Hey, isn’t that Steve Spurrier?

The OBC gets off to a familiar start at SEC Media Days.

Not exactly his “A” material…


Filed under The Evil Genius

52 responses to “Hey, isn’t that Steve Spurrier?

  1. Bulldog Joe

    At this point in Steve’s career, he was due for a Greatest Hits album.


  2. W Cobb Dawg

    Is there any coach who trashes other programs more than sos? Hey Steve, let’s hear that big mouth rattle off a few zingers about scu’s debacle against A&M to start off the 2014 season.


    • Bulldog Joe

      To be fair, he trashes his own program pretty good too.


      • And that is one of the glaring weakness of Richt. There is no clear acknowledgement of all failures.


        • Irwin R. Fletcher

          Yes…because being self deprecating is what has made Spurrier a champion.



        • So if Richt would only trash himself to a level you approve of, that would make him a better coach? Alrighty, then.

          I mean, who could forget this less than clear acknowledgement?

          “If you kick deep, then there’s a chance they can set up a return and take it to the house. If you squib it, then it’s hard to get a touchdown on the kick. Your squib does tend to give them more field position. That’s the difference. If you kick deep and a team that sets up a beautiful return and takes it to the house, that’s a bad decision there. But we’ve been covering kicks pretty good and Marshall [Morgan] does a good job of getting the ball up and getting our guys in position to make tackles. And our guys did all day. Obviously, hindsight is helpful but I should have kicked it deep and let them cover the thing and see what happens from there.”

          You don’t like Richt, that’s fine. But try to come up with better rationales as to why he falls short.


          • How ’bout the disaster at Jacksonville 2014?


            • So, you’d feel better if Richt said he sucked? I understand it would make you feel better, but how would it make the program better?

              Seriously, what are you looking for here? Ashes and sackcloth? Ritual seppuku?

              The idea that he owes us fans some sort of self-abasement as part of the job is curious. His bosses? That’s different, but that shouldn’t be aired in public.


              • I just like to understand why in the case of the Jacksonville game all the wheels seem to have fallen off.
                I heard his explanation about the SECC’12 game, the SC’14 and the Bug’s ’14 games and I really did not have problems in the either/or decisions made in those games that resulted to the losses. I am just trying to hear the story or explanation of that FU’14, although I may have missed his postmortem as I turned off my social networking for a few days after that game. Just too many harassing relatives from FU, haha.
                And by the way I really like Richt. Sometimes when you get disappointed, you can become an occasional critic. I cannot be otherwise as I only have basic knowledge of the game.
                And by the way, thank you for your responses.


                • Cosmic Dawg

                  I posted here a few days ago – I rewatched the Fla game and the whole team and coaching staff were not at their best. CMR gets some blame for that, but the players were not helping the cause. The old saw about the coach cannot play for them does have some truth.

                  fwiw I think SC and GT were team + coaching losses too. It’s unrealistic to suggest the whole game hinges on the 25 yds between a squib or straight kick or calling a single goal line run or pass w/ a ball-secure QB like Mason. Just mho.


        • Bulldog Joe

          Coach Richt acknowledges his mistakes publicly more than most coaches do.

          However, he does not trash his players or coaches in the process. Those conversations are held in private.


        • Otto

          SOS does call out his team for laying an egg and is not afraid to make changes in an attempt to to make improvement.

          Richt states that his team did not overlook a team and was prepared to play. Players make statements that they were not mentally ready. Richt follows up with “I think that’s why sometimes I don’t want anyone to talk to the media, That’s what I think. We have a lot of respect for everybody we play.” Obviously if the player said otherwise they did not. It makes the Coach look weak. I had rather the Coach say we didn’t show up to play, that it is his responsibility, and changes will be made. Richt and Bobo did apologize at times but in more of a quiet way days after the game. UT ’07 comes to mind.

          Further I have also liked how SOS, and Urban would state their disagreement with a penalty, pay a fine and move on. Richt seems to make some complaint and files something with the SEC. If the SEC disagrees he just makes some weak statement and cowers to the SEC.


      • Dog in Fla

        “To be fair, he trashes his own program pretty good too.”

        It’s just all made up and self-flagellant


        • AthensHomerDawg

          Just win and it all goes away. 😉
          During the 07 loss to South Carolina, Georgia fans booed their players, then Spurrier as he was heading into the tunnel at halftime. He acknowledged them by waving. He later commented, “I’m getting an ovation. I didn’t realize I was that important to them.” Georgia’s QB, Stafford was buried in the third quarter on a fourth-and-2 play, a delayed play-action in which he played out the fake too long and got smacked by a blitzing Gamecock. Spurrier: “They tried that sleeper play. They tried that two years ago. It was funny. I think they might file that play.”


    • I think that was his point. South Carolina went 7-6 last year and he and the SC fans are not satisfied with that whereas other programs are.


      • They better be satisfied with 7-6 because they are going to do it again this year. Is this one of the Coaches that could just walk on campus grit his teeth,teach fundamentals and Georgia would win a National Championship? I hope we all know that this is just a self centered, petulant child of a man whose only redeeming qualities are consistency( he is always an ass) and a quick wit. uSC will suck this year and he will be less witty.


        • Gurkha Dawg

          Are you saying maybe we can beat them this year? I think I’ll wait till we beat them before mocking them.


          • it;s a free country you can wait if you want but I’m not going to ….avoid the rush hate Spurrier early. Thrash our program all you want but i doubt you’ll put your money where your mouth is. UGA over South Carolina straight-up….. you name the amount.


  3. Irwin R. Fletcher

    So big picture question…is Spurrier leaving for the Redskins job the most underrated event of the past 30 years in the SEC?


    • David K

      Urban coming in after Zook and winning 2 NC’s diminished the impact in my opinion. If they had remained mediocre like they are now and were through the Zook and Muschamp years, then definitely.


      • Mayor

        +1. FU lucked into Urban. They easily could have wandered in the desert for years. Now, let’s all hope they are in the middle of that desert without a map.


      • JCDAWG83

        Zook never lost to Georgia and Muschamp beat us the year he got fired for doing such a crap job. Richt needs to at least even his record with them, 5-9, with three in a row over Muschamp, isn’t anything to be proud of.


        • SSB Charley

          Richt beat Zook in 2004.


        • Bulldog Joe

          Trolling can be more effective if you get your facts straight.


          • JCDAWG83

            Not trolling, just mistaken. I’ll replace the Zook loss with the bed crap game that let Kiffen back up his promise that he would never lose to Georgia as UT’s coach.


        • dawgtired

          I agree on the Dawgs needing to take advantage of UF while they’re down. Same goes with UT…and now hopefully USCe.
          But generally good programs with scattered talent can still be dangerous even in a ‘down’ times. These type of teams only need the right rival to spark an un-expected-united-team playing to their best. It seems to happen many times when the coaches are on the hot-seat. UGA ended Aub’s 20 game streak in 94 and we stunk at the time.
          …but it is time to stop underestimating our struggling rivals.


  4. Reservoir Dawg

    The Ole Ball Sac, ladies and gentlemen. He’ll be here all week.


  5. steve

    I just realized that cynicism, envy and golf must be the magic fountain of youth. He looks good for 70.


  6. Argondawg

    If and when it gets bad I want Spurrier to retire. He has been so damn good over the years I would hate to see him hold on too long and go down with the ship. That being said I am still pissed about the flea flicker he pulled in the final few minutes of that Sanford blow out when he was HBC at UF. I have a hard time letting go.


    • Bulldog Joe

      As it continues to get worse, I hope he stays at South Carolina a long time. 😉


    • dawgtired

      I would be completely comfortable with him wallowing in mediocrity for years.


      • 81Dog

        decades, even. If they can keep going 7-6, I favor strapping him, or eventually (because I wish him long life and good health) his corpse in a golf cart and wheeling him out there every week like a visored El Cid.


        • JCDAWG83

          I’d like him to leave before this season starts. He’s got Richt’s number and he’ll continue to win against Richt.


          • 5-5 against Richt means “having his number”? That is quite a compliment to Richt’s coaching.


            • JCDAWG83

              4-1 the last 5 years, with a win last season against a Georgia team with two Heisman class running backs, three in a row against Georgia (a first in the history of the series), and a win by a team that needed the win against us to be bowl eligible, yes, Spurrier has Richt’s number now and is in his head.


              • Yes, history gets interesting when selective. Trollers be trollin’. Does our record against Auburn over last 9 years (7-2) mean we’re dominating the rivalry? Look, I understand measured skepticism with Richt. I’m often cussed at by a booster for my cynical position on CMR. But if Richt has split the series with one of the most successful SEC coaches of the last 25 years, then he is faring well, IMHO.


    • Cosmic Dawg

      Marginal Spurrier is still probably better than random new coach


  7. Dog in Fla

    “Not exactly his ‘A’ material…”

    Not only that, it’s old material. I blame his writers


  8. Day ain’t over yet.


  9. Bulldog Joe

    I would pay money to see Bret kickoff his press conference with a cartwheel.
