Monday morning buffet

Get your week started with these:

  • People keep questioning the Mountain West Conference’s manhood.  Really, if the fight is over money, why would you think the MWC would walk away from it?
  • Mark Bradley thinks Jim Donnan just needed a break or two.  What Donnan needed was a competent defensive coordinator.
  • This is a pretty cool stat.  I hope it catches on.
  • More thoughts on whether BYU could play in the BCS title game this year if it ran the table, with the pro-playoffs folks sounding pretty close-minded about the idea.
  • David Hale posts about Georgia’s defensive end situation.  Demarcus Dobbs’ light at the end of the tunnel notwithstanding, there’s still a ways to go at the position.
  • If ESPN is the Devil, what does that make Tommy Tuberville?
  • And in a shocking development, Patrick Nix can’t find a football job since being canned by Miami.


Filed under BCS/Playoffs, ESPN Is The Devil, Georgia Football, Media Punditry/Foibles, Stats Geek!, Tommy Tuberville - Mythical National Champ

5 responses to “Monday morning buffet

  1. If thet beat a loaded Oklahoma team away from BYU and run the table and then I would be very receptive to them pla)ing for it all.

    That said….OU by 14+


  2. You are very correct about a competent defensive coordinator. It really was the debacle against Auburn in ’99 that did him in for me. I would argue that if Mark Richt hadn’t won an SEC Championship game or had the program at a regular 10 win clip during his run, the Florida debacle last year might have had the same effect.


  3. Dog in Fla

    If ESPN is the Devil, what does that make Tommy Tuberville?

    The Devil’s ears? Tommy can you hear me… Tommy, Tommy…


  4. kckd

    Donnan had Joe Kines and Gary whatever his name was from the OU glory years. He had a competent DC for most of his years. What he didn’t have was an attention to detail.
