Mark Richt has lost control over Georgia’s scheduling history.

Here’s an inconvenient little tidbit from an interesting post at an Auburn blog about the history of SEC regular season scheduling:

Auburn has one of the toughest scheduling histories in football. By one metric, it’s the third toughest in the sports’ history behind Michigan and Georgia. That stat makes it a little more understandable why UGA and Michigan have so few national titles.

No way.  Doesn’t that stat know about the underachieving meme?


Filed under Georgia Football

17 responses to “Mark Richt has lost control over Georgia’s scheduling history.

  1. Scorpio Jones, III

    Second with only one national championship….My God, we’ve been underachieving for years, just years, before Mark Richt was even, like, born.


  2. Mayor

    That would explain why Auburn never has any undefeated seasons and never gets to play in any playoff games or win any national championships, either…….wait…….


  3. Seeing that list makes you wonder if we could have swapped schedules with FSU over all of these years how many MNCs we might have, or USCe or Clemson. Those last 2 are the real under achievers IMO, and no one worth a tinkers damn is below FSU on that list. Mind blowing!


  4. It Is hard to believe that any team, Including Michigan, Has a tougher
    schedule or more Rivalry Games than the Dawgs.
    Fla., Tenn., Aubarn, Tech, & Spurrier (USCe) all seem to consider UGA
    as a major Rivalry Game. How about Mizzou? Tough schedule? Yes.


  5. AusDawg85

    We get everybody’s best shot.


  6. JCDAWG83

    I guess we can add “our schedule is too hard” to the parade of excuses for not winning anything that matters and face planting a couple of times a year.


    • You know, I bet if everyone would just stop making excuses for Richt, they’d fire him tomorrow and replace him with somebody who would immediately take Georgia to the national championship game. Because the solution is really that simple.

      Oh, sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt your constant hammering. Please continue.


      • Macon Dawg

        No offense but 50% of your blog posts bait people into arguments about whether Mark Richt is a good coach. You invite this sort of stuff.


        • No offense taken.

          There’s a certain group of commenters who manage to take anything posted here as an excuse to turn the conversation into a referendum on Richt. I guess that’s what I get for being so inviting.

          By the way, you seem to use an awful lot of handles while commenting here. Any particular reason for that?


          • Chi-town Dawg

            JCDawg83 has actually been somewhat reasonable the past week with his anti-Richt rantings. I thought he was getting soft on us for a minute LOL!


          • Macon Dawg

            No particular reason. Just like to use funny names sometimes (or at least I think they’re funny – many people probably don’t). And no, Macon Dawg isn’t supposed to be funny.

            The title of this post is “Mark Richt has lost control of over Georgia’s scheduling history”. Do you really wonder why somebody replies to that with an equally snarky comment about Richt?


      • JCDAWG83

        Not hammering Richt, pointing out the pantheon of excuses put out there for not winning, face planting, etc. The refs, the NCAA, ESPN hates us, Michael Adams, red panties Evans, the BM crowd, the university admin, the Athens police, hot weather in Jax, and now, our schedule is too tough.

        According to the article, Bama came in fifth on the tough schedule list and Auburn was fourth. Realistically, pretty much any SEC team is going to have a tough schedule.


  7. DaddyRichATL

    You can’t have the argument both ways, if you consider we all have tough schedules and you consider we all get good recruits, why would you ignore the level of support from the Athletic Department?
