Today, in duh

Check out the big brains in Big Ten country ($$):

“The money in television has gotten so big that it definitely plays a factor in who you look at and who you consider,” said Big Ten special football adviser Barry Alvarez, former Hall of Fame coach and longtime athletics director at Wisconsin. “I’d say it’s a considerable factor.”

Thanks for sharing that, Barry.  Watching college football for the last twenty years, I’d have never guessed that if you hadn’t admitted it.

“The clear message to me is that geography and tradition don’t mean near as much as some other things, TV probably being at the front of that list,” said Iowa coach Kirk Ferentz, the dean of college football coaches. “That’s just the way college has gone. Penn State joined the Big Ten back in the ’90s, probably because of football, and I’d just speculate Nebraska the same way and then further expansion. So, the game has changed a lot, and the environments have changed a lot, and things that are driving the directions of college football have changed.

“I think it makes a lot of sense, other than geography. It just doesn’t make sense there.”

It’s like these guys have been in a coma for decades and are just now waking up to observe the outside world.

College football doesn’t deserve the people running the business side of it.  Not that deserve’s got anything to do with it.


Filed under Big Ten Football, It's Just Bidness

20 responses to “Today, in duh

  1. originaluglydawg

    In the foreseeable future, Tony Barnhart will be all over this mother.

    Liked by 9 people

  2. RangerRuss

    Senator, do you know how I know you’re serious?
    When you go all William Munny on that ass.

    Liked by 4 people

    • moe pritchett

      That was a bad dude.

      Liked by 1 person

      • RangerRuss

        Mostly when he was drinking.

        Liked by 1 person

        • moe pritchett

          I may have watched that movie entirely too many times, but that was perhaps the baddest dude in any western ever.
          His last lines of the movie were epic.

          ““I’m coming out. Any man I see out there, I’m gonna shoot him. Any sum’bitch takes a shot at me, I’m not only gonna kill him, but I’m gonna kill his wife, all his friends, and burn his damn house down.”

          His truth carries weight.

          I think Kirby kind of said that when he said,
          “We won’t be hunted, we will be the hunters.”

          Liked by 4 people

  3. Once the bow ties and sweater vest folks bent their knees to the fat cats wearing monocles, it was just a matter of time before they killed the golden goose.

    I don’t want to get too morose, I’ll go back to another Bluto post and attack Fech…kicking that rotting carcass always cheers me up.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. How do you keep East Coast eyes and gambling money flowing past 8:00pm Saturday nights in the Fall? Expand your conference coast to coast. The Harvard / Colombia /Princeton MBAs and the wise guys are driving these decisions while then University Presidents dream of their newest facilities. When no one is in charge of protecting the game, the game goes unprotected.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Dylan Dreyer's Booty

    “…Iowa coach Kirk Ferentz, the dean of college football coaches…”
    Huh? Maybe that’s just something thrown in to make him sound smarter than he is.


    • miltondawg

      It’s a nod to the fact that he is the longest tenured FBS coach at one school. He became the Iowa head coach in the late 1990s but I don’t recall the year.


  6. mddawg

    The admins realizing it’s all about the money now:
