Guess who’s coming to Athens.

Be still, my heart.

“SEC Nation”, the pregame show modeled after ESPN’s “College GameDay” and aired on SEC Network, is coming to town for the No. 12 Bulldogs’ Sept. 27 matchup against Butch Jones’ Volunteers. Like “College GameDay” last year, “SEC Nation” will set up shop in Myers Quad on the University of Georgia campus. Joe Tessitore, Marcus Spears, Paul Finebaum, Kaylee Hartung and former Florida quarterback Tim Tebow will co-host the show, which will air from 10 a.m. until the game kicks off at noon on ESPN.

That’s a target rich environment, students, so I expect some good signage.


Filed under ESPN Is The Devil

44 responses to “Guess who’s coming to Athens.

  1. frowertr

    I have yet to watch an “SEC Nation”. No way I can stomach both Finebaum and Tebow in one setting.

    Wonder what their ratings are like??


    • Brandon

      I prefer SEC nation to Game day. I’d rather deal with Finebaum, at least he is talking about the SEC, rather than hear Corso and Herbstreit blather on about Oregon or have to listen to a human interest story about Notre Dame’s tight end.


      • H. Boots

        Are you serious? The show is dreadful. Awful cast and no originality. It’s a cheap knock off of game day featuring college football’s Jerry springer. Finebaum is a troll and his inclusion on the show is telling of what ESPN thinks about us as southern football fans.


        • Brandon

          Yeah. Both shows are dreadful, but if I’m going to watch a dreadful show I’m going to watch the one about the teams and games a give a damn about.


        • Macallanlover

          I’m with you Boots, except that I have never watched anything before, or after football on the SEC Network. FBomb deserves zero ratings outside the state the Alabama. Total embarrassment that ESPN is that stupid. I actually hate watching football on the SEC channel too because my picture is horrible and it is in letterbox format. Unfortunately I have no choice for three consecutive weekends, with more to come. Not a big fan of Gameday but I have it on ESPN until noon anyway as background as I research computer sites about football issues like weather and injury reports.


    • I tried giving it a chance–really I did–but the final straw was the segment they had devoted to Paul’s call in show. ESPN acted like this was the pulse of the SEC fanbase. I just couldn’t stomach the obvious F-You ESPN was giving to every average SEC fan. Its horrible, but I put it on mute and read it for the articles (clips of sec highlights)


  2. Brandon

    A Marcus Howard fathead would be a nice present for Tebow.


  3. To honor GTP, someone needs to have a sign – “ESPN Is the Devil” – with F-bum having horns and a pitchfork.


  4. Bulldog Joe

    I bet they will be mostly ignored by the students who tailgate there.

    With a 12 noon start and our new student seating policy, I doubt many will be tailgating from 10am-noon after an Athens Friday night.


  5. dawg

    Kaylee Hartung, mmmmmmmm.


    • Sanford222view

      As hard as this is to admit I actually think Tebow is doing a pretty good job. His commentary is interesting and more than just fluff and personal opinion. He actually has logical reasoning to back up his opinions. Unlike Marcus Spears and Finebaum who don’t say anything worth listening. Tim just needs a new stylist. The Justin Timberlake look doesn’t cut it for the sports broadcast environment. He looks too casually dressed especially compared to his co-hosts.

      Tebow is MUCH better than Desmond Howard.


      • AthensHomerDawg

        … Tim just needs a new stylist. The Justin Timberlake look doesn’t cut it for the sports broadcast environment. He looks too casually dressed especially compared to his co-hosts.
        Ok. I gather you’re new here. Not the usual kind of football post. But hmmm… what the heck? Welcome to GTP!



        • Sanford222view

          Not new here at all. Just thought Tebow’s choice of wardrobe last Saturday was silly looking for a college football pregame show.


          • AthensHomerDawg

            Gotcha. JK. Tebow brings out some interesting comments. We’ve examined his hair style, his wardrobe and his manners or lack there of. lol.


          • Cojones

            Sanford, you must have tuned in after a smoke because what I saw a couple of weeks ago from him was embarrassing. There was nothing professional about his trying to raise his hand and say “Me too!” during a roundtable discussion. When he finally spoke, it was of no consequence.

            But, what the hell, I liked Chizik’s repertoire, so there’s that.

            And I think that AHD is a closet smoker for not remembering you. 🙂


            • Sanford222view

              The only time I watched Tebow was this past Saturday morning. He very well could have sucked before that. Of course when you are comparing him to F-Baum and Marcus Spears the bar isn’t set very high.


  6. Any clue how this will affect Myers Quad tailgating? We were on North Campus last year so we didn’t experience GameDay but we made the switch this year. Will there be open areas or do we need to find somewhere else?


  7. GossDawg



  8. Will Trane

    Took a peek thinking it might be Jennifer Lopez. What a disappointment.
    One thing I have done over the years is not to listen to pregame shows.
    In fact this past weekend is the first time I have turned off Scott Howard and company. Simply can not take those guys. I’ve heard better high school announcers than that group. Do not even come close to a Munson.
    AD needs to find an entirely new crew. That group is terrible.


  9. fatman48

    I watched the First and Last SEC Nation, Tim Tebow is RUDE, and only HIS opinion matters, and the fact that I can’t stand UF. “GO DAWGS” GATA.


  10. Cojones

    See what you insensitive aholes did? Timmy’s crying again. Yall are gonna fool around enough to make him write another egotestical epistle and nail it to ESPN’s front door.


  11. Cojones

    Maybe we can help with some signage ideas?

    One guy with one sign that reads “Game. This way” with an arrow pointing to the stadium. And background students/fans hurrying by without so much as a glance at ESPN’s setup.


  12. Mayor

    Students—bring lots of raw eggs and rotten tomatoes. 🙂


  13. hassan



  14. Slaw Dawg

    Really: students, behave well and don’t embarrass us. Finebomb and Teblow don’t merit UGA getting a bad rep.


  15. should we congratulate the boys for ALL picking South Carolina over Texas A&M? Paul this ain’t Alabama…. U blow. Where is the REAL Gameday? Tebow your Momma dresses you funny. Tebow ,Hernandez wants you to put some money on his books.


  16. O yeah…. someone please throw in”Smokey’s a Mutt”


  17. dawg

    “Go Home ESPN, but leave Kaylee here.”


  18. hot12dog

    Tebow is doing a wonderful job! Stop hating the best college football player ever because you hate Florida. I am A UGA fan but i can appreciate talent.


  19. aikendawg

    dawg nation is really making me sick. tebow does a great job at breaking down the sec. this is coming from a dawg who didn’t miss a game from 87-98. grow up fellow dawgs and learn to appreciate a good football man who is also a man with great integrity. gata jyd!!!


    • A man who made REALLY poor choices in where he attended school. I make fun of him because he is a Gator not because of his faith. Develop a sense of humor it makes life more pleasurable.
