Envy and jealousy, it’s selection committee time again edition

You guys know I’m not a fan of Cinderella when it comes to the college football postseason, but despite the subject of this piece, I’ve got to admit this is one helluva lede:

In roughly two weeks, the oligarchy that controls college football will begin its latest attempt to quantify that which defies quantification: On November 3, the College Football Playoff committee will issue the first of its weekly rankings, and given the joyous and unpredictable clusterfuck that this season has become, it will no doubt engender tremendous gales of message-board fury.

So much nailed there in one short paragraph.


Filed under Envy and Jealousy

3 responses to “Envy and jealousy, it’s selection committee time again edition

  1. The CFP committee is going to suck the life out of the sport if we don’t watch out. I can’t wait for the SEC champion to get left out, so we can hear the howling from Birmingham. The SEC should have NEVER agreed to the committee just to get a 4-team playoff.


  2. PLovey

    They’ll go with the 4 champs in the best 4 conferences.


  3. Got Cowdog?

    Will someone tell me what “Fricking” means?
