Corso joins the Gamecocks’ preseason MNC bandwagon.

11:32 AM EST: Lee Corso predicts that South Carolina and Florida will play for the SEC East title in Gainesville on November 15. Um, November 15, 2008.

The South Carolina message boards should be a real treat for the next week.


Filed under ESPN Is The Devil, SEC Football

4 responses to “Corso joins the Gamecocks’ preseason MNC bandwagon.

  1. RedCrake

    This means one of four things:

    a) Corso expects South Carolina to beat Georgia

    b) Corso expects South Carolina to lose to Georgia but go undefeated against the rest of the conference.

    c) Corso expects Georgia to beat South Carolina and then lose to at least 3 other conference opponents.

    d) Corso has lost his mind and has no clue what is going on.

    Which one of these is most likely? I’m gonna go with D.


  2. Howl & Woof

    If Lee Corso believes that the Cocks are going to run the SEC East, he either sees a Georgia team riddled by injuries or he is so friggin’ stupid that he would put a smelly mascot costume on his own head before making a shi+ load of poor predictions.

    Actually, Lee just resents the Cocks for letting him go, so he sets them up for failure. Thanks, Lee. Your plan will work.


  3. gadawg4lifecar

    Hey Dawg fans, Every time I see Lee Corso a thought jumps to mind every time. This guy will
    “sell-out”in a heartbeat to garner attention. Corso’s
    objective is to say anything that will garner him a
    wet wipe for his nose, I’m sorry, this is to much….
    I would like to add…. it truly is a blessing to be a dawg fan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  4. dean

    Corso’s just trying to get back on the good side of the Carolina fans after the comments he made when Spurrier was hired. Gameday had threatened to not come back to Cola because of some of the hate mail and internet bashing Corso was receiving from the Cock lovers. So I think this is Corso’s offering an olive branch. Deep down surely he knows better.
