Now they love ’em in Montana.

Welcome the latest pundit’s kiss for the Dawgs.

The question mark at the end there is a nice touch.


Filed under Georgia Football, Media Punditry/Foibles

17 responses to “Now they love ’em in Montana.

  1. I guess it’s the part of my DNA that’s ingrained in every long time Dawg fan, but I hate when we start getting love from the national media. Wish it were possible to fly under the radar for an entire season, then at the final Committee vote, it suddenly dawn on them that “Holy crap, UGA is one of the top 4 teams!” 🙂


    • Will (The Other One)

      Yep. My first on just seeing the article snippet was “the last time we got this kind of media praise was after the Clemson game…”


  2. Mayor

    If Georgia wins out during the regular season (I realze that is a big “if”) the Dawgs will be in a 3 game playoff for the National Championship. The first game is the SECCG. Win that and we’re SEC Champs and in the 4 team playoff. I hope we get to play ND in the first round. Win that and we’re in the final. 🙂


    • Gaskilldawg

      You must be kidding. If we are good enough to be voted into the playoff folks will notice such things as beating auburn and winning the SEC before the vote.

      Moreover the committee folks have 6 votes before the selection. You think anyone is going to ignore us for 6 votes then put us in the top four on the 7th?


    • Oh…please let it be! I’d love nothing more than to get to hang out with those egomaniacs. I’d get as much enjoyment from that as the game.


  3. Noonan

    I think if you look at turnover margin in addition to those stats, we really look like contenders. Disclaimer: I expect us to lose to Florida and Kentucky.


  4. Munson’s Syndrome; severe cases have lifelong effects.


  5. Russ

    Does Mandel still have a job?


  6. Can’t get the link to open on my phone so I’m going off other comments. A D that creates turnovers seems to be the common denominator between the last several national champs. I haven’t researched this but I’d imagine it’s true. Actually, this seems to be of more importance than average yardage and points given up. Certainly if you have a potent offense.


    • Dawg521

      Coach Pruitt’s D is also a common denominator between the last few national champs. Bingo-bango, we are next in line.
