He “slanders us every time he’s on radio.”

Talk about your meteor pissing match.


Filed under Big 12 Football, PAWWWLLL!!!

28 responses to “He “slanders us every time he’s on radio.”


    People giving a shit about what Fine Bomb says crack me up. He is laughing all the way to the bank over the free pub he gets.


    • Urban Meyer

      ESPN pays him to be the Jerry springer of college football. That’s really all he’s about.
      What was the name of that book he wrote again?
      When does “My conference won’t play your conference on the road” getting published?
      Would Indianapolis be considered a neutral site if Ohio state wanted to schedule the SEC, since a home/away series seems to be out of the question?


      • Urban Meyer

        And don’t tell me its about money. The SEC would be double-dipping if it agreed to play those games. No one can argue that it’s more agreeable financially to pay 1.8 million to buy out of a scheduled game, then write another check to Jacksonville state.


  2. Zone2District37Comptroller

    I didn’t realize the Stoops brothers were illiterate rednecks from Alabama because those are the only people who pay any attention to Finebaum, right?


  3. Uglydawg

    Man..we need to get Stoops in a close game with Grantham.. it could be provide a lot of pre-game..game…and post-game entertainment!


  4. Noonan

    I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it.

    George Bernard Shaw


  5. Rick

    Can someone remind me why I am supposed to dislike Bob Stoops, or think he’s a bad coach? He’s won over 80% of his games at a school that can’t recruit at a first tier level. As far as I can tell, he’s a top 10, and maybe even top 5, coach in the country.


    • PatinDC

      I think b/c of FL. That is always a good enough reason for me 🙂
      (FWIW. I don’t dislike him. Unless he is playing the Dawgs.)


    • Residual hatred from his Florida days. Works the same way with Tebow for me too.


    • Russ

      Well, he’s pretty smug for a guy that loses pretty much every big game he coaches. Other than that, yeah, he’s easy to ignore.


      • Bob

        Yeah, he loses all these “big” games. Won a half dozen conference championships and lately has treated the SEC like a rented mule. Wish someone could define “big game” because some people who have preconceived notions define “big games” as the ones you lose and find excuses when the same guy actually wins one. He has lost some big games but he has also won some. Bear Bryant had a stretch of 8 straight bowl games and a 0-7-1 record. Then we all know he wasn’t a big game coach. 😉


  6. 69Dawg

    What the general viewing public doesn’t realize is that Finebum is a bomb thrower of the first degree. He knows how to get the hate ball rolling and that keeps people turning in to watch. These are the same people that chase fire trucks and watch car wrecks. The man is good at what he does. Is he knowledgeable about college football, not nearly as much as ESPN would hope you think, but he makes bold statements that piss somebody off and that’s his job.


  7. Scorpio Jones, III

    We are talking about him…he did his job. What’s his footwork like in the shotgun?


  8. Will Trane

    AT least OU has an OC, Lincoln Riley, that is going to put points on the board as long as Riley is there. Have not looked at rankings but OU looks good. And lately they have beat the hell out each SEC team they have faced. Guess Finebaum forgot about that ass beating they put on the Tide year before last.
    QB footwork is the last thing CMR is worried about this coming Saturday. Probably saying to himself why did I not hire Riley rather than that damn relic of an OC from the NFL. Shotty has not figured out that D1 offenses run many more plays than in the NFL, and the playbook is bigger and more complicated. Shotty has the NFL offense down pat…boring as hell…and everyone I talk to has that same sentiment.


  9. Will Trane

    4 out of 5 lately between CMR and the old ball coach. Maybe they will have the footwork, completing passes, and a more prolific offense by Saturday. Doubtful…running out of daylight. Not sure if transfer boy can take in a Spurrier game plan.


  10. All he is that, he just big talk and no action. The coach should take action against him and teach him a lesson.


  11. Urban Meyer

    If a coach has time to pay attention to stuff like that in the media..to come out and comment on another teams schedule or paying too much attention to stuff not related to his team.. I have to wonder if he’s doing his job. If one of our coaches is doing that then he’s fired. If one of our players is doing that then he’s not going to play. You need to worry about next week, getting your team ready. Those outside distractions aren’t good for your program.
