“You always plan ahead and explore more exit strategies…”

As a general rule of thumb, when highly ranked quarterback recruits and their families say things like “It’s a business. That’s the bottom line.”, we’re probably about to hear a lot from coaches about how a rule needs to be changed.

For the good of the kids, of course.


Filed under Recruiting, The NCAA

3 responses to ““You always plan ahead and explore more exit strategies…”

  1. Beakerdawg

    Or you can just steal a laptop (or from your team mates…) get kicked out, have your dad pimp you out to the highest bidder, play one year, bolt for the nfl and land a commercial on the nfl play 60 promo, and still tell everybody with a big smile how innocent you are and your college holds you up as a godlike figure…


  2. Argondawg

    Obviously it is a business and if a kid graduates in 3 years more power to him. Essentially he becomes an unrestricted free agent. It’s a reward for diligence and planning in the classroom. I am surprised more players don’t take as advantage of it. At all positions.


  3. Dog in Fla

    If this continues unchecked it will kill graduate level amateurism as we presently know it
