A sign the Apocalypse may be nigh.

Really, this kinda freaks me out.


UPDATE:  This is what doubling down looks like.


Filed under Georgia Football, The Blogosphere

38 responses to “A sign the Apocalypse may be nigh.

  1. I’m optimistic (and a bit freaked out as well)


  2. JG Shellnutt

    Still gets in some unfair digs, but overall this is proof that all hearts can change. The road to Damascus is still well lit.


  3. One thing the linked rant did point out that was correct and often overlooked is how bad an effect ole Red Panties had on the football program. Having an incompetent AD can kill a team. I suspect that if Damon Evans were still the AD at UGA CMR would have already been fired, Joker Philips would now be the HC in Athens and Georgia would be in last place in the SEC East. Every Georgia fan needs to send a thank you card to that girl from Augusta.


    • 3rdandGrantham

      Yep. As I’ve mentioned before, if people think CMR and ADGM have a frosty relationship, they are best buds compared to CMR’s former relationship with DE. Now that was the equivalent to USA-USSR relations in 1957.


  4. AthensHomerDawg

    “Words should only hold weight when honest intentions are behind them.”


  5. Timphd

    How does anyone still blame Bobo and/or comment on crayons? The guy was a great OC, especially in his last four or so years. Guess some people can’t give up a belief even in the face of facts.


    • Biggus Rickus

      And the offensive line coach? Friend did an excellent job. A job that is paying dividends for the new offensive staff.


    • john wingate

      Thanks for saying that! Every time I begin to think there’s hope for mankind , I read some of this stuff about Bobo, which reminds me again of the nuts in this world.


  6. ApalachDawg

    Is hell frozen?
    Wow,now that is a 180.


  7. JT (the other one)

    Whereas I don’t necessarily agree with him on our old OC…this is my favorite line:

    ” Isaiah McKenzie will not, I repeat will NOT be Auburn’s starting QB next year! ”

    Comedy gold!


    • dawgtired

      I enjoyed that reference as well. I swear this article could have been written by this group of GTP bloggers…I’ve read that whole article in bits and pieces right here over the last several weeks.


  8. Hogbody Spradlin

    Hear Hear!


  9. Noonan

    The culture changed in July 2013 when Jere Morehead took over.


  10. 3rdandGrantham

    If he would have included a mention of Penn Wagers, and how he’s no longer lurking about just waiting to ruin our day for a key game, that would have been in the pantheon of all-time best blog posts.

    Then again, Penn was more of an external factor, not internal, so I understand. It’s very rare that I ever forward UGA related content that I read, but that certainly will get will get passed along.


  11. UGA85

    Entertaining post. I’m glad the changes at UGA are being noticed. As for the game, the constant with our past two losses to Bama has been our being beaten at the line of scrimmage. I suspect this will be Bama’s strategy again on both sides of the ball. Hopefully, our S and C program and staff changes will help us hold up better.


  12. D.N. Nation

    So the offense looks good against ULM and an FCS school, great against USC (who is terrible), and lousy against Vanderbilt, and S&G is declaring that off of this we’re obviously a bajillion times better than the Bobo years. Holy smokes. And they call us Disney Dawgs.


  13. CCRider

    And I looked, and behold a pale horse………!


  14. charlottedawg

    I hate to be Debbie downer but there’s a very real possibility that tomorrow turns out to be same song different verse ala south Carolina 2012, Tennessee 06, the last blackout , etc. For all we know the senator could be writing another existential post about why the hell we looked like we spent the past at the Ramsey center high dives. The only thing we KNOW that’s different at butts mehre is that they’re spending more Money that’s it. Call me a bad fan but i got a bad bad feeling we’re going to get another painful reality check tomorrow about who we are: a program mismanaged from the top down as our structural flaws get exposed on a big stage again. Good god please let me be dead wrong.


    • charlottedawg

      Should’ve said “past week at the Ramsey. ….” & meant to post this in the “i saw a different Mark Richt ” post. This week is affecting my already limited mental capacity.


    • Sanford222view

      You sure you hate being a Debbie Downer? 😉


    • paul

      Well, I think we all agree that come Saturday night, we’re going to know a whole lot more about who we are or are not this year. Me, I’m channeling my full on Munson. I am optimistically pessimistic. Meaning I’m scared but excited. And just naive enough to believe we can actually win.


    • Russ

      How about the feeling after 2014 Clemson, or 2013 USCe or 2013 LSU, or 2011 #2 UF? Why focus on the negative? We have examples of positive, too.


      • That’s how I am gonig at this’un. There is a sanguine sense of calm floating thru the old head about the game; almost like I imagine what is in CMR’s bean on gamedays.

        It is high time to bring some holy payback for that 1st Half ugliness in 2008. And more than my gut tells me that this ’15 Dawg editiion is a squad capable of that.


      • Mike Cooley

        Thank you Russ. I’ve been texting back and forth with a buddy today (thank God I didn’t have to work today!) who is also feeling pessimistic. I told him we are going to win this game. I don’t know what it will look like but we are going to win. He said he knows we can and wants to feel that way but just doesn’t think we will. The reason? The past. He can’t enjoy this because of the past. I admit there have been times in seasons past that I felt the same way for the same reason. I fretted over past losses as examples of why we would shrink from the moment rather than grab it. I don’t feel like that this year. Why? This is a different team but more I portamtly this is a different program. I don’t know how much of it is Pruitt and how much of it is leaders like Chubb, Lambert, Michel, and Mitchell on offense and Jeenkins, Mays, and Floyd on defense etc. I think it is a combination of a lot of things. But this is not the old scared UGA that hoped to win and payed not to lose. I think dwelling on past failures is a fan problem mostly. I don’t think the players care about what happened before they got there in most cases. But I do think it affected the way the staff game planned and made decisions. This staff was not together for any of that stuff. We are going to beat these guys. And as soon as we do I am going to get on here and post, “They’re man enough!” Go Dawgs.


      • Dawgfan Will

        Those weren’t significant games because we won them.
