Bobby Bowden’s momma didn’t raise no fool.

Confession time.

I bet hearing that gave Finebaum a major woody.


Filed under Bobby Bowden: Over His Dead Body, SEC Football

55 responses to “Bobby Bowden’s momma didn’t raise no fool.

    • Uglydawg

      For the record…UGA ain’t licking PF’s face..he’s sticking his tongue out at him. He was probably thinking…”I aint licking that beak after it’s been up Nicky’s butt”.


  1. I wonder if FSU would have been as dominant in the 90’s nationally if they had been an SEC member. They were really stout.


    • JCDAWG83

      Not nearly as much. They were playing in the weak ass ACC. They had one legitimated conference game a season, Clemson. That they did not have multiple undefeated seasons in the 90s tells me they were not as great as they thought they were.


      • pete

        …and Clemson only had 3 seasons of 9 or better wins during that decade.


        • pete

          FSU went 11(W)-6(L)-1(T) against SEC teams in the 90’s. Those teams included UF, UT, SCAR, & LSU.


          • JCDAWG83

            SC sucked balls in the 90s and LSU wasn’t exactly a powerhouse before Saban and Les got there. It’s not so much about playing one or two tough games a season as it is having to face a “good” team for every conference game in the SEC. FSU had great talent in the 90s, but their schedule made it easy for them to be ready for every big game they had. Facing Duke, Wake Forest, NC, NC State, tech, etc each week was no big deal. They could afford to look past most of their schedule to an upcoming big game.

            When the coach says he couldn’t have won big in the SEC, it’s best to believe him.


          • Uglydawg

            That’s a 687 batting average against the SEC…that won’t win the conference most years..I wonder what their average was against the ACC over that same period.


            • Macallanlover

              Not sure they lost more than 1 conference game the first five years. They rolled through the ACC like a hot knife through butter if I recall. Smart move on their part, BB is right. FSU was a decent team then but they wouldn’t have won more than a couple of SEC’s in Bowden’s tenure.


    • Go Dawgs!

      Florida State had great teams and they would certainly have been a top-tier team in the SEC. They likely would have won some SEC titles and probably a national title. There’s simply no way they’d go 5, 6 years without a conference loss or whatever their mark in the ACC was. I’m friends with a few Florida State graduates and they always trumpet the wins they had over Florida in the 90’s as evidence that the SEC wouldn’t have made a difference. Well, folks, you had four or five bye weeks against Wake Forest and Duke to get ready for the Gators. They had to play much tougher week to week.


  2. Nate Dawg

    I’m 38 years old. Ever since I been a young tyke, my daddy has always said “son, the SEC is the best football in the land”. All this ESPN explosion for the SEC and all this nation-wide hate/jealousy for the SEC…it’s great and all, but it’s always been the best football. Period. So I don’t blame Bowden. And I love him and his honesty. Go Dawgs.


  3. JCDAWG83

    If you’re scared, say you’re scared.


  4. Any thoughts on Bowden’s comments on PAWWWWLLLL about Jameis? Deadspin had a decent <a href = “> takedown of him over that yesterday.


  5. 3rdandGrantham

    Wow. I literally have 8-9 FSU friends I need to send that to, and hundreds of other FSU fans that I’ve debated this with over the years. Going back to when I moved to Florida in ’99 and stayed there for 7-8 years, the story from FSU types was that it was the SEC who turned down FSU, as border schools like UF, AU, UGA, etc. didn’t want a developing powerhouse like FSU to get better access to SEC recruits, overall prestige of the conference, etc. I’ve maintained the entire time what Bowden said, which of course they all thought was utterly ridiculous.


    • Cojones

      It is more true than not. I don’t want them joining the SEC now for the same reason.

      If some of you could spend a great deal of time in So. Ga., some UGA alums and other fans can help you understand when you see FSU gathered around any worthwhile recruit and usually getting him. It’s close enough for them to be represented at any HS game that they choose down here and they choose to do so often. They will look at every single player when evaluating, they have a friendly presence and more So Ga people who follow CFB will attend more FSU games than attend UGA games, including the WLOCP.

      Richt and UGA have become more powerful in recruiting here recently, but understand that every time we get a great player from down here, it’s a minor miracle. For years it was like watching the Koch Bros making inroads into the Republican Party until their influence couldn’t be denied and, since it’s happened, frustration sets in as to how to stop it. This is the heaviest recruiting ground for FSU including lesser effort by them in N. Fl.


      • JCDAWG83

        Combine the geographic proximity with Tallahassee’s convenience to the beach and FSU’s Auburn like approach to academics and criminal behavior enabling and it’s tough to compete with them on the recruiting trail in South Georgia.


        • Beakerdawg

          Which is exactly why Richt and UGA continue to come to the Albany UGA Day and have cut out other cities on the summer tour.


    • This isn’t new. Bowden said the same, almost verbatim, excluding the hindsight, when they joined the ACC



    That comment has been out there for years..


  7. Cojones

    Let’s be fair-handed about an honest comment. Retrace steps to Tuberville taking over the barners in succeeding Terry Bowdin as coach. The first thing he demanded was to remove FSU from his schedule. It cost them $1M for an SEC team to not play an ACC team, adding ignominious cowardice to the list of great achievements of the SEC.


    • 3rdandGrantham

      As much as it pains me to defend AU/Tuberville, you’re not even comparing apples to oranges. More like apples to space shuttles. FSU chose not to join a conference because it was perceived as too tough for them, which of course would prevent them from playing for MNC’s.

      AU, meanwhile, simply chose not to play just one OOC game against one particular team, which was only due to the son of the opposing school’s coach just being fired. AU was simply incompetent for not including a provision to the contract which would enable them to cancel the game in case TB was no longer their coach. Speaking of Terry, the game itself was only scheduled because of the whole father vs. son angle, much like the future so-called Bowden Bowls that would follow with Tommy/Clemson that created all sorts of attention.


      • Cojones

        Correct. If Terry hadn’t been there, they would have never scheduled FSU. Unscheduling them proved the cowardice because Tuberville didn’t want the L on his record. That was the truth at that time and it remains so today.


        • 3rdandGrantham

          You’re still comparing apples to space shuttles in relation to FSU purposely not joining a conference, and AU reneging on just one game against one ACC foe, due entirely to the coaches son just being fired. The differences between the two scenarios are as wide as Montana.

          It also should be noted that TB also left that team in a total mess as well, so I’m certain that AU/TT both agreed that it would only serve to humor TB to not only have to pay him, but also let his father beat up on a mess of a team that he himself created in the first place (and hence the reason for his dismissal). With that, I totally get their positioning, and if a similar situation occurred at UGA, I’m certain you’d be signing a different tune quite quick.

          Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to partake in a total cleansing for my disgusting actions of defending AU in any way, shape, or form.


          • Cojones

            Please reread my opening sentence about an honest statement by Bowden.

            Anyone here can tell you what I would say if the circumstances were the same at UGA. First, I don’t think the circumstances would ever exist where we would back down from playing a team. Quite the contrary, we take them all on, and that’s been a tradition since I’ve ever cheered for the red and black. See: “2017 game scheduled with OSU canceled by OSU” for a present-day reference.

            You may defend whomever you want, but the fact of the matter is the comment is true and was aimed mostly at Tuberville, but Auburn went ahead with his insipid demand and ended up paying FSU not to play them. Even the thought of it still sickens my gut because it made the SEC look weak. You will find many on here who have agreed with that memory when it happened and later on this blog. It was shameful to pay any conference or foe not to play them. I’m also sure that Terry didn’t get that game in the schedule at the last minute before leaving since SEC schedules are made years in advance so it wasn’t some planned revenge as you may insinuate.

            You disavow support of Auburn, yet you do so as if a great conspiracy took place to make them look bad against a superior FSU team. And you don’t seem so reluctant to defend Auburn in the face of what really happened. Why would that be?


        • garageflowers

          Auburn played FSU quite a few times in the 80s, and maybe early 90s. I always thought they quit playing partially because Terry was the coach. Once they finally scheduled another series, he was fired the previous season. Can’t really fault Tuberville. As much as I hate Auburn, I give them credit for not being afraid to schedule some tough out of conference games.


          • Cojones

            If it had mutually dropped from their schedules, you would have a point, but to pay a cool $1M to get out of it sucks.


    • I once had an FSU grad for a client. He also happened to be a db on their football team at one time. A VP for the Southern Company he built quite a McMansion in Morgan County on a 100 acre spread. There were two times during the 9 months long construction project that our relationship got a little terse. One, was when I said that FSU would probably struggle in the SEC. Not very smooth of me.


  8. Dawglicious

    I remember him saying years ago to the question “why doesn’t FSU schedule a home and home with UGA?” : “I don’t want none of Georgia”


    • Cojones

      An FSU alum and player friend of mine, when commenting about playing UGA, was proud that the Dawgs recruited him and almost was a Dawg. He has the greater respect for UGA’s teams through the years and mentions often that FSU wanted no part of UGA although he was on an FSU team that beat us. He has commented that Bowden felt that way in the early years that he knew him and played for him. He confirmed some time ago what Bobby has said about the alums and fans and their feelings about Winston. He considers that Bobby was the greatest mentor in his life; a great deal of his feelings are religious.

      We have never spoken of Bowden in terms that are negative as is the reference given by Audit Dawg above. That has to be one of the most insensitive statements that a victim must ever endure and placing “Coach” as the title is unforgivable.. When my friend proclaims the greatness of Bowden to me in the future, I will not have a conversation.


      • Russ

        When did FSU beat UGA? I remember letting them tie us in the Citrus Bowl, and then we beat them silly in the Sugar Bowl. Of course, I tend to block out the losses so I’m not saying it didn’t happen. I think they beat us back in the 60’s?


        • PTC DAWG

          They beat UGA 4 in a row from 61-65, not playing in 63….last FSU win was in fact 1965. A tie and UGA win since then, only met twice in bowls since 65. UGA beat them 5 in a row from 54-59.


  9. IndyDawg

    Reminds me of what we Dawg fans chanted loudly at a game in Sanford Stadium after the FSU/Miami conference news broke: “Why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the A-C-C!”


  10. Big Max

    This is nothing new. Bowden has said it for years. He said it around the time of the first SEC expansion (1991-1992) and when FSU joined the ACC (1993?).


  11. Which raises the question: if it hadn’t been for the pussies what would have become of the cocks?

    Sorry. Couldn’t help myself…


  12. This is a blast from the past. Who all saw this game? And who do we have under center?


    • Russ

      I was at the game. Sucks that we let them tie us like that.


      • Uglydawg

        I hate ties. A great HS coach in the State of Ga., Glen Cato, used to tell his troops that a tie was the only way both teams could lose. We once jumped up and down on the side lines after tying them late in the game. He told us…Do you know how to tell who the loser is in a tie? It’s the team that’s jumping up and down as if they won.
        And who can forget Pat Tie Dye having Auburn kick a thirty yard field goal to tie Syracuse (undefeated and ranked 4) in the ’88 Sugar Bowl? With one second left, Syracuse fans thought Dye should have gone for the win (and almost certainly given Syracuse a victory). While Auburn fans were happy that they screwed the yankee team out of a shot at the Natty, Syracuse fans were pissed off and a radio station collected a couple thousand ugly ties (thanks, Wikapedia) and sent them to Dye as an insult. Pat Dye demonstrated his Bulldog bloodline by autographing the ties and selling them, thus earning 30 thousand dollars that was donated to the UA Scholarship Fund. I think it’s a great story.


      • Dog in Fla

        “I was at the game.”

        Me too. I thought Butler had Tom Dempseyed that FG but my angle was bad


    • Russ

      Two things watching that:

      1) that was some really terrible play calling at the end. Two long passes? Really? When all you needed was a quick out for 5-10 yards? I didn’t know Bobo was calling the plays back then. 😉

      2) James Jackson, the Thrilla from Camilla!


    • Was that before CBB had that few years with the most horrible field goal kickers in the Nation. I use to pray for those boys. I felt so sorry for their Mama’ s. Them too. 😥


  13. Big Max

    I watched it. We really blew that one. James Jackson played really well, I seem to recall.


    • Uglydawg

      Remember when Jackson laid the ball down on the field on the last play of a game (can’t remember who the opponent was), believing it was over because the clock was at 0? LOL…Munson was almost hysterical yelling for someone, anyone to get on the ball?
      James was a great QB and a DGD…and his “backup” was Wayne Johnston from Columbus, Ga….another great Dawg who delivered when Jackson went down..


      • Derek

        That was in Columbia, SC. I thought I was going to have a heart attack when he dropped it. That was terrifying. Thank God he was out of the end zone and you couldn’t advance the fumble under the rules at the time. Jim Morrison (the coach for USC) would not shake Dooley’s hand at the end of the game. He insisted (wrongly) that there was time left on the clock. Never saw Vince madder than that night. I’ll never forget the post game interview: THE BALLGAME WAS OVER!!!

        My favorite James Jackson moment actually came in the game he didn’t play. The 1986 Auburn game. Jackson was at his grandmother’s funeral and Wayne Johnson beat the war chickens 20-16. They were so mad they turned the water hoses on us the bastards!


        • Uglydawg

          I think that’s when the blood between UGA and UA really began to turn bad.


          • Derek

            In 1988 the band went out and dropped pom poms on the field when they spelled out “Georgia.” Auburn thought that was just hilarious.


  14. Spike

    I thought Butler had made it! I was there!
