Auburn laughs at your concern over losing streaks.

That ten game losing streak that Gene Chizik carries into his new job?  As pointed out at The Sports Economist, there’s precedent for Auburn hiring head coaches on the down slide:

… More stunning, though, is a coach “moving up” in the coaching world after losing his last 10 games. I wondered, has anybody even come close to that. Lacking Elias Sports Bureau’s data, I racked my brain and asked some others. The closest that anyone (Dennis Wilson) could come up with was Dennis Green in moving from Northwestern to Stanford. In his last two seasons at NU, Green went 2-9 and 3-8 while losing his last five games; however, the move from NU to Stanford pales next to the ISU-AU jump if measured by metrics like attendance or football revenues. Tommy Tubberville lost his last 3 games at Ole Miss as part of a 6-5 season before moving to Auburn, so maybe the AD took the booster’s advice and “doubled down” — if Tubberville could have good success coming in with a 3 loss streak, think what could happen after a 10 loss streak!

I guess we’ll know what to look for in case Chizik doesn’t pan out.


Filed under Auburn's Cast of Thousands

4 responses to “Auburn laughs at your concern over losing streaks.

  1. Dog in Fla

    Remembering what happened when Ron Zook followed the legend at UF, I pledge to make no fun of Chizik at Auburn until after we beat them.


  2. Analogy doesn’t quite work, as we beat Auburn already anyway.


  3. Kinda like we beat Tech already? Although, I concede most of us probably saw Johnson as a worth hire.


  4. Jim Watson

    I have 2 tix for Cap.One bowl

    Sec 204
    Anyone interested??/
