A Yellow Jacket state of mind

I’m trying to figure out my favorite part of this quintessential Georgia Tech blog post – I’m torn between asking “If you were born in Europe and decided to choose an American college team to be a fan of, which would you choose?” and the admission that the author has “never knowingly heard a Rolling Stones song” – but regardless, I’ve got to say that it’s amazing how one season has turned around the perception of Paul Johnson with the Jacket faithful.

A year ago this time, there were more whispers about buyouts and ADs not being in Johnson’s corner than you could shake a stick at.  Now he’s the toast of North Avenue.

Judging from history, last year’s win between the hedges ought to be good for at least three years’ worth of good will.  Talk about convenient timing…


Filed under Georgia Tech Football

36 responses to “A Yellow Jacket state of mind

  1. They are just so pathetic. Their fans come out from under the rocks around Atlanta when they win once in a while. A portion of our fan base is ready to run our coach off if the team slips up and loses to them every 7 years. I want Johnson out because I don’t want Trent Thompson, Jonathan Ledbetter or Julian Rochester getting a serious injury from the cut blocking.


    • Will (The Other One)

      Seriously, “cicada” would be a much better bug mascot for them than “yellow jacket”.


  2. Hogbody Spradlin

    Doesn’t take much to make a Tech fan happy. Spank the monkey every coupla days, beat Georgia every 5-6 years, and life is good.


    • Sh3rl0ck

      Doesn’t take much to make a Tech fan happy. Spank the monkey Live action role play Dungeons and Dragons every coupla days, beat Georgia every 5-6 years, and life is good.



  3. Chopping, cutting, chop blocking…call it whatever you want, but the act of hitting a defender in his shins to nullify him is as dangerous now as it ever was. Every coach I’ve ever encountered has spoken of its perils. Still, chopping is one of those things that football coaches acknowledge as dangerous. Teams don’t chop their own players at practice. In drills, the block is performed on bags. In scrimmages, offensive players usually tell the scout team defender, “Hey, it’s a quick slant…you’re getting cut” and both men will engage and kneel at the snap. In scrimmages between first team units, the offensive players will usually use a different technique. Offenses do this because they know exactly how dangerous hitting a man below the knees can be.



    • If the powers that be want to make the game safer, this would be the first rule to change now that they have something in place for hitting above the shoulders or leading with the head. It’s a dirty play even when the service academies do it.


      • Macallanlover

        Very true, how does this escape the wrath of rule makers in the college game? There aren’t as many teams using this dirty technique as having to fear it, just no justification for allowing this potentially career ending blocking scheme to continue.


    • still, I wonder how many are injured by Tech vs. having to play on the pitiful Tennessee Vol field. I saw they appear to be completely redoing it and have it stripped down to dirt. Hopefully, they will have a field they can be proud of instead of embarrassing the SEC.


  4. Cojones

    A Tech nephew has been quiet for years and now posts on Facebook touting and laying claim to being a Nerd .


    • Uglydawg

      Techmites..like termites, they are seldom seen..they live disgusting lives in dank places. They’re seen by normal humans on rare occasions, but it’s never for very long.
      Hoping next year their team get rings for “State of Ga..2nd Runner Up in Football”.


  5. The snark about the Syracuse offering a one month old was typical Tech self-righteousness. It was amusing because Bobby Dodd offered Furman Bisher’s son a football scholarship the day the boy was born, and, even though 18 years later Bisher’s kid did not play football, the kid attended Tech on a football scholarship.


    • Hogbody Spradlin

      You mean the same Furman Bisher who libeled Wally Butts but acted like the grand old man of Atlanta sports journalism for decades?

      I guess it’s common knowledge but it deserves repeating.


  6. Spike

    tech. Not “Tech”. Right, Athens Dog?,


  7. Silver Britches

    “The toast of North Avenue” sounds an awful like being the tallest midget in the circus.


  8. DawgFaithful

    “Judging from history, last year’s win between the hedges ought to be good for at least three years’ worth of good will. Talk about convenient timing…”

    Haha. Even the sun shines on a dog’s ass every 6 or 8 years.


  9. Go Dawgs!

    He beat Georgia. That’s all he’s got to do. You could take last season and flip a loss to a win and then flip the Georgia win to a loss and Paul Johnson’s likely out on his ass. I’m not even joking, I truly believe that to be the case.


    • Beer Money

      Precisely. Look at this man and tell me this is not the look of a man who knows he has just gotten a multi-year extension vs being canned the following day…


      • Uglydawg

        THIS is what “Acting like you’ve never been there”, looks like.
        This pic needs to be on the bulletin board at B/M.
        Said CPJ…

        “We actually F’fing lucked into a win against them!!! I can’t believe it! ..I can’t believe it! I’ve got a stiffy! Quickly now..to the jewelers to have commemorative rings made! This MUST be commemorated!!!”

        Look at those silly assed, laughing faces.

        This picture needs to be on the bulletin board in Butts/M.

        Everytime I hear someone say GT isn’t a rival, I remember the way they hide and sulk and snipe at UGA for years…and then act like they’ve just driven the Nazis out of France when they luck into the rare win.
        Shit on ’em..shit on ’em to the tune of at least 50 this fall.

        Senator..can this picture be our “Name the Caption” thread for the week of the nerd pounding this year?


      • I have a neighbor Tech grad that for the first time now puts on the tech garb when he runs and had a “we run this state” sign in his front yard. A cock fan around the corner has a 3.5 foot tall lawn art chicken in his front yard that he loves to hang the Ga vs uSC score around his scrawny neck. “Mr. T” fan across the street use to run a blanket size T flag up in the front yard… he has been quiet of late. The only douchy thing he has done in recent memory was having my jacks arrested for allegedly chasing his hound dog through the neighborhood… again They were in the fenced in back yard at the time of the arrest.We were not home. My youngest got em back. My buddy tells me Mr. T now plays golf with the nerd and has been seen sporting a gnat hat. Use to be a real nice neighborhood. THEN the rift raft moved in. Sigh.
        This should get you steamed!


  10. charlottedawg

    I think the important thing is we finally have something tech & Georgia fans can agree on, we all want Paul Johnson as the GT head coach as long as possible.


  11. AusDawg85

    I’m glad he doesn’t know anything about the Rolling Stones…that kind of millennial smugness doesn’t deserve the pleasure.


    • Beer Money

      “We are now officially under a day away from the Rolling Stones performance at Bobby Dodd Stadium. I’m just going to keep it real here and say that I have never knowingly heard a Rolling Stones song and that seeing elderly men dressed like that makes me cringe, but this still seems like a cool opportunity. Right? I’m having a hard time getting excited because of the whole generational gap and whatnot, but this has to be a big deal. Oh well. Us darn millennials, always messing stuff up with our fancy whoosiewhatsits and doodads. No respect for talent, I’ll tell ya.”

      What a stupid, idiotic, immature douchebag. Look there are a lot of bands that I don’t care for, but have a lot of respect for their longevity and contributions to music in general. You don;t have to like the Stones, but how can anyone not respect them. Hell, my 6 year-old thinks they are good.


      • 81Dog

        millenials: all the self esteem, none of the actual accomplishments. It probably irks a lot of them that these “old white guys” are getting so much attention when THEY’RE JUST AS GOOD AS THOSE GUYS!!! (ps, Cameron: you aren’t.)


    • We are sitting in the J section. We will be wearing the Rolling Stone T but it will have a red and black tongue and Mark Richt Stadium on it. 😉 My wife complained that we seemed to be looking for trouble. My son responded… Mom probably won’t be very many nerds there.


      • Uglydawg

        Make sure you all wash your hands when you get home. Take some purell with you, too. The nerds really have the place infected. Wear real shoes..hookworm and worse are real possibilities.


        • 79Dawg

          Couldn’t believe it, but they were still advertising tickets on the radio this afternoon. On second thought, it’s actually just like every other game on North Avenue except for one every other year when it’s filled with red!!!


  12. SJ

    Shouldn’t there be a ‘War Eagle state of mind report today’? After all, two convicted gensius’s with life sentences escaped from a NY prison and the law enforcement is looking for them in all the wrong places. They have dogs, choppers, roadblocks, etc. All they have to do is go to Gus M’s office and the convicts will be found signing their letter of intent.


  13. Between the Pooch kick at the end and having lost the biggest game 24 hours earlier when Missouri won which had to demoralize our crew, Tech was very fortunate to get the win.

    I would like to have moved on from having to play a cut blocking high school style offense, but we also have Auburn and occasionally Georgia Southern, so it currently isn’t too unusual and our guys can use what they learn in all those games.

    GO DAWGS!!


  14. This part strikes me as odd…”The opinion of one person (or is it a formula?) doesn’t mean anything to me and it shouldn’t mean anything to you either.”

    So like…umm…why bother writing anything?


  15. Mayor

    Sticking with football…Like some earlier posters I am both mystified and mortified that the NCAA hasn’t passed a rule outlawing “cut” blocks. This block is more dangerous, albeit to a different part of the body, than “targeting” IMHO. With all the lip service about player safety why hasn’t the NCAA taken action on this issue? This type of block is also first cousin to the already illegal “chop” block. The “cut” block needs to be illegal, too.
