As Nick Chubb goes…

The only interest I have in the Heisman Trophy is that it’s an indication of which teams enjoyed a successful season. Nobody on a 5-7 team will be tripping to New York.

So with that in mind, you may find this Dave Bartoo piece on Heisman winner trends of interest.

Group I
This is your top 10 talent ranked teams minus Florida, with a new head coach, and Notre Dame, due to inconsistent play.  With 10 of the last 13 winners coming from top 10 talent ranked teams, this is your best ‘odds’ group. Nick Chubb of Georgia, Kyle Allen of Texas A&M, Ezekiel Elliott and J.T. Barrett of Ohio State, and Cody Kessler of USC are my favorites from this group.

Like I said, if that’s the group that makes it to the next awards ceremony, we’re likely to be a bunch of happy campers about the place Georgia is in by then.


Filed under College Football, Georgia Football, Stats Geek!

10 responses to “As Nick Chubb goes…

  1. I’ll fly to NY if Chubb ever gets invited. Yup, no doubt.


  2. TMC dawg

    Here’s hoping that Nick has a season for the record books. Could not happen to a finer more humble young man!!! Go DAWGS’!!!!!’


  3. I’ve seen a couple people predict 2k yards for Chubb. Not really sure what to think


    • If the backfield stays healthy, I don’t see it. But even so, he’ll put up strong numbers.


      • Didn’t Ingram go for 2k when he won the Heisman and Bammer won the NC? I’m thinking the last was during the Ricky Williams/Ron Dayne era. Ingram had a good backup but I tend to agree with you. I think it’s something you definitely don’t force because of injury. If Chubb feels good and breaks a lot of big runs, and the coaches really roll with him, I could see it. Then again, I’d really like for Marshall to do well but I fear Chubb and Michel could prevent that unless Marshall really shines.


      • Macallanlover

        Agree, yards will be split between 3+ RBs, no one is going to risk his health to pad numbers. Fresh legs for the three headed monster. Nothing should be risked for this award, not anything like it once was.


  4. We’ll split carries because we always do. Chubb will get the bulk, then it’ll be parsed between the other three/four.


  5. AceDawg

    Chubb is undoubtedly Heisman level talent. This time around, however, there truly is a reason to ask how many carries he’ll get. If our O-Line devastates people, maybe Chubb can run for 2k even if Marshall and Michel get lots of carries, but chances are, if Michel and Marshall stay healthy, they too will be AWESOME running backs and be better options than running Chubb 25-30 times a game. Chubb could be selected to first team SEC or first team All American without making the Heisman podium.
