Hey, it’s Vanderbilt.

I’m seeing the various keys to the game pieces that come out this time of the week, and they’re about what you’d expect:  Mason can coach a little defense, Vandy’s defensive front seven is SEC-level competent, Ralph Webb is a tough running back, etc.  The cautious part of the punditry is warning that may be good enough for Vanderbilt to hang with Georgia for a while and for the Commodore’s to cover what is an admittedly sizeable spread for a SEC playing at home.

Okay, fine.  Here’s the other part of the equation.  Vanderbilt’s passing game is nothing to write home about and its red zone offense was truly awful against a Western Kentucky defense that, by the way, gave up almost 200 more yards last night against Louisiana Tech.

Is Vanderbilt better than it was last year?  Sure, but that’s a pretty low bar you’re setting with that question.

The problem I see in calling this as a close game is that even if you believe Mason’s defense can slow Georgia’s rushing attack down for a while (and remember how many consecutive games Nick Chubb has managed to gain 100+ yards as you ponder that) and Webb is able to find some running room of his own, that still leaves a pretty large imbalance when it comes to passing.

And I haven’t even mentioned special teams, where Georgia’s depth gives it the advantage.  So why give the cautious credence here?  His-toe-ree.

Yes, the 2013 game was one of those games.  You know the kind of game I’m talking about.  But even that took Vanderbilt’s best team of, what, the last quarter century at least, until the end to get the win against a Georgia team missing almost every starting skill position player on offense that had to deal with two questionable penalties that clearly affected the game.

Lost in all that is the real cause behind the Dawgs blowing a 13-point fourth quarter lead, one of the most spectacular special teams meltdowns of the Richt era.  First came Damian Swann’s fumbled punt return, which led to the first Vandy score.  Then came the sphincter-tightening bad snap that Barber could only helplessly corral at the Georgia 13 that quickly led to another score.  And it all unraveled from there.

So if you want my main key for tomorrow, it’s quite simple.  Follow Hippocrates’ lead:  First Do No Harm.  No stupid turnovers.  No questionable calls.  Competent special teams.

If this team is truly ready to take the next step and perform as an élite team, it’s in games like this where it needs to start.  We all know what Georgia is capable of when things are clicking against a good team.  It’s time to show us that games like tomorrow’s can be drama free.


Filed under Georgia Football

53 responses to “Hey, it’s Vanderbilt.

  1. Hey! Get caught sleeping on a fake punt and throw in a BS targeting penalty….who knows what can happen.


  2. Spike

    And competent officiating.


  3. Still, I do hope they can get us out of our “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it” comfort zone, forcing us to lean on the QB a bit more. I hope they test our run defense and I hope they give us reason to throw more than 10 passes. Of course, the sky will be falling if Vandy gives us any kind of a test.


    • JCDAWG83

      Vandy’s front 7, while not Bama, are actually fairly decent and worthy of being called an SEC defense. It’s on offense that Vandy is pathetic. I’ll be more concerned if we give up points and yards to them in anything other than meager rations.

      If we don’t back them off with some passes, they could make running the ball difficult. I hope to see Lambert get some real game pass attempts before we face the chickens.


  4. Playing “down to the level of our competition” is a problem that has plagued us for years. Hopefully the coaches are more focused this year and will demand everyone’s best effort every game. Style points do count.


  5. The Dawgs are a 21 point favorite, But my main analyst predicts only a
    20 point win (34 to 14). However, I am a bit more optimistic & predict the
    score of 41 to 14. Bobo got his 40 last year & we will be trying to do
    the same this year.



    Buck said it correctly yesterday, IF UGA doesn’t have this game in hand early in the 4th, UGA is in for a longer season than many of us expect. Lay the wood.


  7. AusDawg85

    Fabris Pool picks reminder y’all.


  8. I expect it to still be a ballgame at halftime – but not at the start of the 4th.


  9. Oh and by the way, the last 5-6 years, I’ve finally reached a point in my life where UGA losing games doesn’t ruin my whole day/weekend. Sure, I’m bummed, but then move on. That has held true for all of them except for 1………that Vandy game 2 years ago. I was IRRATIONALLY angry after that game. I think that 2nd half pushed every button I have as a UGA fan – from getting screwed by the refs, to the special teams breakdowns that encapsulated everything that had been wrong with our special teams for several years, to the coaches coaching not to lose instead of coaching to win, to the mental miscues in general, I was actually shocked with myself at how angry I was after that game. And it took me until about Tuesday to fully shake it. No other loss during that time span has ever even come close to making me that angry, but something about that game sure did it for me.

    Sure would be nice to have a calm, relaxing 4th quarter this go around. 🙂


  10. zramz

    IMHO, I’m looking for control of the game and focusing through to completion. I expect a drive or two or three. But I also expect the game to never be in question.
    To me, this will show that we’re ready to move beyond some of the brain farts, self-inflicted harm, and ‘sleeping on opponents’ Mizz 2013 ….


  11. I’m not sure I agree with the faction of commentariat that claims we really need a lot of QB play to ‘keep em honest’. I’ll concede that Vandy has a good front seven but I would point to the fact we’ve played better run defenses, in some cases the BEST run defenses, in the nation last year and Chubb not only got his yards but was dominant.

    Are you’re saying that we could only do that because Mason threw more than 18 times a game? because Mason could throw the deep ball? because Mason was to be feared? no. so why are you so hell-bent on needing greyson to be anything beyond that?


  12. To me the question is not about who wins or loses (UGA is winning). It’s about how UGA looks (or more specifically, how UGA attacks) that is intriguing. I content (shameless plug here: https://theeruditefan.wordpress.com/2015/09/11/will-uga-keep-it-vanilla-against-vandy/) Schotty and Co will do what it did last week and run the ball and pass only when necessary. I think South Carolina is the game where we’ll see UGA open it up a bit more. I do think if that’s the approach UGA takes, the game will be closer as time will pass quickly. Vandy and UGA will both eat lots of clock, thus keeping the game closer than perhaps we’d all want it to be. As the Senator said, if UGA doesn’t give the ball away this game is never in doubt, but it might be closer than the 21 point spread.


  13. Saltwater Dawg

    I just don’t see how Georgia can possibly lose this game. The only question is how early Chubb gets his hundred, and when CMR takes his foot off the throttle.

    Like Franklin or not, he had his team believing that they could win. That, by all appearances, is gone now.


  14. Uglydawg

    CMR couldn’t care less about covering the point spread. If UGA gets a safe lead, look for him to play second and thirds….He seems sold on the philosophy of building experienced depth..and that’s going to come in handy, by keeping starters fresh and by having a known quality in each backup.
    Georgia, 37… Vandy drags anchor to 20.
    Chubb, and Marshall each get 100 yds.


    • Uglydawg

      AND..Georgia plays it vanilla on defense again…unless Vandy has somehow greatly improved on O. Don’t want to show SOS much in the way of stunts and all such as that.


      • Uglydawg

        AND.. the brownies smell so delicious that Cojo eats too many too early and has to watch ESPN talk show to get the score and highlights. 😉


        • Cojones

          The liability of big bruises on my forehead from a “mosquito” infestation prevents that.

          Thanks for reminding me. Have to go bake!,bake!,bake! using the “kersplatt!” method while singing “Glory Glory to old Georgia”. Search time for the brownie mix has to be factored in as well. Just can’t understand forgetting where they are placed. Put several boxes in with the pots and pans so couldn’t forget, but the ‘Nesian found them. Have you ever been beaten about the head with several boxes of brownie mix? There’s nothing worse than looking into the mirror when you wake up and seeing “Pillsbury’s Best” imprinted all over your face.

          Who is that cheering? I heard that!


  15. TMC dawg

    I would love to see richt Not take his foot off the gas. Not only does the team need to build momentum for the meat of the schedule, but also get the younger guys involved. Never know you might find a diamond in the rough, with the younger guys. Only way this game is close is if we turn the ball over. GO DAWGS!!!!!!!


  16. 202dawg

    For anyone fan or player who doesn’t think Georgia can lose to Vandy, I have two words; Serena Williams.


  17. TMC dawg

    How can you not evaluate talent unless you play them? And I mean talent in game conditions. Look at Hershel Dooley told Munson that all he may have on his hands is a big stiff fullback. And we all know the outcome to that story.


  18. 69Dawg

    Munson here to remind everybody what a hard time we have in Nashville. We might win but we usually only get out by the skin of our what-cha-ma-call-it. There are so many Georgia boys playing for the Dores in this game that want to show out for the home folks they will be playing like their hair is on fire. We really need to hunker down in all phases of the game to put these guys away. What have you got Loran??


    • Uglydawg

      Loran here, Larry..I’m talking to Horation Salter who played middle linebacker on the Dawg’s 1951 freshman team. Horation feels like the team with the most talent will win, as long as the Georgia pitcher doesn’t throw a fast ball over the middle of the plate. The pulled pork plate is best as long as you get the correct amount of sauce on it and he also feels like paying players would be wrong because they get meals and books for free. Back to you, Larry.


  19. Biggus Rickus

    Georgia played pretty poorly last year against Vandy and still won 44-17. I don’t think they can sleepwalk and win by quite so much this year, but Vandy is still terrible. I might be mildly concerned if Vandy has much success running the ball, but I still expect to not know much after this game beyond the fact that Georgia is very talented and fast.


  20. It’s only Vanderbilt, yet, my level anxiety has been ramped up and next week will be even worse. Next weekend will go exactly like every SEC game weekend has gone for years. I won’t be able to go to sleep until 2am Friday night, even though I’ll get up at 6 to drive to Athens. Every year I get older, thinking it won’t be like that, and every year it stays the same. What is wrong with me? Lol


  21. Mayor

    Get a grip guys. We’re talking about Vanderbilt here–a team that lost to Western Kentucky last week.


  22. Marshall

    Kudos to Uglydawg. Well done.

    Agree w/ Kevin S. – Vandy does have a pretty good front 7 but I think we’ll see a game plan that will be more similar to the UL-Monroe game. Keep ’em honest enough with the the passing threat but still looking at 60% or more run plays. That’s going to be our identity this year. The other team will know it but because of talent and execution on our end, they won’t be able to stop it. Or, that’s the theory and hope at least.

    I think it will end up being right around 3 touchdown margin so we may or may not hit the spread. Honestly, who cares?

    Looking forward to it. GO DAWGS!
