, but then Michigan and Cincinnati got exposed as not being on the same level as the two SEC schools (which is why you can expect two SEC schools this year, too). Incidentally, it’s also why the only reason to expand the playoff is monetary – four teams is more than enough if you want the best team in the country is the national champion.

    Liked by 3 people

  9. CB

    If Georgia and Bama both somehow managed to go 12-0 headed into Atlanta, what are the odds Saban and Kirby would play their scout teams?


    • I think it depends on what happens elsewhere. If they are playing for one spot, it will be an epic struggle for the ages. If they are both assured of spots regardless, the teams will probably play it out for a championship, but if one takes control, you may see a 4th quarter where both teams say we’ll see you in January.


      • jcdawg83

        Unless Clemson is a hot mess this season it is likely that only one SEC team is going to the playoff. As discussed above; a 12-1 ACC Champion Clemson knocks out a 12-1 loser of the SECCG. I don’t really see any Mulligans this year.

        Liked by 1 person

    • charlottedawg

      Zero, Kirby wants that sec championship and he definitely doesn’t want anyone to think the national championship was a fluke and Bama will just continue their dominance over us.

      Liked by 2 people

      • CB

        Disagreed. Given that the SECCG is primarily a money grab anyway, I don’t think Kirby or Saban would be dumb enough to risk the health of their best players for a consolation prize if they end up with a guaranteed playoff spot and a shot at another national championship on the horizon.

        I don’t think they’d publicize the move. They’d both hype up the importance of the game all week, but I believe they’d find subtle ways to keep guys out. Phantom injuries and whatnot. Plus, neither team would want to show too much with a potential rematch just a few weeks away.


        • jcdawg83

          I think it is rarely a given that both teams in the SECCG will go to the playoff. A coach would be a fool to knowingly handicap his team in the SECCG because he was taking a spot in the playoff for granted.

          I have never bought into the “not showing too much” idea, especially by the end of the season. Opponents have 12 games of film to study on a team and college teams aren’t putting more pages into the playbook at season’s end. College players can really only learn so many plays. Plays are run out of multiple sets and the qb and the offense modify plays based on the way the defense lines up. There is no real way for a defensive coordinator to look at the way an offense is lined up and say “they are running such and such a play here”. The best he can hope for is to determine a head coach and offensive coordinator’s tendencies in a given situation i.e. Richt really like to throw deep out of play action on third and short.


          • CB

            12-0 in the SEC is almost certainly a playoff lock in any year unless there are 3-4 other dominant, undefeated P5 champions.

            You might not buy into the idea of “not showing too much”, but coaches damn sure do. That said I’m not really sure what your point is with the second paragraph.


  10. olddawg22

    15 years ago who knew that the unholy alliance of Saban and Alabama would bring down college football as we know it! Yes there had been dynasties before, but combined with nuclear increases in money from boosters and TV Saban has managed to dominate a sport so completely (along with the SEC) that it cracked the very fabric that underpinned the sport! Maybe the system crumbles regardless of Nickie, the NCAA is/was run by morons, but the Tide has sure pushed the timeline and made the playoffs it’s own personal playpen. As pointed out in this blog many times only a handful of teams recruit at the level to make it in and with the exception of Cincinnati that has played true to form. Super leagues and NFL lite become the only outcome of such a top heavy concentration of talent and power.


  11. Belichk and Brady were so good they expanded the playoffs to make it more fair. Same for KC and now Stafford and LA. What? That isn’t what they did?


  12. Corch Irvin Meyers, Former Jags Corch (2021)

    The “problem” is a concentration of the majority of blue chip talent in about four or five teams.

    As we saw with TAMU’s recent haul, NIL will fix this. Even Mizzou got a five star player last cycle.

    The best players will follow the money and not all schools can pay every best player, so they’ll have to go to Miami or Louisville or Mizzou or Arkansas or Arizona State or Michigan State.

    And thus, actual parity, not Nick Saban’s fake version of parity where Bama is the only dominant force in recruiting, will return to CFB.


    • Tony BarnFart

      I’m not sure we can say that with certainty yet. If Tennessee pays an astronomical sum for a QB this year, what’s the next QB going to want ? What will a booster gauge as a good return on his investment and how many times can you go to the same well for the next guys in the next class, over and over again ?

      Liked by 1 person

      • californiadawg

        Also how many times can boosters justify spending that much if that $8M QB turns out to be a bust, or simply above average and not a world beater.


  13. charlottedawg

    Georgia was the best team last year but the worst possible match up would have been and still is Ohio state. Our defenses is kryptonite is an elite QB with elite WRs and I would take stroud and his receivers over young and his, including metchie and Williams, every day and twice on sundays. Also for those who forget Williams transferred from Ohio state so you could argue he was bamas version of jermaine Johnson, really good player who was still buried on the depth chart due to the talent just stacked above him.


    • jcdawg83

      I’d say Young and the Bama receiving corps would qualify as “elite” and they were only able to must one touchdown against our defense and that touchdown came after the refs gave them the ball on our 15 yard line. I’m not saying Ohio State couldn’t move the ball but I think you are selling our defense short.


  14. Remember the Quincy

    The same people who gripe about how boring it is to see the same teams every year…do they really want to see other teams? They’ll gripe even louder if a Baylor, Wisconsin, or Utah gets in. They’ll complain when those teams aren’t competitive and get run off the field by halftime.


    • You just don’t get it! The fact that Michigan and Cincinnati couldn’t compete in their respective CFP games last year isn’t proof that there were only two teams worth of competing for the championship, it’s proof that a LIMITLESS number should be competing!

      Why aren’t my local D-III Salisbury University Seagulls allowed to compete in the CFP? Is it because you’re jealous of their giant inflatable football helmet, through which they run onto the field pre-game? Is it because their stands for home games are usually filled with only about 200 souls (out of 2,000 seats)?

      Or is it because their starting running back in any given year may be 5’6″ 150lbs?


      Liked by 2 people

  15. Illini84

    “Expect Luke Ford to be much more productive this season given the departure of tight end Daniel Barker, who played a key role in the Illini offense last season. The improvement of the quarterback room with the addition of senior transfer Tommy DeVito will also give Ford more of an opportunity to get back to elite status.” Elite!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • biggusrickus

      I’m…I just…What…? Daniel Barker caught 18 balls last year (to Ford’s 15). Tommy DeVito couldn’t start for a bad Syracuse team. That hurt my brain.


  16. Hobnail_Boot


    Oklahoma fan is tired of getting passed by and now that Riley has left town, they are staring the reality of becoming New Nebraska in the face.

    Couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch. Civi et Reipublicae these nuts, land thieving assholes.


  17. Castleberry

    It will be even more boring when Georgia, Bama, OSU slip up a couple of times in the regular season and still make the final four.
