Tuesday morning buffet

Something for everybody.


Filed under BCS/Playoffs, College Football, Georgia Football, The Body Is A Temple, The NCAA

10 responses to “Tuesday morning buffet

  1. DawgFaithful

    On The first run on Sony’s highlight tape, Mckenzie is the #5 jersey that comes flying in late and makes a great block. The cut Sony made to break that run across the field was NASTY! These 2 kids are football playing jessies.


  2. AlphaDawg

    How long before Auburn hires Isch?


  3. Russ

    Senator, saw a blurb on SI that said Tim Brando was being replaced by Adam Zucker on CBS lead-in to their Saturday games. I kind of liked Brando. Wonder what prompted the change.


  4. Goat Balls

    Most of those plays shown on youtube of Sony Michael were of him never being touched. I’d lot rather see him bulling over defensive lineman Herschel style which is a much better measure of being able to cut it in SEC play. There’s a bunch of kids that can run fast, but can they manhandle a defensive tackle? Gurley can and I hope Michael can but that tape doesn’t prove it.

    Great blog btw.


    • Mayor

      I kinda like seeing a runner give the defender a fake and leaving him grabbing air too, though. A whole lot less damage to the runner’s body.


  5. AthensHomerDawg

    “Butch Please” is gonna have a chore putting together an O line and managing his quarterbacks. I did feel like he had his team fired up and wanting to punch us in the mouth last season. uT wanted that game and they were willing to stand in the middle of the field and trade punches with us. After all the injuries I was just glad to win out and gth outta there.


  6. JAX

    S Michel isn’t built to handle the SEC, at least not now. He might be the Keith Marshall to compliment Chubb, but his size is a concern.
