Change of heart

This is a little strange.

Second straight year that’s happened… and this time with a kid who signed twice.

Hope he’s at peace with the decision.  Life’s too short, etc.


Filed under Georgia Football

7 responses to “Change of heart

  1. Chi-town Dawg

    I wonder if we get penalized for that scholarship that lasted all of 2 weeks. Hopefully, we can use the spot for another OL signee this year or next. Wish him the best of luck and hope that he finds what he’s looking for in life.


  2. I was really pulling for him. I hope he does well in whatever path he takes. He is going to miss out on a rare opportunity few get a chance to be part of.

    Any way, GO DAWGS!!!


  3. VoxDawg

    This makes two years that he’s taken a scholarship. I’m not down with oversigning, but damn if this sort of thing doesn’t warrant a little bit of it. If you know that each year 3-4 kids aren’t going to qualify/transfer out/etc., then that’s a gold star for knowing your team and anticipating the inevitable.


  4. 69Dawg

    Seems that a lot more of the big uglies are quitting the game. Maybe they have figured out that if they don’t need the money/scholarship it’s not worth the pain.


  5. Perhaps college/academics is just not his game? Rubber meet road.
    Good luck.
