Monday Monday, can’t trust that day.

I suspect that the prognosticatin’ will be a little less assured this week. There were some pretty absurd pronouncements last week, particularly regarding the Auburn-Florida game (let’s just say that if a certain talk host on 790 The Fan Zone put his money where his mouth was Saturday evening before the game, he’d be out looking for a new place to live today).

Anyway, a few more thoughts on Georgia-Mississippi, the SEC this week and other college football thingys:

  • After watching the coaches’ shows yesterday, my respect for Orgeron and his program has increased. Sure, it’s easy to make fun of the guy over the way he talks, but that team played seven tough quarters against Florida and Georgia and looked prepared doing it. The staff scouted well and drew up game plans that were competent and the Ole Miss offense did a good job executing. The Rebels lost because they’re short in the personnel department, but with recruiting supposedly being Orgeron’s strong suit, these guys could very well improve with another season or so’s effort.
  • One thing Coach O said on his show that’s worth taking note of if you’re a Georgia fan is that his staff noticed that on defense Georgia was susceptible to spread formations with a single back. Orgeron felt that Mississippi did some damage out of that formation on Saturday. (Tennessee did last year as well, if I recall.)
  • Martinez went very passive in the secondary after Allen was beaten on the long TD pass to Wallace early. Unfortunately, there was no pressure from the Georgia defensive line most of the day – no sacks and not many hurries – which meant that Adams had plenty of time to sit back and either wait for receivers to find holes in the zone or calmly check down to an outlet back if his receivers didn’t come open. He still missed guys quite a few times. If Georgia plays the same way against Ainge, he’ll eat the defense alive.
  • Every team in the SEC East plays a conference game this week. Richt may want to pooh-pooh it, but for all intents and purposes, Georgia-Tennessee is an elimination game for either school in terms of winning the East in ’07. The loser of the UK-USC game Thursday night is going to be in a tough spot, too. If Florida loses to LSU, its national title hopes would be gone. The Gators, if they ran the table from there, though, would likely still wind up in Atlanta, since they would have Kentucky, South Carolina and Georgia remaining on the schedule, but they’d have no margin for error left. It should make for interesting times over the next month or so.
  • I’m having a hard time getting my brain wrapped around the concept of the seventh ranked Kentucky Wildcats, who, by the way, have never beaten a Steve Spurrier-coached team. But I will say that if UK does pull off the win in Columbia this week, I’ll be ready to give credit where credit is due. Watch the turnover battle in that game.
  • What is with ESPN’s annoying habit of naming every college football weekend? Last Saturday is now dubbed “Insanity Saturday” – geez. More likely, the WWL would prefer to call it “They interfered with our chance to promote next week as ‘Blockbuster Saturday'” Saturday.
  • And there’s this blurb from College GameDay Final: “But if there is one thing we did get out of the weekend, it is further proof of the absurdity of preseason polls. We just now are completing our first month of college football and already the preseason top 10 looks as dated as the fumblerooski. Other than USC, LSU and Wisconsin, no top 10 team made it out of September without at least one loss. Two of them (Michigan and Louisville) lost twice.” I’d probably have a lot more respect for that sentiment if ESPN had refused to publicize the preseason polls when they came out in the first place.
  • Urban Meyer’s strategery in trying to ice Auburn’s freshman kicker with the winning field goal has drawn some attention. You wonder what gets said the first time a kid gets hurt on a play that doesn’t wind up counting. Not that any Auburn folks are complaining in the aftermath.



Filed under College Football, ESPN Is The Devil, Georgia Football, SEC Football, Strategery And Mechanics

7 responses to “Monday Monday, can’t trust that day.

  1. Chuck

    Not sure if you were at the game or if you could watch a replay or what, but your two posts with thoughts on how we played couldn’t be farther from my opinion.

    I thought we played pretty darn well, and rather than blame their success on our defense, I’d just as soon chalk it up to excellent QB play. The guy was doing great, and the pass for the TD in the first corner was enabled by holding and even then required an absolutely perfect pass.


  2. I was at the game, Chuck, and I saw some replay footage on the coaches shows yesterday.

    Obviously, if you gain nearly 500 yards of offense on the day, you’ve got to be doing something right. There were certainly some very bright spots on that side of the ball. But I don’t know how you can ignore the fact that it took some time for the offense as a whole to get untracked.

    Like I blogged, I thought Georgia’s problems on defense on Saturday stemmed more from anything from the front four being unable to generate a pass rush. Adams looked good, true, but he had a lot of time to get his passes off.

    Anyway you look at it, being tied at 17 in the middle of the third quarter with a team that had never won an SEC road game under its current coach ain’t great football – especially when you consider that Ole Miss tied the score on a nine minute, 86 yard drive.

    Even Richt said in his presser after the game it was good to see his team win by that margin without playing their best.

    Really, all that should matter now is that the coaches learn from the game and get the team ready for UT. A month from now, nobody’s gonna remember the course of Saturday’s game.


  3. kckd

    Do you mean 680 the fan or 790 the zone. Which talk jock was it?


  4. kckd

    A few more comments

    Who’s to blame for Ole Miss playing so poorly with that offense the first three games of the year. That was pathetic. They may have the best QB in the West and the fourth or fifth best RB, a decent OL and good WRs and they couldn’t do squat against Vandy. Orgeron wants brownie points for playing UF and UGA tough. You don’t here stuff like that from top notch coaches.

    This weekends game is scary but that game last year would’ve been close, even with our pathetic defense if we had not turned the ball over. Our offense is better, UT’s D is not .

    If UF loses Saturday and UT beats us, it could very well be UT in the championship game. Their schedule is pretty much mundane from here on out as always.

    I agree, Richt hasn’t thought it through yet. But if there were a three way tie for the conference with two losses, we’d be out since we lost two to Eastern teams. I suppose there would be the possibility of tying a two loss UF team and a two loss UK team. We’d take it if we beat them both. But after the head to head the tiebreaker is the divisional record. Wouldn’t be good to have two East losses.

    UK is a sleeping midget. Their defense is horrible and they haven’t come close to playing a good defense yet. Bama scored a huge amount of points on Arkansas and that’s about all you need to know.

    Again, to you and ESPN, show me one year where the preseason poll coming out midseason would’ve changed anything in a way that cleared things up. That 2004 year would’ve just left us wondering if OU was the best team if AU had happened to jump them in the polls. You have to put hindsight in there to get clarity as OU would’ve never been exposed against USC.

    The polls made the necessary changes, and there have been big upset days that rearranged the polls in November just like September. That’s a wasted argument if there has ever been one.

    As far as Urban goes, what he did doesn’t surprise me. But it’s sorta like telling your lineman to purposely tackle a guy low on his right leg if he’s playing with a sore ankle. Some see nothing wrong with it, others do. What would’ve been great is if the kid would’ve missed the first one and hit the second.


  5. Do you mean 680 the fan or 790 the zone. Which talk jock was it?

    My bad, it was the two guys on 790 after the Georgia Tech game. Didn’t catch their names (I was leaving a restaurant and caught a piece of their show).

    One guy thought USC was a lock to cover Washington, which wasn’t a terrible call. But the other guy claimed that the spread didn’t matter in the Auburn-Florida game because Florida would be able to name the score. I thought that was ridiculous when I heard it – as you and I discussed before, Auburn’s problems have been on the offensive side of the ball. They had the right kind of defense to play with the Gators.


  6. This weekends game is scary but that game last year would’ve been close, even with our pathetic defense if we had not turned the ball over. Our offense is better, UT’s D is not .

    If UF loses Saturday and UT beats us, it could very well be UT in the championship game. Their schedule is pretty much mundane from here on out as always.

    I agree, Richt hasn’t thought it through yet. But if there were a three way tie for the conference with two losses, we’d be out since we lost two to Eastern teams. I suppose there would be the possibility of tying a two loss UF team and a two loss UK team. We’d take it if we beat them both. But after the head to head the tiebreaker is the divisional record. Wouldn’t be good to have two East losses.

    I completely agree with you here. Richt may be downplaying things, but I guarantee that Fulmer is not. This is as much a must win game as he’s ever faced, if the rumors out of K’ville are legit.

    I don’t think UT expects to win a low scoring game. The Vols have too many problems stopping the run and on special teams (Colquitt may be kicking off for the Georgia game, as well as handling punting duties) to keep Georgia under 25. They’re hoping for a shootout like last year’s game.

    The two weeks to get ready is what scares you the most. I expect some wrinkles that Martinez hasn’t seen and some personnel changes.

    I’ll blog more on the game later this week.


  7. kckd

    All I’ve got to say about UT’s D is that we would’ve been in a close shootout with JTIII QBing if he hadn’t thrown INTs.

    I hardly think their defense will be fixed in two weeks. Like the UK game, the turnover battle will be very important here.

    Hopefully Stafford will be on like AU last year. If he is I think we outlast them. I expect them to sell out early to stop our run. I hope Bobo is thinking that as well.

    They are so awful it may not matter. Chandler really needs to catch this week though. Their LBers are not very good and he may make a difference on those over the middle PA routes.
