Funny what mediocrity does to a guy.

I could hardly believe my eyes when I read this this morning:

… Spurrier pulled the prized prospect into his office and, during a lengthy conversation, let him take a peak at his Heisman trophy and many championship rings. Spurrier also let Shaw know that the admiration was mutual.

“South Carolina is bringing in a little more of shotgun offense with a zone read, and [Spurrier] said that I would pretty much be a perfect fit for that system. He said that I was the guy they wanted, and that was pretty cool hearing that from … one of college football’s greatest coaches.”

Steve Spurrier is going to the zone read. That’s like George Bush proposing a national takeover of the financial sector… oops, wait a minute.  Anyway, you get my point.  It’s almost sacreligious.

Of course, the OBC could be blowing smoke up the kid’s derriere.


Filed under Recruiting, The Evil Genius

29 responses to “Funny what mediocrity does to a guy.

  1. Ally

    “That’s like George Bush proposing a national takeover of the financial sector… oops, wait a minute. ”

    Don’t you mean Obama? Or maybe even Chris Dodd, Barney Franks, Maxine Waters, Peter King, and of course George Soros? Oh, and you can’t forget Bill Clinton either.

    But I’m sure those were just an innocent omissions on your part, right. It’s simply fascinating this new focus of yours to continually weave politics into your college football blog. Well done!


    • C’mon, Ally, you know the point I was making there. That Bush would do something like that is out of character, politically speaking; for a big government liberal it wouldn’t be.

      Do you honestly think it scans the same?


  2. Ally

    Really? Need I remind you that you added in “oops, wait a minute.”

    C’mon Senator.


    • Ally, forgive me, but I’m not following you here. “Oops wait a minute” was offered in the context that Bush not only proposed, he actually carried through with it… as in I’ll believe it out of Spurrier when I see a Gamecock QB make his first zone read.

      That’s why I offered my blowing-smoke-up-the-kid’s-butt comment as a conclusion to my post.


  3. Dog in Fla

    Seemed like a perfect analogy to me.


  4. Ally

    That’s not at all how I read it. This isn’t the first time you’ve made a misleading statement about Bush. And its certainly not the first time someone’s made an erroneous statement about Bush.

    If that’s REALLY what you meant, then good on ‘ya and my bad. But given your recent history of inserting Bush into your posts (which is strange in and of itself, especially since he’s NO LONGER IN OFFICE) I have my doubts.

    Speaking of which, wasn’t it you that decalred a moratorium on politics in CFB discussions here recently with yet another tacky Bush comment? I believe so….

    Thursday morning buffet

    “I think it’s safe to say that just as the Right will always have Clinton, the Left will always have Bush. Let’s leave it at that, and move on, folks.”

    Yes Senator, let’s move on Indeed.


    • Yes Senator, let’s move on Indeed.

      Fair enough. I’m not really of a mind to offend you, so if I have, please accept my apology.

      It’s a shame, though – I’ve thought of a great Maxine Waters line to drop in at the right time that’ll never see the light of day now. 😉


  5. NRBQ


    Ask yourself, “Was Bush in the Oval Office when the U.S. government invested billions of dollars in the financial sector?”

    Then ask, “Am I being a prick about this?”


  6. Wolfman

    As much as I’m attempting to restrain myself from posting in the same vein as above…(must be resilient….)

    It is nice to note that Spurrier is now so irrelevant that angry comments on posts about him aren’t even referring to him anymore. Finally. Thank you, South Carolina, for refusing to waver in your endless pursuit of mediocrity. The 1990s me can rest a little easier.


  7. Ally

    From NRBQ: “Ally,

    Ask yourself, “Was Bush in the Oval Office when the U.S. government invested billions of dollars in the financial sector?” Then ask, “Am I being a prick about this?”

    Finally! That’s exactly how I read the comment – as if to point a finger SOLEY at Bush, which is not only preposterous, but laughable. Thanks for agreeing with me! Because I read it to mean that, I simply countered with more examples from the other side of the aisle that were conveniently left out.

    As to whether or not YOU’RE a prick nrbq? Well…. I’m sure you’re significant other is a better judge than I 🙂

    Regardless, don’t we all get enough politicizing of daily? Do we have to have the same polarizing analogies made here? About football for God sakes?

    Seriously. Enough.


    • That’s exactly how I read the comment – as if to point a finger SOLEY at Bush, which is not only preposterous, but laughable.

      You know, I’ve gone back to read what I posted just to make sure I didn’t miss something. And I didn’t.

      Look, Steve Spurrier told a seventeen year old kid that he’s prepared to do something that is totally out of nature for him. The idea of Spurrier incorporating the spread option attack into his offensive scheme is completely out of character for the Evil Genius.

      SAT analogy time now: what is it about conservative politician George Bush’s proposal to quasi-nationalize large portions of the US financial sector that is similar to self-proclaimed offensive genius Steve Spurrier’s proposal to adapt the read option into his scheme? If you chose “out-of-character” as your answer, DING DING DING, we have a winner.

      That’s the only point that was being made there. Who cares who helped Bush bring it to fruition? After all, if he’s serious about implementing it, Spurrier will also have help coaching his players into running the read option. Does that lessen the point I was making about how truly weird this is?

      I recognize that I live in an area of the country where the majority of folks take their Republican politics seriously. I’m a libertarian, but that’s fine. However, some of you need to take off the ideological blinders now and then and realize that sometimes a throwaway line is simply that – a brief, non-partisan joke. That you want to read something “misleading” in that is your affair, but it doesn’t mean that I have to accept your interpretation of what was in my head when I typed it.

      That being said, I will lay off the Bush humor, because I’ve already wasted far more time on this than it merits and I don’t care to repeat the experience. Life is too short.

      By the way, Ally, how come you’ve never chastised me for mocking Obama at this blog? In fact, if I remember correctly, you were more than happy to jump in with a snarky comment about Joe Biden (not that he didn’t deserve it). So much for politicizing here.


  8. Dog in Fla

    can. not. restrain. self…i have a right to my anger, and i don’t want anybody telling me i shouldn’t be, that it’s not nice to be, and that something is wrong with me because i get angry…have. nice. day.


  9. Bryan Carver Dawg 97

    As far as I’m concerned, the Senator shoots it straight with the Dawgs and that is priority #1. As for using W as an analogy – are there other situations that could be used that might not be such a lightning rod? Sure. But its his blog. Funny how the right seems to crap on the left for being so sensitive and PC, but heaven forbid you critique W. Though it seems to me that the country is still facing some real issues that began when he was in office.


  10. Will Q

    I think the Senator has directed enough barbs at Obama’s playoffs stance for it to be unfair to accuse him of picking on Bush.

    But if that’s the case, can we still pick on Cheney? Or is that not allowed either?


  11. dudetheplayer

    Senator, you shouldn’t change anything about what you do. The analogy worked, the blog is solid, and some people are getting a little to “OMG LIBERAL MEDIA” sensitive about any comment that mentions our former president.


  12. Wolfman: South Carolina’s complete historical record at the completion of the 2008 season (528-529-44). This past season they had to knock off Vanderbilt to reach .500 as a program and failed to do so. Is that mediocrity or what? BTW, should they get by NC State on that Thursday night opener they’ll be facing the Dawgs in Athens with a chance to reach a winning record. We must not let that happen. I refuse to see Spurrier lead another program to a milestone achievement ‘Tween the Hedges. That in itself may rile up the 1990s me to levels of hatred unseen since 1995.


  13. Hobnail_Boot

    What’s lazier.. Spurrier’s approach to recruiting, or using George Bush as a way to drum up cheap comments?


  14. HVL Dawg

    Thanks for the blog.


  15. carolinadawg

    Can someone give me a simple explanation of what a zone read is, and how thats different from what Spurrier’s offense has been in the past? Thanks.


    • carolina, here’s a pretty good breakdown of the zone read, and here’s a summary of Spurrier’s offensive strategy.

      Keeping it simple, here are a few major differences:

      1. Spurrier never has been that big on running his QBs out of the shotgun. The zone read is run exclusively out of the shotgun.
      2. The zone read requires a running QB as an option. Traditionally, Spurrier’s never cared if his QB could run and he’s had a few guys back there, like Doug Johnson, who were basically statues.
      3. The fun and gun is all about spacing, timing and exploiting matchups in the secondary. The QB’s primary responsibility in the zone option is to read the defensive end.

      None of this is to say that the zone read isn’t an effective offensive play. Texas won a national championship with Vince Young making a living off of it. But it’s totally alien to what made Spurrier such a success [insert political joke of your own preference here]. In my mind, it’s an admission that the talent level in Columbia isn’t up to snuff. Or else, he’s just BSing a recruit to get him in the door.


  16. Coastal Dawg

    WTF is the world coming to when Bun E Carlos and Hanson are in the same band?

    Forget the comment about Pres Bush, Senator. That link was the most offensive thing you have ever posted.

    Where did you find it, “Tiger Beat”?


    • Forget the comment about Pres Bush, Senator. That link was the most offensive thing you have ever posted.

      I know. I’m pretty proud of it in a perverse way.

      Seriously, I thought it was an early April Fools Day joke when I saw it. “MMMBop” meets “Surrender” – who’da thunk it?


  17. Robert

    “However, some of you need to take off the ideological blinders now and then and realize that sometimes a throwaway line is simply that – a brief, non-partisan joke.”



  18. Aligator

    Basically people, spurrier is giving up . he is basically going to try and find anything that works … the talent is the ticket in gville, well you have to have a decent coach too, ie ron zook sucked deez nutts, OBC sill continue to go 8-5 until he retires in the next year or so. he ain’t that stupid. then one of the bowden sons will go over there and coach em up.


  19. carolinadawg

    Thank you Senator!
