I’ve lost control of the lost control meme.

Seriously, things at FSU have gotten to the point where it’s beyond me to engage in mockery.

And I mean this sincerely – if Herbstreit was shaking his head/wagging his finger in Mark Richt’s direction, he’s got some ‘splaining to do now if he can’t bring himself to point that same finger in the direction of Tallahassee.


Filed under Crime and Punishment

41 responses to “I’ve lost control of the lost control meme.

  1. Hogbody Spradlin

    Jimbo must have taken notes while Corch was in Gainesville.


  2. CrIminoles Seminoles ..what’s the difference?🚷


  3. sectionzalum

    i have even less faith in Jimbo facing any consequences from FSU than i do that Herbie will take time out of his busy manicure schedule to even notice.


    • DugLite

      Herbie won’t say anything because Jimbo won’t take the verbal lashing quietly.


      • Macallanlover

        Not dignifying Herbie with a response was where Richt won that battle. It was such an idiotic comment, it should have been ignored. My bet is Kirk called CMR and apologized.

        I wonder if Fisher’s publicly, lax handling of Jameis for the verbal episode and the theft issues contributed to the behavior issues at FSU. Our lax handling of criminals in our society are the reasons for the out of control behavior in the US, imo.


        • You can Bank on it! Herbie is that kind of Guy! 💋


        • Mayor

          FWIW, I agree completely with your post, Mac.


        • We have more people in prison per capita than any country in the world. The problem isn’t “lax.”


          • Macallanlover

            You don’t understand the meaning of “lax”. It isn’t having them in prison that teaches them a lesson, it is having them in prison with no air conditioning, cable, color TV, internet access, basketball goals, weights to lift, conjugal visits, work details, etc. that would make them regret their behavior and not want to return. Make it hard time, not placing them in “timeout” like some suburban soccer mom.

            But that was a nice quote of stats that only prove the point.


            • In 37 years of practicing law I have never heard of anyone breaking into prison. The idea that prison is some Shangra La is bullshit.


            • Scandavia isn’t a hell scale of criminality because the prisons are too nice. Can’t find a thief in Saudis Arabia because they chop their hands off except of course the thieves with their hands chopped off. The idea that crime can be controlled by the state is a lie. Crime occurs or doesn’t occur without any regard to enforcement or punishment. Ask yourself: would you kill a man if you could get away with it? If you would you might decide you’re smart enough to try. If you wouldn’t murder someone just because you are a moral person it doesn’t matter what the state will or won’t do about it. Crime is about criminals not cops, judges and wardens. The latter think they have something to offer yet by the time they do their job it’s well too late.


            • illini84

              Yea that works well.


          • JCDAWG83

            Dear God!, you are either ignorant, stupid or delusional. We are lax beyond description. We wait until a thug criminal commits their 5th crime, harms someone, attacks a cop, or kills someone before we make them do any jail time. Our first time offender laws encourage thugs to commit more crimes by letting them get off completely with the first crime. The second crime usually results in probation. The third is “time served”. It’s about the fourth conviction that a useless piece of shit criminal finally goes to jail for any length of time.

            We need to change the laws to; second violent offense conviction, immediate death penalty, third non violent offense, death penalty. It wouldn’t take long before the parasite thugs would get the message.


            • Again we have the highest incarceration rates in the world. I’m sure in your imagination the war on drugs can be won. There are a few Mexicans that have billions of reasons to know you’re wrong. They thank you for your blindness. It makes them a lot of cash.


              • JCDAWG83

                Nope, the war on drugs is a total farce and failure. I think most drugs should be legal. I do think the criminals that break the laws on the books, especially the crimes that hurt people, should face swift, brutal punishment. I know most criminals don’t really think about the punishment when they commit crimes, I’d make sure they thought about it when they thought about committing their second crime. If a person is enough of a sociopath or crazy enough to not care about the punishment, I have no problem with killing that person and getting them out of society so decent people don’t have to concern themselves with them.

                We do incarcerate a lot of people in this country,but we lock them up for the wrong crimes. If you took the drug conviction prisoners out, we would not have an inordinate amount of prisoners. Thieves, robbers, rapists, murderers, violent assault perpetrators, etc should all be punished severely for their first offense, no more of the “he made a mistake” crap. Making a decision to commit a crime is not a “mistake”,it’s a conscious decision to somehow harm someone else. If a fairly stiff prison term in a non air conditioned, very uncomfortable prison did not cause them to give up crime, they probably aren’t going to learn and need to be eliminated from the living.


            • Macallanlover

              These forgiving Pollyannas can justify any level of liberal bullshit from their Starbucks coffee shop perspective. If they think strong, harsh punishment cannot slow crime significantly, let me enforce it strongly in my jurisdiction and watch the druggies and thugs fill their areas as they run to their loving embraces. The odd thing is, let a violent crime happen to someone in their family an see how feel about our treatment of these punks. The cost to society of this softness goes way beyond the budgets for prisons and keeping death row inmates around for decades.


              • We must become Vigilantes! Finally a 21st Century approach to this madness. 🔫🔫


              • Yes mccallan the world IS a Dirty Harry movie. While you insult the supposed lack of judgment of those who disagree with you let me once again attack and challenge the intelligence of those who think that being harsher and harsher works. In the days when any felony carried with it a penalty for hanging, including pick pocketing, they would publically hang the condemned at Tyburn, because of course logic would tell you that such a show of force and resolve and toughness and manliness and all things that are not liberal would stamp out crime, right? You know where pick pocketing crimes were extremely high? At Tyburn while the hangings were taking place. You are wrong on your concept of human behavior. You think it can be controlled by force. Your stupid blind belief that your conclusion must be right blinds you from facts. You might think that I believe that if I give someone enough facts that they will see things my way. I don’t. Because you are stupid, rationality will not work. See the problem now? You think you can change results in people that you don’t understand. I’m not that stubborn. I know you can’t be convinced. If you don’t care about facts why do you think criminals care about punishment?


                • Macallanlover

                  Yep, I am a dummy….one who understands the situation much better than you ever will with your, naive, soft touch, delusional theories. I could care about peolle who are incapable of dealing with reality. Save it for your children, they probably think you are smart. I simply see you as a naive fool, another who would prefer to see everything crash around them than to step up to the problem. The weight of those with heads in the sand is tiresome. Stick to football, you arent ready for anything weightier than that. Go play with the other flakes, and stay off my lawn.


                • I told you. Facts don’t matter. You stay stupid. The same thing with crime: you punish them, but the crime rate stays high. There is a clear parallel that you’ll never see cause you’re dumb. Criminal don’t read the criminal code before they choose crime. They’re stupid and think they’ll get away with it. Stupid, just like you. If you think stupid can solve stupid then congrats you’ve reached a new level of stupid.


                • Macallanlover

                  You seem very brright, and I am sure you have extensive knowledge of how criminals think. Lol. I prefer playing with people who have a clue. Go put your head back in the hole, you cant handle reality.


            • Great rant. Unfortunately, the facts supporting your rant are 100% wrong.

              Tell you what. Forget the idiots such as me on this board. Send your governor, state senator and state representative a signed letter telling them to raise your taxes to build more prisons.

              If you are not willing to do that then you are wasting everyone’s time.


  4. If this stuff were happening in Athens, the AJC would have it plastered on the front page of the paper. Bradley & Schultz would be crucifying CMR on the sports page.


  5. fish rots from its head

    Anyone calling for Jimbo’s firing?


  6. Yeah, but FSU won their conference — Georgia didn’t.


  7. Reservoir Dawg

    Those darn kids!!


  8. truck

    I stopped caring about that turd’s opinions years ago. The only reason I even watch Gameday is for the signs in the crowd. And I can do that with sound OFF.


  9. waterloodawg

    I have a finger wagging in Herbstreits direction.


  10. Lrgk9

    Clowns be too busy clowning to doobie splaining…


  11. sUGArdaddy

    To be fair, Herbie called them out last night when someone asked. Didn’t come out on own, though.


  12. Argondawg

    Things are so bad at FSU that it has caused a UGA comment thread to debate the merits of our entire criminal justice system? Better them than us is all I have to say.


  13. georgiajeepn

    Everyone say it after me.
    The reason Jerk Herbskreet talks bad about Georgia is he hates Georgia.
    Georgia tore his ass up in a bowl game. He hated Georgia for embarrassing him and he still hates them!!!
    Would not matter if Richt was the coach or Nick Saban was the coach. He hates Georgia.


  14. DaddyRichATL

    “On June 26, 2014, Cook was one of three FSU football players questioned in connection with a BB-gun battle that damaged cars and homes at an apartment complex in Tallahassee… Cook was charged with criminal mischief and given pretrial intervention in December, which he completed on June 16.

    And last July, Cook was named as an ‘associate’ in an aggravated assault case in which police were investigating whether two men brandished a firearm at a neighbor.”

    This same guy punches a woman SEVERAL times and is merely suspended from the program (ostensibly to be reinstated right before fall camp and held out of the first game against the Texas State Bobcats); but the freshman backup quarterback with no prior history with the law, who struck a woman – arguably in self defense – after she attacked him first is immediately expelled.

    I wonder if being a returning prolific running back starter on a team breaking in a new quarterback had anything to do with that decision hmm…..
