Ladies and gentlemen, your SEC East today…

… is a very different neighborhood.

2015 SEC Standings

Florida 5-0 3-0
Georgia 4-1 2-1
Kentucky 4-1 2-1
Missouri 4-1 1-1
Tennessee 2-3 0-2
Vanderbilt 2-3 0-2
South Carolina 2-3 0-3

Just like that, Georgia’s margin for error to get back to the Dome this season – if I can be allowed to go there this morning – has completely dissipated.  Any chance that Georgia could survive a loss in Jacksonville is nonexistent.  Not to mention which team is likely to be playing with more confidence over the next couple of months.

At least Georgia under Richt is used to playing from behind like this.


Filed under Georgia Football

50 responses to “Ladies and gentlemen, your SEC East today…

  1. roswelldawg

    Exactly. The win against UT was a gift but last night was a butt whipping by the lizards. Our OL needs more nastiness in their minds and heads if we are going to move up to the next level. And, who in the heck are we going to have as QB? Who can play that position?


    • W Cobb Dawg

      Whatever happened to the wildDawg? Nutt & arky used it effectively back when McFadden & Jones were a good RB tandem. I could see Sony doing a credible job with this once and a while. It doesn’t address our QB issues. But at least gives us some options for a few plays a game.


  2. MDDawg

    Gotta get past the vols first. One game at a time…


  3. This is exactly where we were on the 2nd Saturday in October in 2012. We had just had our teeth kicked in by South Carolina with a top 5 Florida team looming. We took care of business and ended up in the Dome. The difference is we had a QB that could put the team on his back. Right now, that QB is in Kansas City, and the one that could become that guy is in Lake Stevens, Washington.

    How is that for a balanced look for the rest of the season?


    • mikebozo

      And the Tide kicked our Defense for 350+ yards rushing and would do it again this year if we happen to back I to another SEC East title. 5 yards away was bullshit when we were actually 150 yards away which is what the Tide rolled up in the 4th quarter in 2012.

      The richting will continue


      • mikebozo

        back into


      • Sir, if we win out (questionable), there won’t be any backing into the East championship because we will have beaten every team in our division and Auburn on the Plains. If this team finds itself 11-1 on the first weekend of December with a playoff spot on the line, I’ll consider it a damn good season regardless of what happens in the Dome.

        We lost yesterday to a better and more hungry team. It’s time to move on and get ready for Tooth Nation.


        • Otto

          I wouldn’t say that. UGA can fall to UT, and still be in it. I don’t see UF winning out especially given LSU is still looming, and their absence of depth. UGA could come in a 2 loss team, and UF at 1 loss with the East on the line.


          • I understand and agree. I was just responding to the previous comment that if we make it to Atlanta, we’ll back into it. Every goal is still in front of us at this point if we win.


      • Chopdawg

        …until morale improves?


      • Otto

        true, and Bobo shouldn’t have gone 3 and out on the 2nd to last possession, UGA lost all 3 areas of the game


  4. TennesseeDawg

    We are what we’ve always been. A team that runs up to Alabama coming out on the field running our mouth and talking shit then go out and get the hell beat out of us. Another embarrassing defeat we’ve seen many times before under Richt.


    • Not defending the team before the game, but the Alabama players stopped on the Georgia end of the field during warm ups in front of the student section to jump around. It was clear that Saban told his team to do that. I thought both sides showed little class in that case.


      • ASEF

        Ya think? Saban felt his players got too amped before Ole Miss and claims to have chewed them out for losing focus again during warm-ups.


        • I’m just making the comment that in the heat of that moment where the Bama players gathered on our end of the field while we were warming up, I didn’t think our players were out of line. If the Tide players wanted to jump around, do it on your end of the field in front of your fans not between our players and the main student section.


      • ld

        Saban said it pissed him off that they did that and believe he had some words with them.


    • Dawgfan Will

      If they hadn’t done so and had still lost, everyone would be griping about how they let Bama do that without responding because they don’t have any fire. Damned if they do, damned if they don’t.


  5. Rampdawg

    Where’s the rest of my vodka? Have the Falcons played yet? Ah fuck it. I’m going back to passed out.


  6. mamadawg

    I’m wondering why we can’t seem to recruit a quarterback like Stafford anymore? Or Green for that matter. They(talking heads) always say how great our OL is? Huh? Why, in the name of all that is holy, does Richt stubbornly refuse to hire a ST coach? Baffling to me.

    I think the loss to Ole Miss had a lot to do with Alabama’s mindset yesterday. They lost badly at home and had to regroup and focus. I don’t care what anyone says, letting someone rack up 41 points in your backyard is losing poorly. That was their wakeup call and they adjusted and came back improved and ready to take care of business. We, on the other hand, talked big and pounded our chests, but we got the booby prize.

    If this team doesn’t come out next Saturday ready to take Ole Rocky Top and shove it straight up their ass, then our coaches didn’t do their job. We better play mean and we better play focused. Even with that, we still have a QB problem and it is a big one.

    Oh yeah, and for all of you guys that supported booing the team and/or Richt when we had a boat load full of recruits at our stadium…or for that matter…ever… find a team in the NFL to root for, they are paid to take that abuse, our kids aren’t. Lay off.


    • SAtownDawg

      the QB who should be starting for us led Clemson to the win last night…didn’t fit Bobo’s mold for a QB and we wouldn’t promise him that he would be our only QB recruit….we ended up with the great Jacob Park


    • I don’t give a flying fuck about the recruits at the game. In fact I hope they go elsewhere. Richt has wasted the talent of far too many recruits. I’ll gladly trade away a bunch of recruits if it means we can finally be rid of Mark Richt. But you’re out of your gourd if you think the booing is any worse than the beat down that was happening on the field. Yeah, come play at Georgia and be a part of this shit show. Great recruiting pitch.


      • Why don’t you go somewhere else?


        • Figuratively or literally? Because I’m across the country, so you can hardly blame this on me. UGA is my alma mater so I can’t exactly “go somewhere else” with my allegiance, can I? I’m tired of my university being embarrassed. I’m tired of my school being a joke. And that’s exactly what we are.


      • mamadawg

        So you genius logic is to throw all the kids under the bus so we can get rid of coach. They’re just collateral damage, huh, and the the loss is acceptable. Scorched earth, smacking head, why didn’t I think of that?


        • Throw the kids under the bus? I believe that’s what you and your ilk are doing who are trying to absolve Richt of this mess.

          The recruits have plenty of other options. And our current players can still play at the next level. The NFL is well aware that our roster is full of great players. Mark Richt has just never figured out how to get the most 0ut of them.


      • Mark Richt? Good coach. Nick Saban? Great coach

        bro c’mon and chill….who doesn’t want a coach that is .500 vs top 25 teams ? just remember, he makes up for the remainder of that because he is a “nice guy”. So that should make you feel better.


    • How many Staffords do you think are around?


  7. W Cobb Dawg

    Getting back to Bluto’s post, I really thought Ole Miss would give us some help. They got waxed just as bad as we did. Now fu has to go on a couple tough road trips against 2 teams fighting to stay in the hunt.

    Things couldn’t have worked out much better for us with lowly arky beating ut. ut fans have a lot more to bitch about their program, than we do about ours.


    • Good comment, WCD. I hope Leonard Fournette makes his case for the Heisman against the Gator defense.


      • ^^This. When FU beats LSU come see me then. All FU did yesterday was beat a media creation that upset Bama on an off night with a fluke play.


    • Will (the other one)

      Remember when people said Ole Miss got lucky vs Alabama? I think they were right. I’m not going to let one well-played upset erase close, ugly, lucky wins vs UK, UT, and even ECU.


  8. PatinDC

    The cherry on that crappy loss was UF taking it to Ole Siss. Blech.


  9. Will Trane

    The teams winning are teams with quarterbacks and an offensive staff that knows how to game plan. Will Grier at UF fits their offensive perfectly. Then look at how McElwan uses his TEs. Their offense allows the QB and TEs to get into alot of runs and short passes. Watch where and how UF lines them up on the LOS and off.
    OU and A&M have very mobile, savvy, strong arm QB for their offense. Thrown in Dabo and Clemson. How does a freaking sideshow like that recruit a QB and CMR and “Shotty” are clueless about it. Ramsey could be used like that rather than having him take deep shots down field against a very stout, experienced Dline and LB like Bama’s. He comes in when the starting center is on the sidelines with a leg injury. And “Shorty” dials up a play like that. I say to hell with the OC staff.
    Have ever noticed what happens to our QBs after a mistake. Well, the walk to the sidelines pissed and confused. And not one lousy HC or OC staff talks to them. Hell they do not even get a call from the coaches upstairs.
    Before Saban came across the field to shake hands with CMR, Saban looked up Coker, talked to him, and shook his hands. Probably said go thanks Pruitt for initially trying to get you to Bama.
    That has to go down has one of the fucking worst game plans ever in UGA history. For whatever many years CMR has been at UGA he has not had what I would call a stellar SEC QB. Not one player.
    If you think CMR is going to win the big game, well, keep on wishing and hoping because it will be an October day when hell freezes over and it snows on Sanford Stadium.


  10. Will Trane

    CMR is going to reevaluate the whole thing. Sounds like a clueless, low-energy coach to me.
    Where were the HC and the OC during the past two weeks re offensive game plan for Bama. The HC gave us a hint when he said Bama is experienced, deep, and they rotate 8 players, and I have just 5 guys to play against that. Well Mark, you were right.
    If you were in Sandford stadium and you felt like a watered tulip, you got a big clue watching the first 9 offensive plays and first 3 series. Most of us at home in the dry could tell the offensive would be lucky to score.
    Ever thing CMR’s offense is vertical. No edge plays of much use. Bama pursues well, but OC never froze the LBs. Smart felt comfortable letting CMR take his shots downfield vertically. Where were the TEs again. Look at UF how they use theirs. CMR would be better off to take them off the LOS and use another tackle or guard.
    All you want is for Chubb or Michel to get past the LOS, and they can play with the rest of a defense. Bama like every team we play is going to fill the gaps, stop the inside running game, and let the QBs give up the ball thru poor check downs, confusion, letting the ball slip out of your hands [not sure how big the QBs hands are, but small hands are good for certain pitchers and pitches in baseball but not football], uncorking an interception.
    No doubt a lot of yesterday’s lose can be placed on the OC staff, total lack of play from 2 qbs who are nowhere close to SEC quarterbacking, limited playbook [same look on every down], effective short passing ball control game.
    Dawgs were exposed in first four games, it only took a decent team to clean their clock on offense. But Bama is not a decent team, they are good. And they were kind to CMR in the fourth quarter,


  11. Other than the size of the deficit what about losing to Bama changes our expectations about the season? All summer bloggers here were talking about. “Split” against the 2 west teams, beating all the East teams and going to the Dome for the SEVCG and a possible playoff berth. We are still right there. Like usual our biggest competition is going to be FU. UT stinks, USC is putrid, Mizzou looks weak, Vandy is nothing on O and UL, while better is still UK. It is going to come down to the WLOCP. Whoever wins that game wins the East.


    • Sorry for the typos. Little keys and big fingers.


    • Other than the size of the deficit what about losing to Bama…

      Other than that, how was the play, Mrs. Lincoln? 😉


      • Bama gave up more points to Ole Miss in Tuscaloosa than the Dawgs did yesterday in Athens. Get over it. It’s just one loss. In 2012 SC laid a similar whipping on the Dawgs in Columbia and the Dawgs still almost won the SECCG and likely the BCSNC. The whole thing is still there for the Dawgs if they can just take it. Personally I think a lot of you guys on this blog are acting about this like spoiled children. Man up!!!


  12. ld

    Do you think part of the problem is that the East, as a whole, hasn’t been as strong the last few years? Players might think they have an easier time winning it and sink down to level of competition? Then when it comes to a real big game….Grasping here…


  13. The Georgia Way

    what’s the big deal? Why is everyone acting like we are BAMA and we got upset? it’s not like anyone thought we wouldn’t poop our pants the first time we got punched in the mouth. we will continue to lose as long as the fan base is satisfied with the status quo. just remember, he is a nice guy.
